Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you feel Safe?

Do you feel safe and secure in your home at night, do you feel secure in leaving your home even for a minute?

There are bad things happening on a daily basis:
  • home invasions
  • breaking and entering
  • car theft
  • boat theft
  • murder
  • credit card theft
  • drug deals gone bad
  • gang activity

The home of the westside wonders seems to be the hardest hit, but it is spreading across the county, some happening in broad daylight. So it seems these bad people just roam around unchecked and unafraid.

No one seems to be concerned or asking questions regarding what is being done to solve these crimes or prevent new ones from happening. Some questions to ask would be how many deputies are there currently employed by the Sheriffs Department? Have they lost some deputies and why? Are they overwhelmed? Are there not enough cars? Do they need more feet on the beat? Is there any concern? Do members of the county council care the area is turning into a crime capital in the state? Should a request be made for the national guard to patrol?

These are all questions that should be brought to the next council meeting for answers and if the current method or personnel can't stop the crime perhaps a change needs to be made. But, no one is asking any questions or demanding results. The citizens deserve better on all fronts.

If after asking yourself the question, do you feel safe the answer is no, then you need to demand results.

So ask yourself the question.... Do you feel safe?

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