Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where the money be

Well our cockroach editor of edgefield daily likely had to sleep in this morning since he was up late last night looking for left over bisquits in the dumpster behind McDonalds. NO, he was at the Recrreation Board Meeting discussing the concession money missing from the county budget.

Now riddle me this cockroach carny, what is the big deal anyway. Let me see, the county owns a concession trailer, the county does not purchase any food or snacks to be sold out of the trailer, does not staff the trailer during the games, does not clean up the trailer after the games. So what would lead anyone to the conclusion that profit of sales should go into the county treasury?? Sure if there is money donated back to help with the purchase of uniforms, etc perhaps it should show somewhere in the recreation budget, but since the county doesn't operate the concessions those that do really don't need to donate anything to anyone. I believe that is called profit, otherwise why would a church or any organization mess with a concession operation, duh.

Now we have our unemployed genious councilman arguing with a senior member of council in public about a matter he knows nothing about to start with and has little to offer in the way of a solution. Good chest pounding in public dipstick ! What do you have hidden under your pillow? Something for the tooth fairy perhaps?

Here are some solutions, pick one:

~Sell the trailer and have it removed from the property, let everyone bring their own poptarts and sodas, or let them tailgate.

~Rent the trailer to church youth organizations.

~Have the two new council members take turns selling weenies to the public out of the trailer, a product they can identify with.

This entire issue is a non-issue as always, no coverup, no corruption, just people trying to run a under funded program the best they can. But the real issue at hand is why this is front page news on Edgefield daily mudsling. The matter conspired so that the supreme witch can get her puppet some positive face time since he looked like a bumbling idiot and was called to the carpet by a senior councilman at the last meeting. What a poster child for stupid this guy is and to make matters worse, he was elected by people that had the false impression he knew what he was doing. Next time see if Forest Gump is available.

The cockroach editor makes a big deal out of the senior member of coucil not knowing the name of a charity, big deal, now that is cutting edge information we could have done without. The question of the day is don't these people have something more important to do with their lives?

Apparently not !!

Can't wait for the two council people to put in some comments into the wandering minds section so the cockroach can answer them.

Put some of that on your hotdog..

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