Monday, October 26, 2009

Milking Chickens

By definition a blog is : a frequent chronological publication of personal thought and weblinks.

Anyone can set up a blog and put personal thoughts, journal family adventure, church outings and then can opt to share this with the world or keep it private. The difference between a local recognized news source and a blog is that the content in a news source is validated and is in print, thus meeting multiple levels of criteria ensuring the information provided is true and non-slanderous. If you purchase a copy of any of the local Edgefield papers you will note that none of the content is skewed to place harm on any citizen in the county and certainly not inflict negative views. Sure edgefield daily mudslinger is free, but again you get what you pay for if you seek slanted editorials and anonymous "guest" rants against respected members of the community.

Any time that the cockroach is labeled as a blogger and not treated as a news source he immediately attacks that person and they get placed on his personal vendetta list for future accusations and negative comment. An excellent example is in his recent turdatorial comment about the mayor not calling him about a meeting that was attended by the "real" news people. AND AGAIN we have to bring someone else into the picture, Papa Smurf?? Must be one of those light loafer pet names he has for someone in the community, not sure, just a guess. What a big boo hoo blogger sobbing adventure that was for those to read.

So why would anyone want to call a blogger to attend any function in this county, especially the cockroach that will only spin things into some bizarre conspiracy? I am certain it would have become some negative adventure for us all. The likelihood of this turd to place a positive light on anything in the county would be as high as someone getting milk from a chicken.

Perhaps if he cleaned up himself and his act and acted right he would be a recognized news source, but then again, you can't get milk from a chicken.

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