Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It was truly amazing to see the recent article in the "real" newspaper this past week regarding the school board meeting and the topic of internet filters. To actually read essentially what I have been thinking was a real knee slapper.

They found that the mudslinger has no apparent "educational value" and is also blocked due to being filled with "vitriolic language" now that is a mouthful, I can almost hear the canned laughter in the background when the cockroach was essentially told to go pound sand. So once again all of his threats of legal action go unfounded.

But the most amazing part is that this blog was mentioned as well and also blocked and I applaud the IT guys for doing that as well. I actually don't want people to take time out of their workday to read anything here and certainly don't need this blog to be part of a blue ribbon committee to study whether it needs to be unblocked, keep it blocked with my blessing, go spend time on more important issues like educating our youth.

You may notice a few changes here as there is some information supplied to the right if you have any interest. It didn't seem prudent to advertise locally since most businesses are strapped for cash and hoping to survive with some sales at Christmas. I hope you all make it and continue to thrive. This is a way to defray some costs and clicking on any sends a penny to the cause to continue taking the cockroach to task for his negative reporting and bashing of citizens, not to mention the latest rise in racist postings on the racist minds page which makes you want to take a dump in his stocking, now doesn't it.

To think that after all of this time the cockroach has fooled around with the edgefield mudslinger it is only considered a BLOG and not the news source he claims it is, that was the slap on the butt his momma never gave him I bet.

Merry Christmas this was truly a present, HO HO HO.

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