Friday, October 30, 2009


If you read the edgefield mudslinger this morning while you ate your pancakes you didn't have to put any syrup on them, you got all you needed from the sweet article written about the westside wonders. As I sat there in near diabetic coma reading the carefully worded article I wondered how others outside the community would view the county if the same consideration was given to all members of the county council and county employees and not be limited to the members of the triad of trepidation. What a wonderful world it would be for us all.

Any meeting that takes place where information can be used to educate anyone has value and this meeting did. It educated those in the audience that they need to be involved and attend meetings and voice their opinions. All zoning is published, which means you have to read a newspaper. If you don't like what you read, move away from the TV and voice your concern prior to any issue coming to a vote. So rather than being an angry mob with torches storming frankenstein's castle, get involved and remain informed. It was nice to see councilman Mee Too there last night since he was there to make sure everyone knows he votes with her and will remain "at her side" and will continue to be nothing more than a bump on a frogs bottom.

Mr. senior councilman was there to listen and remains a class act by his presence. There is no doubt that the county has some of the finest employees you could hope to find by the example that was set last night in the open forum and they are always there to answer questions you may have or help with issues. It would be nice if we heard more of this greatness on the edgefield mudslinger, now wouldn't it. (hint)

Obviously one or all members of the triad have found this blog since the cockroach placed his visit statistics on his editorial column, good show. And, to let the cockroach know 1073 people have viewed this blog in 8 days, hum. I have to admit there is value in the edgefield mudslinger and I don't think that anyone would disagree with the fact that it can have value and perhaps be a recognized news source one day. The objection most have is the editorial comments, editors slanted views, personal vendettas against council members, county employee abuse, personal attacks against business leaders and the racist minds column that can serve no purpose but to allow anonymous hate to flow and harm innocent folks that are trying to live life in the county the best they can. Only the editor has the control over the content and can change this. Now if you remove all the conspiracy theories, racial overtones and personal comments it could be something for all to enjoy.

I am certain that anyone that reads about themselves in a negative way walk away feeling like a rape victim without any defense. How would anyone feel if they were attacked without cause and without a means to defend themselves. If this was corrected we could all move forward as a community. Perhaps the cockroach and the rest of the triad don't understand the feeling, or do they and not care. Perhaps the cockroach cannot change, but I would challenge him to make the effort. It may actually lead to good things in his life, rather than people having a negative impression of him and this community.

So next time an article is written, pour syrup over all of the pancakes not just a few and we all will have a sweet life in the county.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It starts with I

After reading the article regarding the sheriff dropping his investigation into the concession funds in both local newspapers yesterday it seems that the triad of trepidation need to prepare a formal apology to be given to a certain senior council member and the recreation director. Perhaps even a pucker and a slight kiss on the southern backside as well. For any council member to accuse another council member or a department head of wrongdoing without a real reason is just plain wrong. To have the edgefield mudslinger do your dirty work is even more tragic.

It should be apparent to every citizen in this county that all three of them (cockroach editor and 2 westside wonders) are connected and will never work with others to actually do anything positive for those they were elected to represent, much less the county employees or the county. Here is the rub, neither of them bothered to show up at an important community meeting that was held by the mayor, to get community input and suggestions, BUT they want everyone to come to the Merriwether Halloween spooktacular town hall. Always wanting their terms and their self made issues to be spewed on the public, now they couldn't be at a community meeting to answer questions, but they sure can be elsewhere to create problems. So if they can't lower themselves to show for a meeting that someone else sponsors, should you show up for their conspiracy theory show? That is a personal decision as a taxpayer. But, here are some questions you may want to ask them.
  • Do you both have an apology ready to give to the recreation director
  • Do you both have an apology ready to give to the senior council member
  • Do you both have an apology for the public for your inappropriate behavior
  • Do you have a plan for the crime spree in your district
  • Will you explain your relationship with the edgefield mudslinger
  • What will you do to counteract the negative view that the edgefield mudslinger has on the county employees, other county members and the negative impact it has on the area.
  • What steps will you take to relieve the taxpayer from additional expense incurred by the sheriffs department regarding multiple unfounded conspiracy theories fueled by the edgefield mudslinger.
  • Do they approve of the cheap shots the edgefield mudslinger takes at other county employees or is the edgefield mudslinger voicing their view.

If they don't have a good answer for any of those questions you may want to start looking for someone to elect that CAN answer those questions.

There may be other things to consider, so while you are snacking on your dollar menu item you may want to ponder your concerns and bring a list if you choose to show. The other council members may want to hear your concerns on their tape recorders, since it is actually a westside wonder party and really don't need to be there.

The answer I would be most interested in starts with an I.

I am sorry, would be a good start.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let the truth set you free

Pick up a copy of today's Edgefield Advertiser.

Front page, Sheriff drops investigation and a perfect explanation of why this is not an issue. So it has been officially confirmed it was "nacho money".

