Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time Off

Noticed the cockroach comment that he will be away from his desk next week. I was confused as to whether he was going to be at the courthouse performing his normal jury tainting activities or was he going to be out of town for one of his dragon parties to attend a hooding ceremony for one of his redneck buddies. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Maybe we will get some time off.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Free Advertising

Well folks it seems that the cockroach must have expected some sort of apology regarding an article that was printed in a local paper by mistake and when he didn't get his apology he attacks the editor of that paper again. If you cover the manure in this story what happened seems acceptable.

Apparently, there was a mix up prior to printing last week and a story that was not complete got placed under a guest columnist by mistake. It was explained as to how the article got there and I'm fine with that explaination. But as I have mentioned previously it does not name the mudslinger or the cockroach in the article and who really cares about this blogging menace anyway? Sadly this moron has to continue to pound out another embarrasing trash piece directed toward the newspaper, that is just his lack of style. But one thing this idiot doesn't realize is that sales are great due to his tantrum on his blog it seems since I had to drive around to find a newspaper box that wasn't sold out..... good show cockroach.

Nothing like Free Advertising..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Too much mustard

It must have been a slow day for the cockroach since there was only one report of a child molester and two murder suspect articles, but with his spare time he took a sharp poke at the editor of a local "Printed" newspaper.

For some reason when I was reading the paper with my coffee in hand I missed the article that has ticked him off so bad. So I dug out the paper and read it again cover to cover and low a behold there was an article written about an account of a person reading on a "blog" about an automobile accident and death of a young person. I read it again, and again and never once saw the mudslinger mentioned, or the slimy cockroach. It could have been any blog, since the Internet (sponsored by Al Gore) is so vast, the source could have been any in the world wide web that was referenced. Again, the mudslinger was not mentioned, but this should cause some pause on the race to post information that may be sensitive or incorrect. We all know that the cockroach pretty much puts any slant on anything that would promote him or for people to feel sorry for him..... boo hoo. But to attack a local business owner, editor, etc is just par for the slimy course for the cockroach.. Go read the article yourself and make you own judgement, but then again do you really care what the cockroach thinks, I sure don't and I am sure there is no love lost with the constant bashing the cockroach sends in the direction of the local papers.

It all boils down to a big mark on the community "who cares" column when it comes to the slanted inappropriate content that is placed on the mudslinger every day, always with a purpose, or agenda or the creation of a conspiracy.

His calling for the resignation of anyone is just stupid, but what else would you expect from this ignorant redneck.

The article must have left a bad taste in his mouth, like a sandwich with too much mustard..

Monday, August 16, 2010


Can't help but notice the snotty comment regarding a local "printed" newspaper today regarding obtaining crime and violence reports. Actually if you are in other counties they do send crime reports and arrest reports to the newspapers so perhaps a request for this to happen is not out of line. Just open a standard newspaper and see the bookings, arrests and most wanted. The other papers do not stand outside the law offices to see what is happening, it is released to them daily. But since the cockroach has an obsession with bad things happening and making sure that everyone in the world knows that pretty much only bad things happen around here will be a priority.

Not sure I would consider him a news hound, just an obsessed blogger.

Maybe the fact that the local printed news does not have the sole purpose to bring attention to the negative in the area upsets him. After all why do people live here? Murder, theft, drugs, child abuse? These all seem to be front page news every day and very little is reported on the good things that surround us all in the community. But knowing the cockroach, there is little good in the world and he expects pity from everyone when he is held responsible in public for the pain he causes others as well as the community.

The only possible explanation for his comment is likely envy.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you feel Safe?

Do you feel safe and secure in your home at night, do you feel secure in leaving your home even for a minute?

There are bad things happening on a daily basis:
  • home invasions
  • breaking and entering
  • car theft
  • boat theft
  • murder
  • credit card theft
  • drug deals gone bad
  • gang activity

The home of the westside wonders seems to be the hardest hit, but it is spreading across the county, some happening in broad daylight. So it seems these bad people just roam around unchecked and unafraid.

No one seems to be concerned or asking questions regarding what is being done to solve these crimes or prevent new ones from happening. Some questions to ask would be how many deputies are there currently employed by the Sheriffs Department? Have they lost some deputies and why? Are they overwhelmed? Are there not enough cars? Do they need more feet on the beat? Is there any concern? Do members of the county council care the area is turning into a crime capital in the state? Should a request be made for the national guard to patrol?

These are all questions that should be brought to the next council meeting for answers and if the current method or personnel can't stop the crime perhaps a change needs to be made. But, no one is asking any questions or demanding results. The citizens deserve better on all fronts.

If after asking yourself the question, do you feel safe the answer is no, then you need to demand results.

So ask yourself the question.... Do you feel safe?

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am not sure if anyone picked up on the major insult that occurred the other night at the brain trust meeting.

