Thursday, November 12, 2009

Empty lunchbox

We continue to be subjected to the racist minds page with a re-post of his disturbing video that for some reason the cockroach editor thinks it is funny. I thought for a moment how proud this makes the two merriwether council members and how proud everyone in his family must be of the cockroach's accomplishments, the bar is set low in my opinion. Certainly makes you think of what an example this cockroach sets for those in his family and it makes you wonder what permanent damage this all will cause since the negative impact it has on the community is immense.

The cockroach editor stated that the folks displayed in his little video smear were public officials and all they can do is "whine and cry", but it is unclear why he feels compelled to smear these people on a seemingly daily basis. Sure, they may be public officials but they conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, but of course we are not discussing the westside wonders in that regard. Why not put those two in the video? Perhaps there is preference? Of course there is!

Elected officials are expected to display a certain decorum as well as family members so there is not anything that may be construed as unprofessional or unethical. Seems to me the westside wonder woman needs to put her cockroach on a leash and put an end to the racist minds page, negative editorials as well as the personal attacks that are waged against members of the community, OR, be fully accountable for the actions of the editor since this all goes on under her roof. Does she not see what this does to the community, does she not care, or are these her views? Silence is not an answer and can only be considered to be in cooperation and agreement with what transpires. This goes for councilman Mee Too as well, apparently he is fully on-board and does what he is told and votes the way he is instructed to.

If the westside wonders can't find a voice to make their views on the edgefield mudslinger known, and work toward the ending of this community divider, then perhaps they don't have the best interests of the community at heart and should be replaced with someone that does. If a respected member of the church community wants no part in the mudslinger, maybe that should say it all.

Apparently we elected an empty lunchbox.


  1. From Wikipedia (

    Justice Brennan suggested that public officials may sue for libel if the publisher published the statements in question with "actual malice."

    Isn't what the cockroach doing "malicious"?

  2. According to the State Ethics Section 8-13-340, Code of Laws for South Carolina "No public official, public member, or public employee may disclose confidential information gained as a result of his responsibility as a public official, public member, or public employee that would affect an economic interest held by himself, a member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated." If these people are giving the cockroach information are they guilty of an ethics violation.
