Wednesday, November 11, 2009


When you walk around the county lately it seems that people are different for some reason and it occurred to me that perhaps they feel relieved that they may see some light at the end of the tunnel with the negative postings on the racist minds page, one can only hope. Yes, freedom of speech works both ways and I will continue to take this cockroach to task everytime he feels compelled to trash others in his self righteous racist forum. This county is too good a place for rumor, gossip and hate and is truly filled with good people just trying to get by and others that support the community the best they can with limited resources. Good people are hurt by his comments and negative views, such as the fact that anyone that has kids playing soccer will have to bring their own drinks and snacks this year since the concession will be closed.

Be sure to thank the cockroach and the westside wonders for that happening.

It is real hard for folks to wake up and read slanted and negative comments about themselves and then have others look at them like they are guilty of something that they have not done. Sadly we have all had to endure the madness of the racist minds page for years and it is time for it to stop so we all can see the greatness of this county.

The cockroach is now saying in his racist minds page, he has "nothing to add to today's conversation", but he has to throw his 3 cents in on everything that is placed there. Why just not say anything? Or, why just not take the page off and concern yourself with the facts and not some conspiracy that is self-made to make him important? The actions of the cockroach ARE indicative of an unstable person with a mission to bring shame to this county and those that serve it and live here.

It seems that some of the advertisers on the mudslinger blog are just not there anymore. Thank you, I can eat fried chicken again. Perhaps these owners are getting some comments from those that visit their businesses or have figured out maybe their decline in sales was due to their association with the racist forum of the mudslinger and the cockroach editor. Who knows what is happening, but I am glad that people are waking up and placing their advertising elsewhere. But, there are always those that don't truly support the community and involve themselves in selfish interests and support division in the community we all live in and love. There just isn't enough make-up to cover the warts that are spread at the mudslinger, hint. The cockroach says that he gives to charities locally, well free advertising isn't a donation last time I checked.

Perhaps the cockroach will now know what it feels like to have someone put him in the same position he has placed others in for years and will experience how others look at him, sadly there is always collateral damage, but things can change if the cockroach will stop what he is doing and start becoming a supportive feature in the county rather than destructive. Only he has the power to change this and I would encourage him to do so.

Waking up and seeing bad things printed about you will give you that burning sensation in your stomach. I guess at 12:30 this morning the cockroach now has it after a comment was placed on the post previous (no arrest) regarding some information about someone having a criminal record. Not sure if it is the cockroach editor of the mudslinger this anonymous posted is referring to, but if it is.......

Don't worry, Pepto Bismol may help that burning sensation.

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