Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Nice article in the local printed papers this week regarding what seems to be a verbal commitment by the potential new administrator. So it looks like the big man on campus in county headquarters is now the county attorney for landing the big fish the county council wanted. The county attorney must have some serious negotiating skills since Edgefield is one of the poorest counties in the state or is council going to pay this guy with nacho money. Things must have drastically changed since his initial offer was plastered all over the county and now we have a new twist as it seems he is being offered a contract and no mention of compensation until after he signs off. Just seems weird to me but if you buy a car you would like to know how much it is before you sign off on it, so it seems strange that his offer is not public. If he still comes I wish him well in his endeavors and the best of luck in dealing with the cockroach and his mudslinger BLOG, it will be interesting to see how an outsider reacts to stupidity afoot and the countless conspiracy theories we have all had to endure for years.

Also noted recently was Councilman Mee Too writing some legislation to bring up for a vote in the future, looks like someone is trying to make a difference and actually do more than take up space on the council, good show. That is more than I can say for momma cockroach this year which has done nothing more than stir up trouble and apparently does not say anything but NO in public but plenty to say on the edgefield mudslinger via the cockroach with her blessing. Many in the community have said that they had great hopes for her being on council but it seems her alliance is with the cockroach and not the community and that is a shame for us all, but at least we all know where she stands.

We can all hope that next year will bring us all changes in the community and the removal of the racist minds page since it serves no purpose but to give people an anonymous forum to attack innocent citizens, county employees and local newspapers. My view is that if it was removed there would be no purpose for this blog or the other one that I recently came across that was far more critical of the cockroach. It seems rather than doing the right thing the cockroach needs someone to disparage so he continues to tell racist minds enthusiasts he is going to expose "the blogger", I guess then it will make all of his activity purposeful in his sick mind. Maybe if he had lived outside the community he would understand how stupid and redneck he sounds with his David and Goliath quest and his defence of his racist venue and one sided opinion. I wish him luck with his blogger identity crisis.

So I ask my readers should this blog be kept going or should I close it out to private only and does it serve any purpose to allow others to view my thoughts?

Happy New Year.


  1. I for one, have enjoyed your "alternative" view! I think you are doing a great job. Happy New Year!

  2. He does not have a clue who you are.
    Keep up the good work, I enjoy your comments and try to support you any way that I can.

  3. I think we need an Alternative! Please keep up the good work. The cockroach needs to be stamped out and your method of doing that is very effective. We need to spread the word about the Alternative. Not enough citizens know about you.

  4. Thank you, really enjoy your blog. Keep it going!

  5. I think I'm going to puke....if you have to blow your own whistle, it aint worth blowin'

  6. keep it up i appreciate what you do and will sent your bog to others so they can join you too.

  7. I agree every time I see the wandering minds I want to puke too. He needs to keep it going.
