Thursday, October 22, 2009

What is that sound

Obviously, last night at the Westside power meeting with the cockroach and two Westside council members in attendance there were not any new items to discuss, but new folks to slander. Now for some reason we need to not only trash one senior member of council, we need to drag the others into the paranoid conspiracy theory.

One thing for sure you will not have any problem finding the cockroach today, he will be the one walking around with one arm longer than the other due to him patting himself on the back, while others would likely prefer to place a size 10 shoe where the sun don't shine. Reading his self congratulatory column this morning almost made me lose my biscuit. What a raging moron. He states that the sheriffs department is going to investigate, funny I always thought it was illegal for anyone to investigate themselves. Kinda like having the cashier at McDonalds figure out where the money went from their own cash drawer. I am certain that the Sheriffs Department will tell this idiot where to take his request. Maybe he can cry to SLED so they can get another deep belly laugh at his request, after his last event reporting someone complaining about his racist venue. Now we haven't heard anything about that now have we? It's because they are still laughing at him in Columbia.

If you look at all of this enough I bet this guy was picked on in school and always said " I'm Tellin' ", funny how little things change for some when they grow up.

I was again so happy to read that he again brings up the Westside Wonders and tries to label them as champions for the people, here comes the biscuit again, gulp. Now if you think back you will remember that you have known these people all your life, they were in the Wizard of OZ. The one council member was the scarecrow (no brain) and the other was the one that trained and controlled the flying evil monkeys that attacked the munchkins.

So keep your children indoors if you live in Mount Vintage, the flying evil monkeys will attack your children's lemonade stand and take all their money.

Keep in mind that these folks are supposed to represent their constituents as someone that they can identify with. Have you ever wondered why these two council members are always painted in the most positive perspective on the Edgefield mudslinger. I wonder why this is. Is it because they supply the cockroach with inside information (felony) or totally agree with everything he says. You know if you disagree with the editor he will trash you. So, they must both agree with everything he says, involve themselves in his conspiracy theories (now costing the taxpayer money) and possess racist views.

If these are not your personal beliefs you need to prepare a candidate that does reflect your views, rather than subject everyone to their sick agenda. They both want you to take your eyes from the fact they are not doing what they were elected to do and apparently do not understand what they are to do either. It's time for them to put out or get out.

Sure, go to their Merriwether Halloween Spooktacular Town Hall, be sure to ask them about their association with Edgefield Daily, then ask for them to step down.

Edgefield County deserves better.

What is that sound? Flying evil monkeys, or one hand clapping?

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