Also, a letter to the editor regarding the community meeting, that does not place the westside wonders in a positive light. This person should be thanked for saying what others stand around and think. Yep, lets move forward.

Buy a copy today, support a "real" news source that "supports" the community and by the way, stop by and thank the Advertiser for what they do as well.


Being an employee in the county comes with many challenges on a daily basis and must be appreciated for it's merits. With limited resources on all fronts they provide service to many citizens on a daily basis sometimes with a pay structure that does not compare to private industry. One may question why they serve in this capacity and it is found mostly due to a deep belief in the community they serve.

There are many instances where they are required to serve even if the person is being completely rude or obnoxious, yet they do it with a smile the best they can sometimes under extreme circumstances such as the Sheriffs department, yet they push forward.

It is hard for anyone to do their job when they are under the gun with negative comments coming their way, or to be pulled in multiple directions, yet they push forward.

There are many that have to work in the worst of circumstances in foul weather to clear roads, cut grass, dig ditches, yet they push forward.

When was the last time any of us actually thanked them for what they do, rather than treat them as servants to the public or treated them as those that give goodness to others, maybe we as citizens should push forward.

Since the cockroach is behaving himself for some reason, perhaps it may be time for all that have hidden under their desks to look up and be proud of what they do and what they have given to the citizens of the county. It may be an excellent time for the citizens to stop by and say thanks for what they do as well. Be the community of people that care. Let us all push forward together to continue to make this area the best it can be. Let us all continue to serve each other.

Thank you for serving us.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Goose and Gander

Last week a visit counter was placed on this blog that I write on to jot down some personal thoughts. Who would have believed that 585 people would have found it in the last week. Perhaps now 585 people see a different side of the street without mud as well as the truth about the "triad of trepidation" that is afoot. Don't worry, this blog doesn't track anyone, but the cockroach at the mudslinger thinks he does. If this keeps up and doubles it will surpass the "real visits" not "hits" that the cockroach brags about, but notoriety is not the purpose of this blog, it's just some alternative thoughts that are put out there.

We keep looking for the Sheriff to arrest some "Obama Supporter" but don't see anyone in the squad car, perhaps this is another cowardly threat waged against some innocent citizen. Perhaps someone needs to visit the mental health facility to work on anger management issues. Or is this another racial attack? Only if we look into the twisted minds column will we know, but then again who is commenting, the westside wonders?

If this blog bothers anyone, please feel free to not visit in the future since it, just like, the edgefield mudslinger is protected, funny how that works isn't it. It seems as though the mudslinger can dish it out in the direction of innocent law abiding citizens, but when free speech is redirected it becomes a problem. If the cockroach is visiting, suck it up dude, you will be just fine, just don't log on or "visit" and you won't need further therapy, for this anyway..

It seems that what is good for the goose should be good for the gander or cockroach.

No Thirsty Horses

Well thanks for the reminder AGAIN about the Merriwether Halloween Spooktacular, talk about beating a dead drum. Again we have to mention the zoning conspiracy that is cooked up by the westside wonders. The actual reason anyone is ever elected is that those that elect them believe that they will serve in their best interests not based on their personal agendas. Zoning as has been explained previously has steps in the process, and all of the steps have been followed all the way to the upcoming banging of the gavel. Notices have been printed in "approved media", signs posted, hearings held, but sorry to disappoint, no one cares. You cannot overcome apathy, you cannot force your beliefs on people that really don't care, so why keep pounding issues in the faces of the deaf.

The issue is personal nothing more. Unless citizens show up to question the ethics of their representatives, and that would be worth seeing. One thing not listed in the article in the edgefield mudslinger, who will be carrying the collective brain that night?

If the westside wonders actually wanted to do something helpful, why not address the high crime rate in their area in relationship to the rest of the county. Seems as though being original is not in their DNA. It appears the crime rate for break-ins and domestic problems are at least 50% higher in comparison to the entire rest of the county, so why aren't they addressing this problem rather than stirring up trouble? UNLESS, they don't know how to do anything else but to make trouble and criticize others. Perhaps they should clean up their own backyards before pointing fingers, but that would actually cause them to be proactive rather than critical, again, not in their collective DNA. Do the citizens in Mount Vintage really feel safe, or would they be safer on the north or east side of the county, where there are no issues. Who is paying overtime to the poor zoning guy that is being dragged from his home to be involved in this personal problem, surely not the terrible two, yes the taxpayer. More fiscal responsibility. I am certain the sheriff would be thankful to have the crime rate drop, so he can have more time to investigate all of the conspiracy theories, OR if he wasn't busy investigating all the conspiracy theories perhaps he would have more time to catch the bad guys. There is some concession food for thought.

On a positive note, I did hear today is that this has been great for the local economy as tape recorders have been sold out in most of the local radioshacks.

Seems no one wants to be subjected to stupidity but wants to have it on tape.