When anyone is elected to represent the citizens it is their duty to listen to any concerns that the citizens have in an open forum or a official meeting. When the private citizen stood up to present his concerns regarding the destructive force that the mudslinger has on the community, momma cockroach got up and left the building. It is obvious this was a statement that she agrees with all the trash, racist comments, negative attitudes, incorrect and slanted views and slanderous activity that occurs on the mudslinger by not listening to the concerns of the public. This is a disgrace for her to act so unprofessionally and refusal to listen or respond to a citizen concern.... Shame on her. What if at every scheduled meeting there was a crowd of people that would show up and complain about the cockroach and the mudslinger would she leave every time. Would she refuse to answer questions regarding her alliance with the mudslinger to do her dirty work? What about Mee Too, would he refuse comment? If everyone is truly sick and tired of the negative blog postings and personal attacks against citizens why not go to the meetings and complain? See what their true colors are and where they really stand. And see if they just get up and leave when the heat hits the feet.

There was also a cockroach comment regarding the recovery of the admin and attendance at the last meeting as there is false information given out of his office. My view.... why would any information correct or incorrect be given to a blogger? This poor excuse for a human is not a news source, he is a blogger and nothing more. I think the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the admin is only more yellow journalism provided by the cockroach as a way of getting back at him for his lack of respect for the cockroach.

This may also explain the recent outlandish comment he made regarding the admin and the county babysitter. For some reason the cockroach continues to mention certain male body parts which may show some underlying homosexual tendencies he may have... I am not sure why else he would continue to describe two men in any other way. Perhaps he should see a therapist for this problem he has rather than subject the rest of the community to his perverted views.

Sad times in our community, but it can get better. Just put the shame and blame where it needs to be placed and that would be at the feet of the westside wonders and the mudslinger.

There was a mention a while back about a "friend" of the cockroach that had his email account hacked and requested money from people. There is more to this story. Can't wait to write about the "dragon tales".

But, the conduct at the meetings of late are an insult.


Not sure if you noticed but there are some buttons below in case you wish to place any articles on your facebook, blogger, twitter or email this blog to friends if you wish.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well the meeting of the brain trust in the county last night was a doozy. The question of the day is where was councilman mee too? It seems the guy really doesn't have anything else on his plate in the employment zone other than to show up for a meeting once a month and he can't seem to make it. Amazing. Maybe he was off chasing butterflies and lost track of time, but there is really no excuse not to be there, he can schedule his life around one simple meeting it would seem. But I am sure that his cockroach buddy will provide and tardy slip or excuse for him. Seems councilman northside had something better to do half way through, maybe he was missing his favorite TV show. Also MIA, I hope they didn't break any laws last night since the county babysitter wasn't there either, good golly. Why even have a meeting?

Mr. buildingman had lots of folks that wanted to belly up to the trough to get some county money for the furniture store redo and what surprises me that there isn't a list filled with local contractors to potentially put some money back into the local economy, strange to find out that someone has to be certified to paint I always thought you only needed to know how to leave cigarette butts scattered around where they worked. But for some reason you have to be certified to paint differently in a commercial building than a home, they must have bigger brushes or something. I can't believe there aren't any air conditioning people local as well, or maybe they were on vacation with councilman mee too. It seems that not everyone was overjoyed with the selections and that the scope of work was not standard when sent out for bid, that is a real head scratcher.. Also, how convenient it was not to include the common man candidate to do any work after he did not acquire enough votes to run, that seems strange to me, it may be time for the decision makers to get past the second grade attitude and do the right thing.

Then the highlight of the evening was when a normal everyday citizen got up to tell the truth about the cockroach and the mudslinger. That was way too much for momma cockroach and she left in a fluff. Guess hearing the truth hurts, but turning a blind eye or a deaf ear does not change the truth.

With the honeymoon confirmed over for the professional admin he was pounded for a exclusion of information from the minutes, sure hope he has his resume polished and out there since historically when there is a disagreement with momma or papa cockroach the pink slip follows. I bet they wish they had the guy they referred to as the "used car salesman" back at this point.

Another thought I had this morning with school soon to start I am sure that the staff will find that they still can't access the redneck minds column.. sucks when you can't get your daily fix of mudslinging and have to wait to get home. And I thought he was going to sue the school district, what a buffoon.

I feel a editor rant coming, don't you? Can't wait to see what this moron has to say about last night, but then again he is so predictable.

