Friday, October 30, 2009


If you read the edgefield mudslinger this morning while you ate your pancakes you didn't have to put any syrup on them, you got all you needed from the sweet article written about the westside wonders. As I sat there in near diabetic coma reading the carefully worded article I wondered how others outside the community would view the county if the same consideration was given to all members of the county council and county employees and not be limited to the members of the triad of trepidation. What a wonderful world it would be for us all.

Any meeting that takes place where information can be used to educate anyone has value and this meeting did. It educated those in the audience that they need to be involved and attend meetings and voice their opinions. All zoning is published, which means you have to read a newspaper. If you don't like what you read, move away from the TV and voice your concern prior to any issue coming to a vote. So rather than being an angry mob with torches storming frankenstein's castle, get involved and remain informed. It was nice to see councilman Mee Too there last night since he was there to make sure everyone knows he votes with her and will remain "at her side" and will continue to be nothing more than a bump on a frogs bottom.

Mr. senior councilman was there to listen and remains a class act by his presence. There is no doubt that the county has some of the finest employees you could hope to find by the example that was set last night in the open forum and they are always there to answer questions you may have or help with issues. It would be nice if we heard more of this greatness on the edgefield mudslinger, now wouldn't it. (hint)

Obviously one or all members of the triad have found this blog since the cockroach placed his visit statistics on his editorial column, good show. And, to let the cockroach know 1073 people have viewed this blog in 8 days, hum. I have to admit there is value in the edgefield mudslinger and I don't think that anyone would disagree with the fact that it can have value and perhaps be a recognized news source one day. The objection most have is the editorial comments, editors slanted views, personal vendettas against council members, county employee abuse, personal attacks against business leaders and the racist minds column that can serve no purpose but to allow anonymous hate to flow and harm innocent folks that are trying to live life in the county the best they can. Only the editor has the control over the content and can change this. Now if you remove all the conspiracy theories, racial overtones and personal comments it could be something for all to enjoy.

I am certain that anyone that reads about themselves in a negative way walk away feeling like a rape victim without any defense. How would anyone feel if they were attacked without cause and without a means to defend themselves. If this was corrected we could all move forward as a community. Perhaps the cockroach and the rest of the triad don't understand the feeling, or do they and not care. Perhaps the cockroach cannot change, but I would challenge him to make the effort. It may actually lead to good things in his life, rather than people having a negative impression of him and this community.

So next time an article is written, pour syrup over all of the pancakes not just a few and we all will have a sweet life in the county.

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