The old saying you can lead a horse to water, etc. Apparently there are no thirsty horses in Merriwether.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Milking Chickens

By definition a blog is : a frequent chronological publication of personal thought and weblinks.

Anyone can set up a blog and put personal thoughts, journal family adventure, church outings and then can opt to share this with the world or keep it private. The difference between a local recognized news source and a blog is that the content in a news source is validated and is in print, thus meeting multiple levels of criteria ensuring the information provided is true and non-slanderous. If you purchase a copy of any of the local Edgefield papers you will note that none of the content is skewed to place harm on any citizen in the county and certainly not inflict negative views. Sure edgefield daily mudslinger is free, but again you get what you pay for if you seek slanted editorials and anonymous "guest" rants against respected members of the community.

Any time that the cockroach is labeled as a blogger and not treated as a news source he immediately attacks that person and they get placed on his personal vendetta list for future accusations and negative comment. An excellent example is in his recent turdatorial comment about the mayor not calling him about a meeting that was attended by the "real" news people. AND AGAIN we have to bring someone else into the picture, Papa Smurf?? Must be one of those light loafer pet names he has for someone in the community, not sure, just a guess. What a big boo hoo blogger sobbing adventure that was for those to read.

So why would anyone want to call a blogger to attend any function in this county, especially the cockroach that will only spin things into some bizarre conspiracy? I am certain it would have become some negative adventure for us all. The likelihood of this turd to place a positive light on anything in the county would be as high as someone getting milk from a chicken.

Perhaps if he cleaned up himself and his act and acted right he would be a recognized news source, but then again, you can't get milk from a chicken.

Getting hits and Snake Oil

According to an article about website "hits" they warn people to make sure the smooth talking salesman does not try to "con" you.

Anyone ever thinking of buying advertising anywhere on the web should understand the different terms prior to paying anyone money.

Make sure that you understand the following three terms that are used, almost interchangeably, to talk about the numbers of people visiting your web site. If you do not understand them, a smooth tongued salesman will try to con you, with talk of large numbers of "hits".

  • "Unique" or "visit" - this is what you really want to know. It means one individual visitor who arrives at your website and proceeds to browse.

  • "page views" or "impressions" - once a "unique" gets to your site they will look at 1 or 2 or more pages. On average they will look at about 2.5 pages. In geek speak, each page a visitor looks at is called a "page view" or "impression". Basically, the more pages each unique visitor looks at, the more chance you have of making a sale.

  • "hits" - the real black sheep in the family. The average web site owner thinks that it means visitors, but it does not. In geek speak it refers to the "number of files downloaded". Important to a geek but not to you or me. If you imagine the average web page, it has photos (each photo is a file and hence a hit) and lots of buttons (each button is a file and hence a hit). The average page has about 15 of these, essentially programming files.

So one visit to an average hotel website will generate 3 page views and 45 hits or 1 visit = 3 page views = 45 hits.

So when I say the average hotel site generates only 5 visits per day, pity the web site owner who puffs his chest and tells me proudly it must be exceptional as it is getting 200 hits per day. 200 hits means around 5 unique visits.

All according to that article. If you don't believe this click on the link for confirmation, if you don't care, continue to pour your money into the pocket of a con artist.

Now armed with credible information, lets look at the edgefield daily mudslinger.

Main page consists of 11 losers that advertise there with links (hits), 64 links(hits) to other areas and 404 links(hits) to "alleged" news articles total = 479 "hits", racist minds section 200 links(hits), back to main page another 479 "hits" again, look at something he wrote in a turdatorial and back another 479 hits. All from 1 visit is a total of 1512 "hits". Therefore if take this scenario and divided by the 2.5 million alleged "hits" only a total of 1653 people have actually visited the edgefield mudslinger in a month and they may be repeat offenders. Pretty poor performance in comparison to any other websites in the world wide web. So stop bragging cockroach, you aren't really as popular as you think you are. This little blog has had 600 new folks look at it in a month and they stumbled on it or it was referred to them.

So what about this cockroach snake oil salesman at the edgefield mudslinger that is boasting about all of his millions of hits, blah, blah. Are there really 1 or 2 million people looking at his website...... nope. Are there 1 or 2 million people in edgefield.. not hardly and we have proven it. He just has a bunch of links, artwork and those little head banging icons that count every time they bang their heads. Perhaps his increase in his "hits" in the last few months was only the addition of more artwork, and leftover links that are counted every time the page comes on your screen, or maybe those little headbangers on his racist minds column are moving faster??

So if he is selling advertising based on "hits" these people are buying nothing but a record of "hits" on artwork, not content brought to you from the great manipulator of the truth.

More REAL newspapers are sold that have credible information in Edgefield county on a weekly basis so why not put your advertising there since you actually get MORE exposure?

Only a fool would pay this con artist.

You are getting "hit" with snake oil.

Friday, October 23, 2009


We will be closing up shop early today to make ready to attend the STHS football game, I'm sure we may run into the cockroach editor near the concession stands. Perhaps he will demand money from them next, we will be on the lookout for flying evil monkeys.