There were lots of things absent last night, one major one is common sense.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Long Hot Summer

Seems when the temperature rises so do the issues in the county. Things were pretty quiet until the last council meeting when the cat was let out of the bag by the administrator. Of course the silence rule got played against the westside wonders, one can imagine those two boobs sitting in silence when things are discussed and not offering any comment, just sitting in their ignorance or silent disagreement. But that is how they play in the chamber of doom it seems. So does silence mean you agree or does it mean you don't understand and are too out of it to get words to come out of your mouth. Another theory is that the westside wonders really don't care and are going along with it all, but have to go along with the latest cockroach conspiracy theory to make it an issue. The sad thing is the admin getting hung on the courthouse steps to dry by the entire bunch. I remember them all saying they couldn't wait to work with such a professional and that the county was lucky to hire such a wonderful person. Six months later it seems they want him gone, now there is a real head scratcher for you. Why would they want a professional to leave, are they threatened that much of being seen as the dunderheads they truly are, or is this guy a bad egg that was pushed through by the westside wonders to shut them up. He will likely continue to be trashed on the redneck minds section for a while and up until the moment he hits the pavement. Maybe they should start looking for their next victim.

Gonna be a long hot summer..

Thursday, July 15, 2010

More of the same

The racist redneck minds column continues to trash the county admin as though he is part of some weird conspiracy, we all know about the history of conspiracies on the mudslinger. There are way too many to count such as The Obama Supporter threatening the life of the cockroach, the school district that blocks the racist mind page, nacho money, etc., etc..

But now we have the newest conspiracy of "who said what and when" apparently two of the council members were on a quest to mars when discussions and decisions were made regarding the redo of the furniture store / new county complex. Things are never an issue until the cockroach makes it one and it continues to bring shame to the doorstep of every business in the area. I noticed a comment of one business pulling up stakes and moving out of the county, I suspect others will follow. What happens then? Financial shortfall and increased taxes to all of us poor suckers to pay the bill. Bad enough E county has the highest taxes in the area already compared to the surrounding, but we now will be saddled with more burden.

One another note, the runoff left us with Mee Too in the job that he has done little to support for two years, but on the positive side we are not subjected to his advertisement and have to see his smug mug on there daily, once a month is enough.

Does anyone else think that the candidate that is advertising on the mudslinger has a strange resemblance to Mr. Burns from the Simpsons?

Just a thought but more of the same.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Couldn't help but notice the mudslinger was down this morning. I am certain that the mudslinger junkies will be frantically calling wondering where all their daily dirt is.

I did hear that he was having continued server problems. I guess that mud and electrical things like computer hard drives don't mix well.

Good day so far.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Opinions are like?

Wow, for a while we all had a break from the ignorant rants from the cockroach. With the exception of all the rednecks and racists attacking the candidates for office and the white trash folks attacking the school board nothing was really new.

Today's opinion posted by the cockroach editor is just more of the same hatred and chest pumping that we are all sick of and just a way for him to stand up for momma cockroach that was apparently upset by the new admin comments. Well, maybe the council needs some sensitivity training !

If you give it you need to be able to take it, but the real problem is that Mr. & Mrs. Cockroach and Mee Too don't operate in the light of day and prefer to back stab and create ill will in the community. I suspect the new admin was sick of all the BS and essentially called them out in public so everyone can see what kind of garbage he has to deal with. So rather than mend fences and do their jobs they seek out to discredit him and slander him in an opinion column.

Stupid is as stupid does pretty much raps things up when it comes to the cockroach and again the county is the laughing stock of surrounding communities as well as potential industries and jobs to locate here. More destruction, more bad press and more thoughts that everyone in the area are stupid. If there was any real threat in the meeting I am certain that the officers would be called to escort someone out of the building, but as always this is all blown out of context to satisfy the ego of the ignorant.

Of course the admin has to be made out like the bad guy in this case, nothing ever changes..

You know the old saying, opinions are like (you know), well again the cockroach is the biggest one.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Boy, this didn't take long now did it? It seems that the honeymoon is over for our new admin leader of the county.

I think one of my commenter's had it absolutely right... 6 months. I wish we had a prize to offer for the prediction that unfortunately came to pass. I also made the statement on January 5th post Control, " Now we welcome potential victim #3. Sure things are all positive and loving right now because he was momma cockroach's pick of the litter, but if this guy is the true professional we are lead to believe he won't have any time or tolerance for the mudslinger blogger or the bullying of his employees, which will place him in the same light as his predecessors."

Sadly this seems to be the case after Mee Too has apparently flooded his inbox with stupid questions that are probably written by Mr. & Mrs. Cockroach. Hard for any professional to deal with such small minded white trash people, so his comment regarding "seeking other employment" is essentially giving them all the finger and his resignation. He just needs somewhere to jump to and he will be out of there. So what will momma cockroach think of her pick now and what will be her explanation on why the area can't keep anyone in the rotating chair? Most likely it will be something he did and certainly not the group of bozo's on the council. But one comment the administrator made regarding the mudslinger blog should tell everyone all they need to know, that it has essentially placed him in a hostile work environment. Lets see how many tax dollars the county will have to cough up to settle this lawsuit, or maybe send the bill to the cockroach... that would indeed be justice in this case.

