Thursday, October 29, 2009

It starts with I

After reading the article regarding the sheriff dropping his investigation into the concession funds in both local newspapers yesterday it seems that the triad of trepidation need to prepare a formal apology to be given to a certain senior council member and the recreation director. Perhaps even a pucker and a slight kiss on the southern backside as well. For any council member to accuse another council member or a department head of wrongdoing without a real reason is just plain wrong. To have the edgefield mudslinger do your dirty work is even more tragic.

It should be apparent to every citizen in this county that all three of them (cockroach editor and 2 westside wonders) are connected and will never work with others to actually do anything positive for those they were elected to represent, much less the county employees or the county. Here is the rub, neither of them bothered to show up at an important community meeting that was held by the mayor, to get community input and suggestions, BUT they want everyone to come to the Merriwether Halloween spooktacular town hall. Always wanting their terms and their self made issues to be spewed on the public, now they couldn't be at a community meeting to answer questions, but they sure can be elsewhere to create problems. So if they can't lower themselves to show for a meeting that someone else sponsors, should you show up for their conspiracy theory show? That is a personal decision as a taxpayer. But, here are some questions you may want to ask them.
  • Do you both have an apology ready to give to the recreation director
  • Do you both have an apology ready to give to the senior council member
  • Do you both have an apology for the public for your inappropriate behavior
  • Do you have a plan for the crime spree in your district
  • Will you explain your relationship with the edgefield mudslinger
  • What will you do to counteract the negative view that the edgefield mudslinger has on the county employees, other county members and the negative impact it has on the area.
  • What steps will you take to relieve the taxpayer from additional expense incurred by the sheriffs department regarding multiple unfounded conspiracy theories fueled by the edgefield mudslinger.
  • Do they approve of the cheap shots the edgefield mudslinger takes at other county employees or is the edgefield mudslinger voicing their view.

If they don't have a good answer for any of those questions you may want to start looking for someone to elect that CAN answer those questions.

There may be other things to consider, so while you are snacking on your dollar menu item you may want to ponder your concerns and bring a list if you choose to show. The other council members may want to hear your concerns on their tape recorders, since it is actually a westside wonder party and really don't need to be there.

The answer I would be most interested in starts with an I.

I am sorry, would be a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Puh-lease, those three wouldn't apologize for anything if their lives depended on it. They are always right, don't ya know.