One thing for those other council members that are being teased into attending the Merriwether Halloween Spooktacular Town Hall. Keep in mind that this is a trap set by the scarecrow, witch and cockroach. My sources tell me this is set up to make all of you look just as stupid as they are. It will also establish a quorum where things can be suggested and voted on, which can be completely bad for each of you and create the civil unrest that they seek continuously.

You never know, perhaps others will ask about their association with the edgefield mudslinger and really ask for them to step down.

If you really want to know what is said and done, send someone with a tape recorder, just like the one that the cockroach uses, so you will have a record of what actually was said, suggested or misrepresented. You will never get positive comments from them, so don't waste your time. So what if the westside wonders or the edgefield mudslinger says you were not in attendance, it is their voting district and their issues they want to hear from their constituents.

Also, keep in mind any disparaging comments made by the westside wonders against any other public official can be taken to the ethics commission for action. So record it and make sure you have the ethics commission on speed dial.

Sure we will have more mud from fud on the mudslinger to discuss next week.

Have a great weekend Edgefield County, love your kids and visit your friends.

Floating in the breeze

After scanning the blithering racist minds column this morning there was a mention of some blog (shucks) that was called to the cockroach's attention that was saying bad things about the edgefield daily mudslinger. I guess now the "triad of trepidation" knows what people really think about them and his venue as well as those that support his cause. But again, we have to read his threatening boastful remarks about his attending the recreation meeting, I am certain that a certain senior council member could care less about his opinion. That is why he is boasting.

Everyone needs to know that the edgefield mudslinger is NOT a news source, but a blog. If it was a news source it would be in print and he would likely be sued for slander and put in jail to review his former scribblings on the wall. There could be value in what he provides but he chooses to go down the dark road and disparage honest citizens and have an open the door for anonymous racist comments. I would challenge him to stop his personal comments, close down his racist minds column and just provide a service that is positive for all to enjoy. I seriously doubt the editor can change his ways, heck, how could the information he obtains secretly be used if he did, since his gene pool would preclude him from making this choice.

Funny, he finds out about another alternative that attempts to counteract his twisted stories and he immediately goes after the mayor and a business leader. This is interesting that he would go after them and I have given it lots of thought as to why he attacks the certain council members, the mayor and a local businessman.

They all have things in common

  • They are all people of authority

  • They are all respected members of the community

  • They are all heterosexual

So either the cockroach editor has a problem with successful respected people of authority or he is a little light in the loafers. Guess time will tell with those choices. These are both things that you can get therapy for, but really don't need to display in public.

I am certain as well that the Turkey Federation will send the cockroach a thank you card for the record low attendance at their banquet along with record low renewals of annual membership due to their advertising on the edgefield mudslinger. Rumor on the street is very few people will support an organization that supports racism in this community.

Either way, his negative comments and perhaps his loafers will continue to be floating in the breeze.

No Smoke yet

As most of the citizens of the county likely know there is an unfilled position in county government since the unfortunate resignation of the past county administrator. If my memory serves correctly this took place in September, with the advertisement of the position with a limited number of applicants. I am sure that most would scratch their heads wondering why there weren't thousands of folks flocking to the job in this pristine setting, but the reality of it all is that people get the wrong impression of the area from the garbage comments on the edgefield daily mudslinger.

With November fast approaching you wonder if any progress has been made in filling this position or has everyone dropped out and decided to do something else (ie: bullfighting, waterboarding subject, hunting with Dick Chaney) rather than to be subjected to the cockroach's insidious daily remarks fueled with insider information. If this is so, that would be good information for the public to hear.

It does not take much to see that the two westside wonders and the cockroach editor of his blog can be seen as the "triad of trepidation". So anyone stepping into this function will immediately, if not prior to accepting the position, get pounded on both fronts. This poor subject will get it in the office by the two mindless merriwether mental midgets and the editor that wants to cover up their lack of management experience. It will be hard for anyone to do this job with the scarecrow asking what day it is and having all the evil flying monkeys purching on the county admin building.

Whoever walks into this buzzsaw will have his or her hands full in the position because the Cockroach will do his best to turn everyone against the new administrator mostly because whoever it is will have management experience unlike the two boobs from turniptown.

Just as in the circumstances of when they elect a new pope we will likely have to wait until the white smoke comes from the chimney over the admin building and the new person is announced.