But whoever the next person is that sits in the rotating chair needs to know that the honeymoon is only 6 months.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

High Noon

I remember the old westerns when the bad guy called out the hero on to the street to shoot it out, well it seems that a group that meets on a regular basis in huddle town have been called out. I think the cockroach has met his match with this group made up of the collective intelligence of the area.

Obviously one of the cockroach supporters squeeled on them discussing captain mudslinger and he took offense to the discussion so he has to mention them in a threatening manner to shut them up. This makes them all celebrities at this point. I'm sure that some how it will be all staged by the local businessman so he can be bashed along with them, paronoid people think like that so I would expect that to come at some point. But, I wonder what they were discussing that was so upsetting to the cockroach to make him call them out.... hmmm.

I have a good idea, how about the cockroach stop in for a cup of coffee and have an open debate with the coffee club in huddle town, now that would be worth watching.

Sorry to disappoint but that most likely won't happen because we all know that the cockroach is a back stabbing coward and too scared to actually meet face to face with anyone that disagrees with him. But and offer that I am sure the coffee club would extend.

It's high noon in huddle town.


Oh my did I really read that the economic head came to the party to defend his program and try to educate them on WHY there is no industry locating to the area?

It seems some of the reasons are a lack of DSL, water and sewer, buildings, and educated and supportive council and to top it off the poor representation of the area through the area's only online source of news. Well gee howdy how about that. So we can blame the mudslinger for people getting the wrong impression of everyone, especially the council and business leaders on an edgefield daily basis on the mudslinger. Never thought I would see the day that an outsider would take the time to say what everyone else knows and have it part of the record but there it is all out in the open.

So one would ask what are any of these people doing representing the area if they are ill prepared to know what industries need in order to lure them to the area and to stand idle and do nothing to correct what is needed to accomplish this task. My guess would be self preservation and lack of purpose. If you have someone that knows what industries need telling what you have to do to accomplish this, why just sit like a bunch of bozos and do nothing to change this? The area will never grow unless changes are made. But the genius idea this bunch came up with is to not pay an organization that advises them on what they need to do (which they ignore) and blame them for not bringing any new employers to the area because of their inaction. I guess they feel it is better not to pay a professional to represent the county, this way no one will know they are all stupid.

Any part of the country that thinks it can just tax the crap out of people and do nothing to expand the tax base fails the citizens. There are people defaulting on mortgages daily across the country and businesses going under as well, people out of work or working shorter weeks and it will get far worse before it gets back to normal. This means a trend in less revenue available and a smaller tax base that can only be fixed by raising taxes on those that are left to pay more.

Edgefield has higher taxes than all of the other surrounding counties, why is this? The answer is the school district and a lack of industry. So why not fix what is wrong instead of funding pet projects and lure some employers to the county. Sadly I found out recently that the main employer in the county is the prison and the other is a bunch of turkeys, so what will it take to change this other than the taxpayers demanding this change.

To my supporters, thanks for the nudge and happy to voice your concerns.

But the cat is out of the bag now, everyone now knows the mudslinger has had a negative impact on industry locating here.


Nacho Money Redux

Never in my life would I have expected this stupid issue to ever surface again, but low and behold idiocy prevails. In an open budget meeting we have the issue of concession funds come up again with a good exchange between the senior councilman and councilman Mee Too. What do these monkeys not understand when it comes to this issue? The concession trailer is owned by the county but the food, drinks, etc are purchased by a church group that sells the items during sporting events. So are these people expected to give the profits from the sale to the county? No wonder this is Mee Too's only job if he can't figure that one out. Easy to figure out for most normal people but complicated when you have the mentally challenged in charge apparently. To make it easy as I was explained before, if someone else buys the nachos and sells the nachos it's nacho money.

Maybe the common man candidate should get some signs printed and run his campaign on this, I think it will work and I hope he posts some signs near the soccer field since last I heard there won't be any concessions there because of all this mess and finger pointing. Now that is progress and a fine job done, right?

Speaking of the common man candidate is appears from the redneck minds page he has caused quite a stir and complete fear in a few knuckleheads that are bashing him there with some heavy handed and personal attacks that are totally unfounded and with the intent to smear him before he gets out of the gate. Sadly this is the way that the cockroach operates his blog with the certainty that it will benefit him or one of his comrades in destruction. Of course he has to be labeled as someone siding with a local businessman or some underground conspiracy group which in my opinion shows how truly frightened they are of this candidate. OF COURSE they are scared of this dude, since Mee Too has done NOTHING during his elected period with the exception of a failed puppy police law and shutting down the concessions locally.

I was truly saddened that no one had the gumption to run against momma cockroach because she had done even less than councilman Mee Too, well with the exception of showing up and voting NO and being asleep at the wheel during the zoning nightmare. But again, no one stepped up to run, so the citizens in the westside will just get more nothing for their lack of enthusiasm. I just can't believe there is no one in the golf community capable or interested in running.

