Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No Arrest

It is certainly interesting how things can take a turn or become so obvious once you look from a different direction. I looked at the racist minds column and nearly fell out of my chair laughing at the cockroach questions and answers, boy, I don't sit around all day and ask myself questions and answer in the third person and most normal folks don't. But the cockroach editor does. Getting all of those supposed comments on his disgusting video on how funny it was, etc. How can anyone think that it is funny to make fun of anyone in that way? Certainly not a christian and I believe that has been proven time and time again as well as showing a huge lack of integrity and maturity. It was never my intent for any of what I write here to become the main topic of discussion on his blog, but for some reason it is front page news. So, it must be hitting home with the old cockroach and the rest of the triad. Good luck cockroach and thanks for your comments, since every time the cockroach mentions this blog 300 more new people find what is written here, so thanks for the referrals, now more people find out the truth. I truly believe that the majority of the folks in the area are fed up with all the racist attitude that is fed on the racist minds page as well as the personal attacks against others in the area.

I see that more crime is afoot in the Merriwether area, so where are the elected officials in the area? What are they doing about this, or is their only purpose to vote NO and supply information to the cockroach. As he mentioned this morning "I cannot reveal what is taking place at this time, but have agreed to publicize it when it is announced", so by his own admission he gets his information out of the back door from two council members. Is that legal? Nope. Is it appropriate for any elected official to actively work against others and taxpayers to promote a personal agenda? Nope. So what are these two council members doing for the county that is positive? Apparently nothing, unless you think that being a source of information for the edgefield mudslinger is positive. It may be time for both of them to come clean. But, who controls who? Does the cockroach actually control both of these council members and make their decisions for them? We will have to see how that all turns out for them at election time.

Oh, I read that there is going to be a grand jury investigation regarding the threats against the cockroach. Sure buddy, good luck with that.

So, who was arrested yesterday for the threats against the cockroach? Nobody.

Why not? He can't have himself arrested.


  1. "He can't have himself arrested." LMAO !!

  2. The cockroach knows about arrests, because he was arrested for criminal domestic violence and for pointing a firearm. Could this criminal domestic violence be to the woman he now professes to love? Were you really going to shoot her, cockroach? He was convicted for both charges, with 30 days confinement and a fine of $233 on each charge. A fine example for our young people and a really valid credential for criticizing others!

    Cockroach denies vehemently that he ever received any disability payments. However, he didn't say that he had never applied for it. Maybe his real opposition to government helping others is that he was denied disability himself.
