Monday, October 26, 2009

Getting hits and Snake Oil

According to an article about website "hits" they warn people to make sure the smooth talking salesman does not try to "con" you.

Anyone ever thinking of buying advertising anywhere on the web should understand the different terms prior to paying anyone money.

Make sure that you understand the following three terms that are used, almost interchangeably, to talk about the numbers of people visiting your web site. If you do not understand them, a smooth tongued salesman will try to con you, with talk of large numbers of "hits".

  • "Unique" or "visit" - this is what you really want to know. It means one individual visitor who arrives at your website and proceeds to browse.

  • "page views" or "impressions" - once a "unique" gets to your site they will look at 1 or 2 or more pages. On average they will look at about 2.5 pages. In geek speak, each page a visitor looks at is called a "page view" or "impression". Basically, the more pages each unique visitor looks at, the more chance you have of making a sale.

  • "hits" - the real black sheep in the family. The average web site owner thinks that it means visitors, but it does not. In geek speak it refers to the "number of files downloaded". Important to a geek but not to you or me. If you imagine the average web page, it has photos (each photo is a file and hence a hit) and lots of buttons (each button is a file and hence a hit). The average page has about 15 of these, essentially programming files.

So one visit to an average hotel website will generate 3 page views and 45 hits or 1 visit = 3 page views = 45 hits.

So when I say the average hotel site generates only 5 visits per day, pity the web site owner who puffs his chest and tells me proudly it must be exceptional as it is getting 200 hits per day. 200 hits means around 5 unique visits.

All according to that article. If you don't believe this click on the link for confirmation, if you don't care, continue to pour your money into the pocket of a con artist.

Now armed with credible information, lets look at the edgefield daily mudslinger.

Main page consists of 11 losers that advertise there with links (hits), 64 links(hits) to other areas and 404 links(hits) to "alleged" news articles total = 479 "hits", racist minds section 200 links(hits), back to main page another 479 "hits" again, look at something he wrote in a turdatorial and back another 479 hits. All from 1 visit is a total of 1512 "hits". Therefore if take this scenario and divided by the 2.5 million alleged "hits" only a total of 1653 people have actually visited the edgefield mudslinger in a month and they may be repeat offenders. Pretty poor performance in comparison to any other websites in the world wide web. So stop bragging cockroach, you aren't really as popular as you think you are. This little blog has had 600 new folks look at it in a month and they stumbled on it or it was referred to them.

So what about this cockroach snake oil salesman at the edgefield mudslinger that is boasting about all of his millions of hits, blah, blah. Are there really 1 or 2 million people looking at his website...... nope. Are there 1 or 2 million people in edgefield.. not hardly and we have proven it. He just has a bunch of links, artwork and those little head banging icons that count every time they bang their heads. Perhaps his increase in his "hits" in the last few months was only the addition of more artwork, and leftover links that are counted every time the page comes on your screen, or maybe those little headbangers on his racist minds column are moving faster??

So if he is selling advertising based on "hits" these people are buying nothing but a record of "hits" on artwork, not content brought to you from the great manipulator of the truth.

More REAL newspapers are sold that have credible information in Edgefield county on a weekly basis so why not put your advertising there since you actually get MORE exposure?

Only a fool would pay this con artist.

You are getting "hit" with snake oil.

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