As far as the other budget issues regarding the funding of an educational institution, that is taxpayer money and should be spent as the taxpayer wishes. If we fail to educate anyone in this town we have all failed.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


This should be an interesting election period for the county, I wonder where the Pope is.

Any tips you may have regarding any of the folks throwing their hats in the ring can send them to

Have a great day...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

All Seems Clear

When I started this blog about 6 months ago I never thought I would see the day that the edgefield mudslinger would be fit to view and it seems after some study that there may be hope for the cockroach and his mudslinger blog.

For a while he has been on his best behavior and hasn't announced he was pressing charges or asking for investigations or completely trashing some poor employee or local business person. I have been amazed at this change, will it be permanent or is this just a phase, one will only know after time has passed.

I still fail to see the purpose of the racist redneck page since it is still utilized by those that would complain about others, but only they can control themselves in a mature manner that properly represents the area. If the page did not exist there would not be a problem in my opinion but I will take any positive changes I can take when it comes to what we have been exposed to in the past.

I will be watching and will continue to provide my view on things if they get out of hand again and will always take the cockroach to task for any slander or negative comments directed toward honest citizens in the area. Maybe, just maybe this blog worked and caused the cockroach to get a good dose of his own medicine for a change and made him reconsider his actions... who knows but it is a welcome change in my book.

Any suggestions or tips may be sent as always to

Have a great daily moment everyday as we can all continue to hope the good behavior of the cockroach continues, but as of now all seems clear.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Yellow Snow

As I was reading the advertiser today I found it funny they would have a editorial on why people should not eat yellow snow. Seems the fact that it does not snow here but every 10 years people forget what to do when it is covering everything in a blanket of white and what not to put in your mouth. Same should be true when you are obtaining news and seeking information in my opinion. Real newspapers have to meet standards in journalism, but blogs such as the mudslinger can apparently write anything and have people believe it and that is truly sad.

I also noticed the advertiser posted that there was a zoning meeting recently and councilman Mee Too was in attendance making sure that things were on the up and up, so he won't be left asleep at the wheel on zoning like momma cockroach has this year. Expansion of a warehouse area will mean more tax revenue for the county and that can't be a bad thing in this crappy economy especially when the commercial market is on the verge of collapse which will leave banks back where they were last year and tax bases stressed. Funny this isn't mentioned on the mudslinger, perhaps Mee Too has been officially banished from the triad of trepidation.

I did see that the cockroach mentioned on his racist redneck page some rodent club that he is having problems with and will identify the members of this gang of rodents at some point. Seems he is working on another paranoid conspiracy diversion for us all in this respect, but what else would you expect. He is running out of people to trash on the mudslinger since the chairman is stepping down, so why not invent people to keep the yellow journalism alive and well in the county.

Since this post is devoted to the color yellow I did have a laugh at the time lapse photos of the snow accumulation on the back deck of the cockroach. I think the one thing that was left out other than the hot grill was what was on the other side of the rail placed there during the arctic grilling experience.....

Yellow Snow..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I could not believe my eyes this morning as I read the cockroach editor comment giving all of the racist minds posters a lecture. The cockroach went into detail describing what a racist is and that he would not tolerate any racist comments...... OH MY. But he sure described himself well in my opinion. One can only imagine what may have caused this latest change in the cockroach.

Here are some of my guesses:
  • He had some sort of religious experience and has seen the light.
  • He is getting heat from momma cockroach because her association with the mudslinger has ruined her re-election potential.
  • He is getting heat from the re-probate drinking buddy about his re-election potential.
  • Loss of revenue on his blog advertising.
  • His doctor changed is bipolar cockroach medication.
  • The new administrator gave him a good talking to.
  • The spanking the chairman gave him finally sunk in.
  • His smoking buddies stopped giving him information.
  • The alternative blogger presence has caused him to do the right thing.

Pick any and you may be close to the truth why this dude has suddenly changed his tune after many years of slander toward folks in the community. But what I do find strange is his attitude is different since the new administrator landed in our locale. Whatever the reason it is welcome for a change and maybe we can finally move forward around here. But I would expect changes across the board regarding the racist comments as well as the slander toward business leaders, county employees and school board members as well. We will see if he has truly seen the light and will change in those areas as well, since those negative attitudes also cast a negative outside view on the community.

The buzz last year was about change but only time will tell if the cockroach is capable of turning the corner and reforming himself time will tell if he truly can change.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bread and Milk

Well there is good news and bad news lately it seems. I guess the bad news is that the ground hog predicted there would be 6 more weeks of winter and it surely seems as though he may be correct and if you don't believe me, just try to get a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread today which is good news for the local stores. Amazing. But one thing we haven't seen so far is for the new administrator to pop his head out and offer anything in what he predicts. I did note a mention of a private meeting (off the record) with the cockroach and just maybe they had a conversation that may have some impact on his negative blogging since he has pretty much been on good behavior since his arrival, or maybe back on his meds.

