Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pass the pitchfork please

According to the latest manure spread on the web this morning by the cockroach editor a Freedom of Information request was submitted for a letter that was sent by the poster boy of stupidity. In the letter it requested an audit of concession funds, etc... Well hoop de doo, I wonder how the cockroach found out about the letter that was sent? Lets think this one through........ If you send a letter to anyone, it is normally imparting information or requesting information and remains between both parties until the matter is resolved, right? So why tell anyone about a communication or leak the information to the mud blogger unless you need someone to toot your horn or show that you are the man of the people, fighting for their rights. Get the pitchfork ready, there is likely more manure on the way. I think the problem was solved yesterday with our remedies to the situation, go sell some weenies dude, and quit being one.

As the term payback is a B, so is the smear campaign that is being waged against a senior council member by the two junior council members and the cockroach editor. You really need to look past the garbage to see the rats in this case. This goes back to the last council meeting with the senior council member called him out and made him look stupid since he nearly denied he was in a meeting that discussed the concession funds, etc.. Believe me, it does not take much to make this guy look stupid, he is already there. So who is behind all the shenanigans? Most likely the supreme Merriwether witch and the cockroach editor, with the other dufus council member from Merriwether as their mouthpiece. It is obvious they don't want to play nice.

Is this what you want in the Merriwether area? Do these people represent your views? Are you a spiteful, back stabbing redneck in business suit? If you are, you are well represented, if not you need to find a suitable candidate to take the place of these two troublemakers.

These two deceiving wonders to public office cast doubt in the mind of the citizens and point fingers toward improper actions, secret meetings and good ole' boy methods that don't exist to divert your attention to what they are really NOT doing. Don't concern yourself with the direction of their fingers, they meet regularly and discuss their plans to destroy everything and everyone in their way to confirm that they are right, when their small minds cannot comprehend what is truly necessary to manage the affairs of the county.

So we all watch as they cover up their lack of leadership and knowledge by attacking others in office, department heads and the public by releasing information for bad use to the cockroach. Sad, Sad state of affairs.

Can't we all get on the same page and do what is right for the citizens of Edgefield county and stop all the drama? Show up for meetings informed and with an open mind without some personal agenda or vendetta.

Please, spread the manure on the garden to grow things and keep it out of our county government. Thanks.

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