Monday, October 19, 2009

Finger pointing, which one

Today's non-news is a rehash of the never ending story of concession money. It is apparent the cockroach editor has extensive experience in vending, concessions, etc.. Where did he get this experience? During his drug crazed years did he work as a Carny traveling with the circus people? This may explain his concern and apparent attacks on the recreation director, either way he has problems with authority.

I wonder why he doesn't cover the fact that one of the new council members has attended all of the recreation meetings, was involved in the conversation at the meeting, came to a conclusion as to what to do, THEN he shows up at the council meeting acting like he was just born. Amazing, totally amazing, maybe he should be nominated for an academy award for acting dumb. Perhaps he made a decision without the cockroach editors wife in tow and she didn't agree with what he came up with, so not to tick her off, he decided to play stupid..... no folks he wasn't playing, this dude is really that stupid. When he gets caught being stupid he throws the nearest person under the bus and declares he knows nothing, just as he has done with others in the past. When called on the carpet at the last meeting by a senior member of council, he stated he didn't hear it or understand it, DUH, so why was this guy sitting there in the first place and what was his contribution other than warming a seat? None, and this is his only job, he doesn't have a real job like the rest of the world, he must have married well too, just like the cockroach.

The county needs to get this guy a copy of "councilman for dummies" but he would have to get his main squeeze or her husband the cockroach editor to read it to him, and then explain it to him, then remind him what he was supposed to do. What would happen to this idiot if he actually made a decision that did not agree with the supreme witch, would she boil him publicly into a broth, I don't think he wants to go there with her !!! So if you don't like him, get rid of him and take her with him as well. Neither of them have made any contribution to the county and have refused to learn what they are supposed to do, other than pass confidential information out of private meetings to the cockroach so he can spin lies. It is easy to criticize, it is harder to actually make a contribution, which neither of them wish to do. Their only intent is to create harm and inflict discord in the county.

Want a prediction for this week? How about we discuss the concessions for a day, then the EMS for a day, then we will continue to pick a fight with the county attorney, then we will go back to bashing the administrator applicants. See if I am wrong.

I think everyone has a special finger for the cockroach editor.

Send them packing.

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