I find it so funny that he pounds the chairman for years and when the chairman decides not to return to office he praises him for all of his accomplishments which I find nauseating for him to now finally admit there were great things done under his tenure. Sadly he couldn't write those words before now, but then again it didn't fit into his plan.

He keeps hinting about some folks running for council in the next election but apparently hasn't dug up enough mud on them to post on the mudslinger. I suspect anyone that does advertise on his blog won't get my vote for sure and I would discourage any honest person that is running to put money in the local economy and go the "real" news route. I do hear that momma cockroach will be facing a worthy opponent and with her association with the mudslinger blogger and the fact she has done nothing since elected will get her back to her real job real soon and out of office. At least Mee Too has attempted to do something with his puppy police legislation and is trying to make a difference without sticking it to the taxpayers and an overstretched law enforcement. The cockroach's rep-probate drinking buddy will have some folks running against him as well, so get ready for lots of manure spreading on the mudslinger so he can come to the rescue.

One pattern I have noticed is how the cockroach loves to blog about the horrible things that do actually happen in the county with his detailed account of a child molestation and the recent murder trial. Both are tragic events in the county and the less detail the better in my opinion, not to mention that it may be construed as influencing a jury in this little town. But now everyone knows all the sick details and now the families of the victims and accused have to live with this and be subjected to the looks from others.

I almost forgot about a recent issue the cockroach has with the school district blocking the mudslinger and his threat of a lawsuit. Hmm, I wonder where that notion went or is the cockroach all talk and no action which truly seems to fit his life in general.

But I guess we have much larger things to consider right now which is a shortage of bread and milk.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I noticed the cockroach put a reference of 5 days on his racist minds page yesterday so I looked on my calendar and low and behold it is Ground Hog Day. Two thoughts came to mind when I also remembered it is also the day of the coronation of the new administrator for the county.

The movie Ground Hog day came to mind as well where the character is subjected to the same thing or day over and over. Boy do we know that feeling in this county since we have been subjected to as someone recently so well put "Scurrilous Libel" of the cockroach on the mudslinger. Maybe our new guy in charge will have some influence in shutting down the racist minds page and convince the cockroach it does far more harm than good in the county and has a negative impact on the economy and local business, since momma cockroach apparently won't for some reason. The cockroach even brags about how he has had reveled in the decline of a merriwether housing development which is something that most of the residents won't forget at the polls when they send momma cockroach packing. The cockroach has been laying low for a couple of days, but this is just so he can suck up to the new guy in charge so he will have lots of ammo to throw his direction if he stays true to his past associations with former administrators. History does not change and I doubt the cockroach will either, unless the new guy puts some locks on some lips of the smoking buddies of the cockroach that give out information while on the clock.

Another thought also came to mind that maybe in honor of Ground Hog Day perhaps the new administrator will pop his head out of the county office and predict only 10 more months of having to deal with momma cockroach and the rep-probate drinking buddy at the courthouse that are a regular supply of information for the cockroach. If that came to pass I could live with 6 more weeks of winter.

I can't wait either to see what the Ground Hog and the new administrator prognosticates.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Boss in Town

Wow, I just heard that the new administrator was to be visiting the area to apparently sign his contract.

I also heard that he had Gifts for all the employees that he wanted them to have near their work areas.

Best of luck to the New Boss in Town.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Makes you Wonder

I have been sitting back and watching the stories starting to come together on multiple fronts both on the front page as well as the racist minds page of the mudslinger, lots to catch up on.

First and foremost my hat is off to a person with my vote as the outstanding citizen of the year that wrote a letter to the editor coming to the defense of a local businessman and the economic group in the area. I bet the cockroach had to down a few beers when he cut an pasted that on his blog. I would post it also but there are too many names to list and it is the policy here not to. When you look at the entire body of work that has been accomplished over the years it is staggering, how could anyone think that there is greed involved, of course if you are some low life like the cockroach anyone of substance is a bad person. If we had to list the good things the cockroach has done for this county it would be a blank page. Truth be known when any industry tries to locate here they do research and when they find the negative conspiracy theory ridden trash on the mudslinger they run for the county line.

I see that there may be a candidate being lured to run for probate judge which I am sure has the cockroach terrified if his drinking buddy is voted out of office, since he is a regular information source and partner of the cockroach that joins him in the smearing of innocent citizens in the county. My opinion is it may be time for a change in that office, regardless of party connections. Justice will be served in this county when he cleans his office out, but I hope the internet history is cleaned on his computer so the new person won't get any surprises.

The cockroach continues to pound on the chairman and his personal life, not sure what any of it has to do with him performing his job with the county, but that is the way the cockroach rolls with is continuous smear campaigns against everyone. I guess he is still sore from the spanking the chairman gave him in front of momma cockroach. That must have been a real change for her to see him get his butt smacked for a change and I am sure they had to stop for a six pack and a carton of smokes to get over it.

