Friday, August 20, 2010

Too much mustard

It must have been a slow day for the cockroach since there was only one report of a child molester and two murder suspect articles, but with his spare time he took a sharp poke at the editor of a local "Printed" newspaper.

For some reason when I was reading the paper with my coffee in hand I missed the article that has ticked him off so bad. So I dug out the paper and read it again cover to cover and low a behold there was an article written about an account of a person reading on a "blog" about an automobile accident and death of a young person. I read it again, and again and never once saw the mudslinger mentioned, or the slimy cockroach. It could have been any blog, since the Internet (sponsored by Al Gore) is so vast, the source could have been any in the world wide web that was referenced. Again, the mudslinger was not mentioned, but this should cause some pause on the race to post information that may be sensitive or incorrect. We all know that the cockroach pretty much puts any slant on anything that would promote him or for people to feel sorry for him..... boo hoo. But to attack a local business owner, editor, etc is just par for the slimy course for the cockroach.. Go read the article yourself and make you own judgement, but then again do you really care what the cockroach thinks, I sure don't and I am sure there is no love lost with the constant bashing the cockroach sends in the direction of the local papers.

It all boils down to a big mark on the community "who cares" column when it comes to the slanted inappropriate content that is placed on the mudslinger every day, always with a purpose, or agenda or the creation of a conspiracy.

His calling for the resignation of anyone is just stupid, but what else would you expect from this ignorant redneck.

The article must have left a bad taste in his mouth, like a sandwich with too much mustard..

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