Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nacho Cheese, Nacho Profit

With the headlines on Edgefield daily mudslinger stating " County Councilman Requests audit of concession funds" we should revisit some of the other posts here to show the shear stupidity of this issue and those behind it.

In the past the issue at hand was discussed very plainly. Lets recap.
  • The county owns a concession trailer ~ check
  • The county does not staff the concession trailer with employees - check
  • The county does not purchase food that is sold in the concession trailer - check
  • The county does not clean up after the concession sales - check
  • The county does not serve food to the public out of the concession trailer- check
  • Citizens pay money to those that provide the food out of the concession trailer - check

Now given those facts, why would anyone be entitled to any proceeds of sales if they did not staff, purchase or sell products from the concession trailer unless it was those individuals that actually purchases the goods and supplied the service.

Apparently in the Merriwether area you are.

If this is true and you live in Mount Vintage and your kids set up a lemonade stand in your front yard, watch out................... the Westside Wonders will want a piece of the action.

But, the county will now have to accept the burden of employee time and expense in this tail chaser because the Merriwether council members didn't take common sense in school. Perhaps they should be sent the bill. Audit what, proceeds, this is beyond foolish.

If you visit the Edgefield county website you will see that they hire a accounting firm to audit their books every year, did they make a mistake? Are these two bozos questioning the professional integrity of a major accounting firm?

Apparently, the cockroach editor does not like the recreation director and since he has the full cooperation of the two senseless county council members in the Merriwether area this will now cost the county money to find money that it is not entitled to or even exists.

What a tremendous example of fiscal responsbility being displayed by these two. Seems as though the taxpayers have a choice coming... get out your checkbooks to pay for these conspiracy theories or get out and vote these two back under their rocks.

Lets make this even more simple for these two council members, others buy, supply and serve the nacho cheese and when they sell it, it's nacho money.

Give it some thought.

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