As far as the Northside councilman and Senior Councilman, they will be back because whether the cockroach likes it or not, they actually represent and tend to the needs of their constituents, which is more than I can say for momma cockroach. Councilman Mee Too must have bought some Raid since he has not been doing the bidding of the cockroach lately and has some legislation pending it seems. You may have to feed your animals and lock them up or the "puppy police" may come knocking, but if you are a good person you have no worries. I wonder if they could drop all the strays off at the cockroach's house since there is no where to put them, maybe he could add that to the ordinance.

I also see that the cockroach had some contact with a former council member, it seems that the merriwether pope was standing in line at a convenience store and there was the cockroach in line with his six pack and likely getting a carton of smokes. Apparently the Pope asked others if they had problems with mudslinging cockroaches and that did not set well with him and he just had to point the finger in the other direction claiming he had video................. here we go again. I am totally shocked he didn't call his favorite sheriff or momma cockroach to tell on him...... boo hoo, he was picking on me. I am sure the Pope was mentally genuflecting the cockroach and not using all of his fingers, but remained in laughter mode as the cockroach squirmed in embarrassment. Well quite frankly all of us folks in the merriwether area are sick of the lack of representation we all receive from momma cockroach and it may be time to dust off the Pope and move him back on council. At least he was in favor of expanding industrial development rather than milking money out of the taxpayers. And was it not the Pope that suggested a Industrial Development recruiter for the county back in 2001 and now it seems that the cockroach is wanting to place the former county administrator with that duty? How original and credit should go to the Pope and not momma cockroach if this comes to pass since it was his idea, not hers. The ONLY accomplishment momma cockroach has achieved in the merriwether area is to show everyone she totally supports the cockroach and everything that is said and done on the edgefield mudslinger and that is why she will NOT get my vote next time.

I also understand that the cockroach again stated he knows the alternative blogger identity and will have "him" fired, well good luck with that notion since neither the cockroach or momma cockroach have any power over me or my employer, unless they want to call the president to complain. Don't think of taking this knucklehead hunting with you if your intention is for him to sniff anything out for you, this cockroach can't track. His perils with the Kaolin folks proved that long ago.

I will close with this thought I recently had about the pending new county administrator, does the guy not have a fax machine, email or somewhere where FedEx can pick up a signed copy of his offer?

Makes you wonder.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The cockroach editor of the edgefield mudslinger put a stupid comment on his racist minds page to get things stirred up with the upcoming elections for council members. He stated that there were candidates lining up to run against the 3 council members that have been in office for over 20 years. He also went on to make some paranoid reference that there are supposedly 2 people that benefit from them being in office for some reason and control what they do, sure.

Boy is this throwing rocks in a glass house or what?

It seems that momma cockroach and councilman Mee Too have been completely controlled by what the cockroach wants to happen and gets inside information so he can pre-release information and twist it in a way that makes others look bad. I think councilman Mee Too has learned his lesson in what collateral damage is when you become involved in a conspiracy theory dreamed up by the cockroach, so he actually may be a keeper and is actually doing the job of representing his contituents.

If anyone needs to get voted out it would be the westside wonder woman (a.k.a. momma cockroach) that has done absolutely nothing for the past year in office, well except for being asleep at the wheel in zoning changes in her area, holding open forums to disparage others, be involved in the nacho money conspiracy and voting no on any ordinances that come her way and has not represented anyone but the cockroach and the edgefield mudslinger.

This boob seems to think the presence of a new administrator is going to make a difference in the political landscape in the county which can be no further from the truth than his close relationships with the former administrators.

His negative attitude toward administrators has a history.

With the former former administrator his problems started when a comment was made by him regarding some ridiculous assault charge brought against a building inspector by the cockroach, it seems tapping an idiot on the shoulder is considered assault. This speaking of the truth regarding the stupidity of the charge was the beginning of multiple negative comments directed toward the administrator on the mudslinger, appearances and complaints to council and scathing editorials. When he left the next guy in the chair as administrator was immediately subjected to claims he was not qualified for the job and always referred to as a "used car salesman" or part of the good ole boy network. Gee Howdy, now this was a guy with a law degree and was a former mayor, yet he was not qualified in the eyes of this moron to hold the position. My view is he was just jealous of the former administrators' character and positive devotion to the county, which would obviously clash with the lack of character of the cockroach as well as his destructive quest in the county.

Now we welcome potential victim #3. Sure things are all positive and loving right now because he was momma cockroach's pick of the litter, but if this guy is the true professional we are lead to believe he won't have any time or tolerance for the mudslinger blogger or the bullying of his employees, which will place him in the same light as his predicessors.