Make certain that you support this person no matter who it is and welcome him or her to Edgefield County.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What you don't see

After a few visits to the Edgefield Mudslinger you find there are many things missing on purpose, other than the truth of course. The things that are missing are components within the county that are the basic core values that keeps people here and happy to be here. If you read the daily blithering nonsense you won't believe that you actually live here, and tend to become entrenched in the mind of a truly sick person and his jaded view on the world. Here are some people you may have overlooked or forgotten in your routine in the county.
  • People that have a deep faith in God
  • People that say hello to you on the street and actually mean it.
  • People that wave as they drive by.
  • People in stores and shops that serve you with a smile.
  • People that serve the public cheerfully in spite of the hammering they take from others.
  • People that make you feel secure when you are in an ambulance.
  • People that provide you the best nursing and medical services.
  • People that are great parents and great mentors.
  • People that take the time to volunteer to mentor in sports and church.
  • People that sell the best vegetables in the world.
  • People that bake the best cakes and pies.
  • People that call if they have not seen you in a while.
  • People that visit if you are sick.
  • People that you can ask for help if you need it.
  • People that forgive.
  • People that are gracious.
  • People that say thank you.
Edgefield County is more than a collection of these people but a strong community that can always rise to the occasion to help you overcome any obstacle that life my throw at you. This is the reason that everyone lives here and why some that may have more than others help to make it better everyday. Their intent is always genuine as well as their passion for the community in which they live.

I seriously doubt there are those that truly wish to inflict harm to anyone, this only lies in the sick mind of the editor of edgefield mudslinger. Everyone is better not to read the random psychotic episodes or let those views make any difference in how they live, view others or do their jobs. Ignore him, if he does not have an audience he will go away. He is a smut merchant, just as his two cohorts on council seem to be. Of course I will continue to poke fun at the village idiot until he is silenced, some day we will all celebrate that occurance.

The sign that says "Welcome to Edgefield County" is much more than a sign, the people here really mean it, which is a relief in this day and time.

Really, Welcome

What is that sound

Obviously, last night at the Westside power meeting with the cockroach and two Westside council members in attendance there were not any new items to discuss, but new folks to slander. Now for some reason we need to not only trash one senior member of council, we need to drag the others into the paranoid conspiracy theory.

One thing for sure you will not have any problem finding the cockroach today, he will be the one walking around with one arm longer than the other due to him patting himself on the back, while others would likely prefer to place a size 10 shoe where the sun don't shine. Reading his self congratulatory column this morning almost made me lose my biscuit. What a raging moron. He states that the sheriffs department is going to investigate, funny I always thought it was illegal for anyone to investigate themselves. Kinda like having the cashier at McDonalds figure out where the money went from their own cash drawer. I am certain that the Sheriffs Department will tell this idiot where to take his request. Maybe he can cry to SLED so they can get another deep belly laugh at his request, after his last event reporting someone complaining about his racist venue. Now we haven't heard anything about that now have we? It's because they are still laughing at him in Columbia.

If you look at all of this enough I bet this guy was picked on in school and always said " I'm Tellin' ", funny how little things change for some when they grow up.

I was again so happy to read that he again brings up the Westside Wonders and tries to label them as champions for the people, here comes the biscuit again, gulp. Now if you think back you will remember that you have known these people all your life, they were in the Wizard of OZ. The one council member was the scarecrow (no brain) and the other was the one that trained and controlled the flying evil monkeys that attacked the munchkins.

So keep your children indoors if you live in Mount Vintage, the flying evil monkeys will attack your children's lemonade stand and take all their money.

Keep in mind that these folks are supposed to represent their constituents as someone that they can identify with. Have you ever wondered why these two council members are always painted in the most positive perspective on the Edgefield mudslinger. I wonder why this is. Is it because they supply the cockroach with inside information (felony) or totally agree with everything he says. You know if you disagree with the editor he will trash you. So, they must both agree with everything he says, involve themselves in his conspiracy theories (now costing the taxpayer money) and possess racist views.

If these are not your personal beliefs you need to prepare a candidate that does reflect your views, rather than subject everyone to their sick agenda. They both want you to take your eyes from the fact they are not doing what they were elected to do and apparently do not understand what they are to do either. It's time for them to put out or get out.

Sure, go to their Merriwether Halloween Spooktacular Town Hall, be sure to ask them about their association with Edgefield Daily, then ask for them to step down.

Edgefield County deserves better.

What is that sound? Flying evil monkeys, or one hand clapping?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nacho Cheese, Nacho Profit

With the headlines on Edgefield daily mudslinger stating " County Councilman Requests audit of concession funds" we should revisit some of the other posts here to show the shear stupidity of this issue and those behind it.

In the past the issue at hand was discussed very plainly. Lets recap.
  • The county owns a concession trailer ~ check
  • The county does not staff the concession trailer with employees - check
  • The county does not purchase food that is sold in the concession trailer - check
  • The county does not clean up after the concession sales - check
  • The county does not serve food to the public out of the concession trailer- check
  • Citizens pay money to those that provide the food out of the concession trailer - check

Now given those facts, why would anyone be entitled to any proceeds of sales if they did not staff, purchase or sell products from the concession trailer unless it was those individuals that actually purchases the goods and supplied the service.

Apparently in the Merriwether area you are.

If this is true and you live in Mount Vintage and your kids set up a lemonade stand in your front yard, watch out................... the Westside Wonders will want a piece of the action.

