Monday, November 23, 2009

Beating of the Drum

Good Morning to all in the county. I was disappointed to see that the racist minds page is still up and beginning the upswing toward the next council meeting. Things never change do they? I was hoping that someone would have convinced this monkey to see the light and do the right thing but apparently either they speak the same voice or he is just too pig headed to listen to reason. It takes a big man to admit wrongdoing and correct a misdeed, but a small man with a small mind and sick agenda will march on apparently.

Don't worry this will be a big week for for the cockroach, not preparing to give thanks, but to shovel more manure in the direction of those that have the addiction. Yes addiction! If you don't believe it why just not visit his website, take a walk, enjoy others that love being here for a week and see if your attitude isn't different. How about not trying to operate the county based on this reprobates' opinion for a week and see if things aren't different? You can't save everyone I guess because there are those that thrive on his negative and paranoid conspiracies and actually believe what he writes, which should make him more responsible but has created him as a self imposed celebrity and critic of others. You have all heard the term "don't eat yellow snow", well how about "don't support yellow journalism" on the edgefield mudslinger, now that should be a good motto to go with your cup of coffee in the morning.

In other news I see that there is some concern that the potential new administrator hasn't committed, give us all a break. If this guy is really a professional he won't commit until he has had time to consider all the logistics. Maybe he has been reading the edgefield mudslinger and will not come due to the influence it seems to have in how the county makes decisions and decide to go hunting with Dick Cheney or become a test dummy for the next generation of waterboarding instead, you just never know. I hope he does decide to take the job and give a different perspective on things for a change.

I also noticed the cockroach is getting lots of questions about the anti-blogger identity crisis he is having. Well we sure have danced around that answer long enough to see that he really doesn't know in spite of all his bragging. Does it really matter who it is? Or does it bother him that he can't directly discredit, berate and smear someone on his racist minds page daily. I think that is the real problem. Well to help the cockroach out a little, the Alternative is a collective of common thoughts that surround the community of edgefield, the little things you hear in the grocery store and while you are eating a drumstick or attending church. It is a collective of those that have had enough, those that have always thought things but never voiced them, thought things but were afraid to voice them due to his bully tactics and those that want others to see the wonderful things in the county not always the negative.

The alternative is just not one person but a collective of thought that he cannot suppress because to discredit or acknowledge what is written here will only give it far more power than he can control. It is however something that will go away if he removes his racist minds page and sticks to the facts as well as act like a supportive citizen in the county. Until that day comes, this blog will continue regardless of the cockroach's view of what is written here. But again, if you don't like what you read here, log off.

I remember once reading an article about the beating of drums and the effects it had on those that were about to be attacked in battle. In olden days they would beat the drums to show that they had superior strength in numbers and created fear amongst those about to be attacked.

I hazard to guess the behavior we are seeing in the cockroach is the effect of the beating of the drum.


  1. You are right on again. Enjoy your bog, But it requires that I read the daily crap to understand yours.
    I had stopped reading it, good luck and please do not stop.

  2. It is a total reflection on this county's politics and social community that both these this blog and the wandering minds page exist and thrive, one reason why I removed myself from the public arena. By your comments you are obviously the very liberal rebuttal to the conservative side of the other page. Liberal should be a four lettered word, especially in todays political climate. Although these forums are quite entertaining and comical they are a sad reflection on the mindset of this community.
