Friday, October 16, 2009

Perez strikes again

Edgefield's version of Perez Hilton, the slimy cockroach editor of the edgefield daily blog, has struck again with a smear campaign against the applicants for the recently vacated county administrator position.

It seems that the list is getting shorter and shorter, which makes one wonder is there something wrong with the county or is the negativity that is projected in his blog the real reason. I would hazard to guess that the smear campaign would discourage anyone. He listed the finalists in the most negative light one could imagine, job hoppers, drunks, old people and good ole boys, what a professional this cockroach seems to be.

If he was a true caring citizen of the county he would welcome anyone to the fold as most citizens of the county would. BUT, he wouldn't be popular, he would just be the guy that took a load of drugs and alcohol in his life, is on disability and married well, otherwise he would be a regular on the police bookings photo line up and likely picking up cans on the road to support his hobby. What is up with him being on disability anyway, isn't he crawling all over wrecks and saving lives as a first responder, doesn't sound like anyone on disability to me !!

He seems to be really picking on one applicant in particular and one really needs to look past what is presented to see the truth that he does not want to be disclosed, Confidential information leaking out of the council. If you google names such as the slime ball claims he has you will not find any of the information he claims and certainly their resumes were not given to him, so how did he get this information to smear the folks that would step up into the role. The only way this can be is that his wife, a council member, has given him the information or her co-council puppet that has no brain and votes anyway she wants him to. Last time we checked it is against the law for any council member to give out confidential information or share any information outside of executive session. This is something that SLED should investigate and send both of them back to the cracks in the wall they crawled out of.

Why all this negative energy toward one candidate? Well perhaps he is afraid this person will shut him down by running the county in a fashion that no one can complain, then he won't have anything to write about or create. Perhaps this person will find out how the information is passed in the night to him so he can continue to cause problems in the county, that may concern him very much.

Anyone with a brain can see the connection to the information that leaves and the information that is used for no good. Creating issues and doubt is a sign of serious mental illness and the editor should look for help.

Something smells in the county government and it is starting to show on the two new council members. If anyone needs to leave the council position it is surely those two, not the ones that have governed the county for quite some time. Someone really needs to start digging rather than be on the defense.

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