But, the county will now have to accept the burden of employee time and expense in this tail chaser because the Merriwether council members didn't take common sense in school. Perhaps they should be sent the bill. Audit what, proceeds, this is beyond foolish.

If you visit the Edgefield county website you will see that they hire a accounting firm to audit their books every year, did they make a mistake? Are these two bozos questioning the professional integrity of a major accounting firm?

Apparently, the cockroach editor does not like the recreation director and since he has the full cooperation of the two senseless county council members in the Merriwether area this will now cost the county money to find money that it is not entitled to or even exists.

What a tremendous example of fiscal responsbility being displayed by these two. Seems as though the taxpayers have a choice coming... get out your checkbooks to pay for these conspiracy theories or get out and vote these two back under their rocks.

Lets make this even more simple for these two council members, others buy, supply and serve the nacho cheese and when they sell it, it's nacho money.

Give it some thought.

Pass the pitchfork please

According to the latest manure spread on the web this morning by the cockroach editor a Freedom of Information request was submitted for a letter that was sent by the poster boy of stupidity. In the letter it requested an audit of concession funds, etc... Well hoop de doo, I wonder how the cockroach found out about the letter that was sent? Lets think this one through........ If you send a letter to anyone, it is normally imparting information or requesting information and remains between both parties until the matter is resolved, right? So why tell anyone about a communication or leak the information to the mud blogger unless you need someone to toot your horn or show that you are the man of the people, fighting for their rights. Get the pitchfork ready, there is likely more manure on the way. I think the problem was solved yesterday with our remedies to the situation, go sell some weenies dude, and quit being one.

As the term payback is a B, so is the smear campaign that is being waged against a senior council member by the two junior council members and the cockroach editor. You really need to look past the garbage to see the rats in this case. This goes back to the last council meeting with the senior council member called him out and made him look stupid since he nearly denied he was in a meeting that discussed the concession funds, etc.. Believe me, it does not take much to make this guy look stupid, he is already there. So who is behind all the shenanigans? Most likely the supreme Merriwether witch and the cockroach editor, with the other dufus council member from Merriwether as their mouthpiece. It is obvious they don't want to play nice.

Is this what you want in the Merriwether area? Do these people represent your views? Are you a spiteful, back stabbing redneck in business suit? If you are, you are well represented, if not you need to find a suitable candidate to take the place of these two troublemakers.

These two deceiving wonders to public office cast doubt in the mind of the citizens and point fingers toward improper actions, secret meetings and good ole' boy methods that don't exist to divert your attention to what they are really NOT doing. Don't concern yourself with the direction of their fingers, they meet regularly and discuss their plans to destroy everything and everyone in their way to confirm that they are right, when their small minds cannot comprehend what is truly necessary to manage the affairs of the county.

So we all watch as they cover up their lack of leadership and knowledge by attacking others in office, department heads and the public by releasing information for bad use to the cockroach. Sad, Sad state of affairs.

Can't we all get on the same page and do what is right for the citizens of Edgefield county and stop all the drama? Show up for meetings informed and with an open mind without some personal agenda or vendetta.

Please, spread the manure on the garden to grow things and keep it out of our county government. Thanks.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where the money be

Well our cockroach editor of edgefield daily likely had to sleep in this morning since he was up late last night looking for left over bisquits in the dumpster behind McDonalds. NO, he was at the Recrreation Board Meeting discussing the concession money missing from the county budget.

Now riddle me this cockroach carny, what is the big deal anyway. Let me see, the county owns a concession trailer, the county does not purchase any food or snacks to be sold out of the trailer, does not staff the trailer during the games, does not clean up the trailer after the games. So what would lead anyone to the conclusion that profit of sales should go into the county treasury?? Sure if there is money donated back to help with the purchase of uniforms, etc perhaps it should show somewhere in the recreation budget, but since the county doesn't operate the concessions those that do really don't need to donate anything to anyone. I believe that is called profit, otherwise why would a church or any organization mess with a concession operation, duh.

Now we have our unemployed genious councilman arguing with a senior member of council in public about a matter he knows nothing about to start with and has little to offer in the way of a solution. Good chest pounding in public dipstick ! What do you have hidden under your pillow? Something for the tooth fairy perhaps?

Here are some solutions, pick one:

~Sell the trailer and have it removed from the property, let everyone bring their own poptarts and sodas, or let them tailgate.

~Rent the trailer to church youth organizations.

~Have the two new council members take turns selling weenies to the public out of the trailer, a product they can identify with.

This entire issue is a non-issue as always, no coverup, no corruption, just people trying to run a under funded program the best they can. But the real issue at hand is why this is front page news on Edgefield daily mudsling. The matter conspired so that the supreme witch can get her puppet some positive face time since he looked like a bumbling idiot and was called to the carpet by a senior councilman at the last meeting. What a poster child for stupid this guy is and to make matters worse, he was elected by people that had the false impression he knew what he was doing. Next time see if Forest Gump is available.

