Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Which way do you moo

I noticed a recently posted comment about the chairman, his voting and the company he keeps, boy is this the pot calling the kettle. Let us all look at the company that the westside wonders keep ---the cockroach editor of the edgefield mudslinger, now there is something to brag about. Anytime you go to a council meeting it seems you are subjected to a 3-2 vote or in our case 3 votes FOR 1 AGAINST and a MEE TOO vote. We all fail to see that what they are voting on are ordinances, state and federal mandates that are needed for county operations and generally written by the 3 that are doing their jobs. The westside wonders have offered nothing in the form of intelligent debate, or legislation and only criticize the work of others. So what do these two offer the citizens, other than trying to organize a march on the council building to cover up their own misguided representation. Yes, still nothing.

Maybe it would be a good time for councilman Mee Too to publicly apologise to the senior councilman and the recreation director for his participation in the recreation conspiracy, you remember the nacho money conspiracy. How about an update on the nacho money conspiracy councilman Mee Too? Or will you deny you were anywhere near the meeting again? Maybe we will see another vote against protecting the privacy of the county employees again from the westside witch in her quest to protect the cockroach and the edgefield mudslinger? This action is both ill-informed and ignorant.

We also have to stir up the conspiracy theory about a building purchase, AS IF there is some underlying issue. My belief regarding the purchase is why not utilize a building that is close to the workings of the county and providing the citizens walking distance to conduct their business rather than driving all over the county. Makes sense to me and I am certain that if anyone asks to see a plan for the building it would be provided. But, we have to stir the pot now don't we. Maybe we should consider resurrecting the pony express so the county employees can move the documents around the various offices. Giddy Up.

Sure, there are always those that will never be happy, but those are the minority. Here is an example; driving down the road in the morning if you look into a pasture of cows grazing, you will see that 90% of them are facing the same direction, 10% of them are not. Maybe people are like that too. Everyone needs to determine which group they identify with. Do you see good intentions in the county 90% or 10% of the time and should the focus always be placed on the 10% or the reverse. It seems as though the mudslinger caters to the 10% all of the time.

I do admit the cockroach has slowed down a bit and I applaud him for his efforts. Perhaps he is giving serious thought of what it would be like to be mental rape victim of the racist minds column or the negative impact it truly has on the community. Or, is it perhaps due to some advertising that was pulled from the main page because the advertiser didn't want to be associated with the racist minds column, interesting now isn't it. Word on the street is that there are more prepared to follow this precedent unless things change quickly at the mudslinger.

Which way to you moo.

1 comment:

  1. Amen and amen to the E Avenger. It is about time someone stood up to the greatest detriment to Edgefield County in nearly 20 years and I applaud the creativity of the E Avenger for taking him (the cockroach) headon on his own territory. I am sure he doesn't think its nearly as funny now.
