Thursday, August 26, 2010

Free Advertising

Well folks it seems that the cockroach must have expected some sort of apology regarding an article that was printed in a local paper by mistake and when he didn't get his apology he attacks the editor of that paper again. If you cover the manure in this story what happened seems acceptable.

Apparently, there was a mix up prior to printing last week and a story that was not complete got placed under a guest columnist by mistake. It was explained as to how the article got there and I'm fine with that explaination. But as I have mentioned previously it does not name the mudslinger or the cockroach in the article and who really cares about this blogging menace anyway? Sadly this moron has to continue to pound out another embarrasing trash piece directed toward the newspaper, that is just his lack of style. But one thing this idiot doesn't realize is that sales are great due to his tantrum on his blog it seems since I had to drive around to find a newspaper box that wasn't sold out..... good show cockroach.

Nothing like Free Advertising..

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