The cockroach editor makes a big deal out of the senior member of coucil not knowing the name of a charity, big deal, now that is cutting edge information we could have done without. The question of the day is don't these people have something more important to do with their lives?

Apparently not !!

Can't wait for the two council people to put in some comments into the wandering minds section so the cockroach can answer them.

Put some of that on your hotdog..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Finger pointing, which one

Today's non-news is a rehash of the never ending story of concession money. It is apparent the cockroach editor has extensive experience in vending, concessions, etc.. Where did he get this experience? During his drug crazed years did he work as a Carny traveling with the circus people? This may explain his concern and apparent attacks on the recreation director, either way he has problems with authority.

I wonder why he doesn't cover the fact that one of the new council members has attended all of the recreation meetings, was involved in the conversation at the meeting, came to a conclusion as to what to do, THEN he shows up at the council meeting acting like he was just born. Amazing, totally amazing, maybe he should be nominated for an academy award for acting dumb. Perhaps he made a decision without the cockroach editors wife in tow and she didn't agree with what he came up with, so not to tick her off, he decided to play stupid..... no folks he wasn't playing, this dude is really that stupid. When he gets caught being stupid he throws the nearest person under the bus and declares he knows nothing, just as he has done with others in the past. When called on the carpet at the last meeting by a senior member of council, he stated he didn't hear it or understand it, DUH, so why was this guy sitting there in the first place and what was his contribution other than warming a seat? None, and this is his only job, he doesn't have a real job like the rest of the world, he must have married well too, just like the cockroach.

The county needs to get this guy a copy of "councilman for dummies" but he would have to get his main squeeze or her husband the cockroach editor to read it to him, and then explain it to him, then remind him what he was supposed to do. What would happen to this idiot if he actually made a decision that did not agree with the supreme witch, would she boil him publicly into a broth, I don't think he wants to go there with her !!! So if you don't like him, get rid of him and take her with him as well. Neither of them have made any contribution to the county and have refused to learn what they are supposed to do, other than pass confidential information out of private meetings to the cockroach so he can spin lies. It is easy to criticize, it is harder to actually make a contribution, which neither of them wish to do. Their only intent is to create harm and inflict discord in the county.

Want a prediction for this week? How about we discuss the concessions for a day, then the EMS for a day, then we will continue to pick a fight with the county attorney, then we will go back to bashing the administrator applicants. See if I am wrong.

I think everyone has a special finger for the cockroach editor.

Send them packing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Merriwether Halloween Spooktacular

It was announced today that there will be a town hall meeting held in the Merriwether area on the 29th, which can only stir up problems that don't exist. BUT, it will give the cockroach editor of edgefield daily the opportunity to praise the two council members from the area. YES, it will be a spooktacular event with the bride of Frankenstein and the brainless ghoul leading the charge up the hill of stupidity.

The apparent reason for the town hall is to discuss zoning changes that are to take place that both of these mental midgets are opposed to. For them to even discuss anything like this is a total waste of time for anyone that has not had their brain removed, reason being that neither the warlock or the witch have any training in zoning. Heck, they both have no training and have refused to obtain any during this year, so why would anyone think for a moment that they have anything intelligent to offer the public. WHY the meeting? So the beloved County Cockroach Editor will have something to twist into the ultimate horror story for all to fear during our Halloween season. BOOOOO, are you scared now? The thing that should scare you is the fact that either of these unqualified council members were actually elected in the first place, now that IS scary !!. Transparency is the buzz word in politics these days, but ghosts are transparent too as they have no substance, just like these two council members from the Merriwether area.

Does anyone think for a moment these two dipsticks from council could carry a conversation about zoning, and again, WHY, call a town hall meeting?? The way zoning changes take place, to clue in the clueless new council members, a citizen requests a change and fills out paperwork, it goes to the planning and zoning committee that approves or disapproves the request, if it is disproved it goes away, if it is approved it goes to council for a vote after publishing in the newspaper. Anyone that objects can do so in writing or show up to the meeting (that is announced in the newspaper) to object to the zoning change. If no one writes or shows up to object the motion is passed. Just as in this case, no one shows up, no one objects, second time, second vote. What do these two boobs not understand? Not much more to figure out, except they are making something out of totally nothing and asking for people to get excited about something they could care less about.

Why announce this meeting in the Edgefield daily since it is not a recognized news source for the county and not in the local printed and qualified category? Only to lure people to this dead drum beating the hate in the county and smearing innocent people.

WHY is the NAACP not involved in this? Do they not care that two of the BLACK council members are being disparaged on a edgefield daily basis. They were elected by the citizens that feel they are adequate to lead, apparently the cockroach disagrees as do the two that are supported by this venue. Looks like a black and white issue with the chairman not getting involved as his true professionalism dictates. MY VIEW on this spooktacular event is for every black and Hispanic person in the county to show up and ask for their resignations due to their apparent association with and support of this racist outlet known as Edgefield daily, and then boycott all the advertisers on this racist forum.