But then again he may also be the answer to getting rid of the racist minds page that supports negativity, racisim, promotes division among citizen groups, disparges county employees and used as a vehicle to smear innocent citizens in the county.

I guess we will all soon see who is in control.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Nice article in the local printed papers this week regarding what seems to be a verbal commitment by the potential new administrator. So it looks like the big man on campus in county headquarters is now the county attorney for landing the big fish the county council wanted. The county attorney must have some serious negotiating skills since Edgefield is one of the poorest counties in the state or is council going to pay this guy with nacho money. Things must have drastically changed since his initial offer was plastered all over the county and now we have a new twist as it seems he is being offered a contract and no mention of compensation until after he signs off. Just seems weird to me but if you buy a car you would like to know how much it is before you sign off on it, so it seems strange that his offer is not public. If he still comes I wish him well in his endeavors and the best of luck in dealing with the cockroach and his mudslinger BLOG, it will be interesting to see how an outsider reacts to stupidity afoot and the countless conspiracy theories we have all had to endure for years.

Also noted recently was Councilman Mee Too writing some legislation to bring up for a vote in the future, looks like someone is trying to make a difference and actually do more than take up space on the council, good show. That is more than I can say for momma cockroach this year which has done nothing more than stir up trouble and apparently does not say anything but NO in public but plenty to say on the edgefield mudslinger via the cockroach with her blessing. Many in the community have said that they had great hopes for her being on council but it seems her alliance is with the cockroach and not the community and that is a shame for us all, but at least we all know where she stands.

We can all hope that next year will bring us all changes in the community and the removal of the racist minds page since it serves no purpose but to give people an anonymous forum to attack innocent citizens, county employees and local newspapers. My view is that if it was removed there would be no purpose for this blog or the other one that I recently came across that was far more critical of the cockroach. It seems rather than doing the right thing the cockroach needs someone to disparage so he continues to tell racist minds enthusiasts he is going to expose "the blogger", I guess then it will make all of his activity purposeful in his sick mind. Maybe if he had lived outside the community he would understand how stupid and redneck he sounds with his David and Goliath quest and his defence of his racist venue and one sided opinion. I wish him luck with his blogger identity crisis.

So I ask my readers should this blog be kept going or should I close it out to private only and does it serve any purpose to allow others to view my thoughts?

Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alternative Christmas

‘Twas a night with the cockroach and back at his house
He was having a smoke and clicking his mouse

A six pack was chilling in a cooler with care
In hopes momma cockroach soon would be there

He laid his head down, not time for his bed
As visions of internet hits dance in his head

He had a bad dream and suddenly awoke
And called the sheriff this time not a joke

When the sheriff showed up and asked what is wrong
The cockroach told him this story is long

There are nachos and councilman and chairman and such
Businessmen leaders and I hate them so much

There are mayors and lawyers and folks at the school
And a blogger that truly makes me look like a fool

There are newspaper owners and employees around
That I truly hate in this small southern town

The sheriff just stood there with nothing to say
Could this be another huge waste of a day?

But then out the window what then does appear
Racist minds posters with six packs of beer

The sheriff had more important things to tend
How did he get fooled by these rednecks again?

So he thought very hard and offered advice
Stop talking your trash and try to be nice

We celebrate the joy of this holiday season
Yet we still get attacked for no apparent reason

Perhaps this year we will get what we wish
For the racist minds page to no longer exist

As he got in his squad car and drove out of sight
He called and told dispatch there are nuts out tonight

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It was truly amazing to see the recent article in the "real" newspaper this past week regarding the school board meeting and the topic of internet filters. To actually read essentially what I have been thinking was a real knee slapper.

They found that the mudslinger has no apparent "educational value" and is also blocked due to being filled with "vitriolic language" now that is a mouthful, I can almost hear the canned laughter in the background when the cockroach was essentially told to go pound sand. So once again all of his threats of legal action go unfounded.

But the most amazing part is that this blog was mentioned as well and also blocked and I applaud the IT guys for doing that as well. I actually don't want people to take time out of their workday to read anything here and certainly don't need this blog to be part of a blue ribbon committee to study whether it needs to be unblocked, keep it blocked with my blessing, go spend time on more important issues like educating our youth.

You may notice a few changes here as there is some information supplied to the right if you have any interest. It didn't seem prudent to advertise locally since most businesses are strapped for cash and hoping to survive with some sales at Christmas. I hope you all make it and continue to thrive. This is a way to defray some costs and clicking on any sends a penny to the cause to continue taking the cockroach to task for his negative reporting and bashing of citizens, not to mention the latest rise in racist postings on the racist minds page which makes you want to take a dump in his stocking, now doesn't it.

To think that after all of this time the cockroach has fooled around with the edgefield mudslinger it is only considered a BLOG and not the news source he claims it is, that was the slap on the butt his momma never gave him I bet.

Merry Christmas this was truly a present, HO HO HO.