Friday, October 23, 2009

No Smoke yet

As most of the citizens of the county likely know there is an unfilled position in county government since the unfortunate resignation of the past county administrator. If my memory serves correctly this took place in September, with the advertisement of the position with a limited number of applicants. I am sure that most would scratch their heads wondering why there weren't thousands of folks flocking to the job in this pristine setting, but the reality of it all is that people get the wrong impression of the area from the garbage comments on the edgefield daily mudslinger.

With November fast approaching you wonder if any progress has been made in filling this position or has everyone dropped out and decided to do something else (ie: bullfighting, waterboarding subject, hunting with Dick Chaney) rather than to be subjected to the cockroach's insidious daily remarks fueled with insider information. If this is so, that would be good information for the public to hear.

It does not take much to see that the two westside wonders and the cockroach editor of his blog can be seen as the "triad of trepidation". So anyone stepping into this function will immediately, if not prior to accepting the position, get pounded on both fronts. This poor subject will get it in the office by the two mindless merriwether mental midgets and the editor that wants to cover up their lack of management experience. It will be hard for anyone to do this job with the scarecrow asking what day it is and having all the evil flying monkeys purching on the county admin building.

Whoever walks into this buzzsaw will have his or her hands full in the position because the Cockroach will do his best to turn everyone against the new administrator mostly because whoever it is will have management experience unlike the two boobs from turniptown.

Just as in the circumstances of when they elect a new pope we will likely have to wait until the white smoke comes from the chimney over the admin building and the new person is announced.

Make certain that you support this person no matter who it is and welcome him or her to Edgefield County.

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