Sure, he does get comments from people other than himself, two others to be exact. The bride of Frankenstein and the brainless ghoul.

Happy Halloween in advance, don't eat the candy they serve !!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Perez strikes again

Edgefield's version of Perez Hilton, the slimy cockroach editor of the edgefield daily blog, has struck again with a smear campaign against the applicants for the recently vacated county administrator position.

It seems that the list is getting shorter and shorter, which makes one wonder is there something wrong with the county or is the negativity that is projected in his blog the real reason. I would hazard to guess that the smear campaign would discourage anyone. He listed the finalists in the most negative light one could imagine, job hoppers, drunks, old people and good ole boys, what a professional this cockroach seems to be.

If he was a true caring citizen of the county he would welcome anyone to the fold as most citizens of the county would. BUT, he wouldn't be popular, he would just be the guy that took a load of drugs and alcohol in his life, is on disability and married well, otherwise he would be a regular on the police bookings photo line up and likely picking up cans on the road to support his hobby. What is up with him being on disability anyway, isn't he crawling all over wrecks and saving lives as a first responder, doesn't sound like anyone on disability to me !!

He seems to be really picking on one applicant in particular and one really needs to look past what is presented to see the truth that he does not want to be disclosed, Confidential information leaking out of the council. If you google names such as the slime ball claims he has you will not find any of the information he claims and certainly their resumes were not given to him, so how did he get this information to smear the folks that would step up into the role. The only way this can be is that his wife, a council member, has given him the information or her co-council puppet that has no brain and votes anyway she wants him to. Last time we checked it is against the law for any council member to give out confidential information or share any information outside of executive session. This is something that SLED should investigate and send both of them back to the cracks in the wall they crawled out of.

Why all this negative energy toward one candidate? Well perhaps he is afraid this person will shut him down by running the county in a fashion that no one can complain, then he won't have anything to write about or create. Perhaps this person will find out how the information is passed in the night to him so he can continue to cause problems in the county, that may concern him very much.

Anyone with a brain can see the connection to the information that leaves and the information that is used for no good. Creating issues and doubt is a sign of serious mental illness and the editor should look for help.

Something smells in the county government and it is starting to show on the two new council members. If anyone needs to leave the council position it is surely those two, not the ones that have governed the county for quite some time. Someone really needs to start digging rather than be on the defense.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cast of Characters

What an amazing cast of characters the Cockroach reporter of Edgefield Daily mudslinger totally avoids in all of his comments section on purpose and by contrast who he chooses to attack on a daily basis. Lets start with the old school council members. There is a chairman and two members of council that have been re-elected countless times by the citizens of their district. They must obviously identify with those that elect them and take care of their needs otherwise they would not be there. They don't seem to have an axe to grind and are there just to take care of the needs of the citizens of the county without all the drama. Then we have two members that have no apparent experience with government affairs and are the most vocal. One has made all the contributions of a burned out light bulb in a dark room, the other is just there as a source for insider information and has also not made any effort to understand the system. The later two are conveniently absent from any negative comments, certainly makes one wonder why. Perhaps they share the negative viewpoint of the Editor, time will only tell.

Today there is a County Council meeting and the cockroach reporter is getting his homeless clothes ready to attend, maybe he will uncover the conspiracy he has in his mind, maybe not. If he doesn't be sure to know he will make it up as he goes along to justify his mistakes and comments. He wants everyone to come to the meeting so he can ramble and accuse.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Edgefield Alternative

Is there relief in sight? Can Edgefield be relieved of the continous banter from one person that has nothing but hate, prejudice and negativity abound? There may be some recent light at the end of the tunnel as those that chose to look the other way to sell their products have recently been contacted by an unknown source to request that they stop funding the madness that crawls under the law and smears innocent people in the community. All can only hope that if these people actually value the feelings of those in the community that they consider consumers they serve and will stop promoting themselves in this venue. Failing to take note of this request may have impact on their bottom lines as consumers that their business elsewhere, not a threat, just a prediction.

The recent and continuous attacks waged against county officials with ammo supplied by county officials can only lead to more negative views of what this community really is. Edgefield is a fine community that hasn't been smudged by the sickness that has taken over most towns in the US. People are friendly, give you their time and actual compassion when you need it, certainly not something that is generally displayed in the Edgefield Daily blog on a daily basis. The Edgefield Daily Blog is a half baked rambling of a person that has real problems and projects them upon good citizens of the county, including leadership and leading citizens that strive to make it a better place for everyone to live in. To read the daily paronoid conspiracy theories you would think you lived in Washington DC, rather than rural America.

The purpose of this blog will be to counter this paranoia and hate filled columns that fill the web space for no other reason than to act as a bully pulpit and create disputes where there aren't any as well as cast doubt when there shouldn't be any.

We will comment on the hate comments and give our view.

Have a great day