Saturday, October 17, 2009

Merriwether Halloween Spooktacular

It was announced today that there will be a town hall meeting held in the Merriwether area on the 29th, which can only stir up problems that don't exist. BUT, it will give the cockroach editor of edgefield daily the opportunity to praise the two council members from the area. YES, it will be a spooktacular event with the bride of Frankenstein and the brainless ghoul leading the charge up the hill of stupidity.

The apparent reason for the town hall is to discuss zoning changes that are to take place that both of these mental midgets are opposed to. For them to even discuss anything like this is a total waste of time for anyone that has not had their brain removed, reason being that neither the warlock or the witch have any training in zoning. Heck, they both have no training and have refused to obtain any during this year, so why would anyone think for a moment that they have anything intelligent to offer the public. WHY the meeting? So the beloved County Cockroach Editor will have something to twist into the ultimate horror story for all to fear during our Halloween season. BOOOOO, are you scared now? The thing that should scare you is the fact that either of these unqualified council members were actually elected in the first place, now that IS scary !!. Transparency is the buzz word in politics these days, but ghosts are transparent too as they have no substance, just like these two council members from the Merriwether area.

Does anyone think for a moment these two dipsticks from council could carry a conversation about zoning, and again, WHY, call a town hall meeting?? The way zoning changes take place, to clue in the clueless new council members, a citizen requests a change and fills out paperwork, it goes to the planning and zoning committee that approves or disapproves the request, if it is disproved it goes away, if it is approved it goes to council for a vote after publishing in the newspaper. Anyone that objects can do so in writing or show up to the meeting (that is announced in the newspaper) to object to the zoning change. If no one writes or shows up to object the motion is passed. Just as in this case, no one shows up, no one objects, second time, second vote. What do these two boobs not understand? Not much more to figure out, except they are making something out of totally nothing and asking for people to get excited about something they could care less about.

Why announce this meeting in the Edgefield daily since it is not a recognized news source for the county and not in the local printed and qualified category? Only to lure people to this dead drum beating the hate in the county and smearing innocent people.

WHY is the NAACP not involved in this? Do they not care that two of the BLACK council members are being disparaged on a edgefield daily basis. They were elected by the citizens that feel they are adequate to lead, apparently the cockroach disagrees as do the two that are supported by this venue. Looks like a black and white issue with the chairman not getting involved as his true professionalism dictates. MY VIEW on this spooktacular event is for every black and Hispanic person in the county to show up and ask for their resignations due to their apparent association with and support of this racist outlet known as Edgefield daily, and then boycott all the advertisers on this racist forum.

Sure, he does get comments from people other than himself, two others to be exact. The bride of Frankenstein and the brainless ghoul.

Happy Halloween in advance, don't eat the candy they serve !!

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