Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cast of Characters

What an amazing cast of characters the Cockroach reporter of Edgefield Daily mudslinger totally avoids in all of his comments section on purpose and by contrast who he chooses to attack on a daily basis. Lets start with the old school council members. There is a chairman and two members of council that have been re-elected countless times by the citizens of their district. They must obviously identify with those that elect them and take care of their needs otherwise they would not be there. They don't seem to have an axe to grind and are there just to take care of the needs of the citizens of the county without all the drama. Then we have two members that have no apparent experience with government affairs and are the most vocal. One has made all the contributions of a burned out light bulb in a dark room, the other is just there as a source for insider information and has also not made any effort to understand the system. The later two are conveniently absent from any negative comments, certainly makes one wonder why. Perhaps they share the negative viewpoint of the Editor, time will only tell.

Today there is a County Council meeting and the cockroach reporter is getting his homeless clothes ready to attend, maybe he will uncover the conspiracy he has in his mind, maybe not. If he doesn't be sure to know he will make it up as he goes along to justify his mistakes and comments. He wants everyone to come to the meeting so he can ramble and accuse.


  1. Hey, don't you talk about me like that, I'll call SLED. I believe in anonymous free speech, but only so long as I agree with it!

  2. I don't know who you are, but I like your views
