Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The cockroach editor of the edgefield mudslinger put a stupid comment on his racist minds page to get things stirred up with the upcoming elections for council members. He stated that there were candidates lining up to run against the 3 council members that have been in office for over 20 years. He also went on to make some paranoid reference that there are supposedly 2 people that benefit from them being in office for some reason and control what they do, sure.

Boy is this throwing rocks in a glass house or what?

It seems that momma cockroach and councilman Mee Too have been completely controlled by what the cockroach wants to happen and gets inside information so he can pre-release information and twist it in a way that makes others look bad. I think councilman Mee Too has learned his lesson in what collateral damage is when you become involved in a conspiracy theory dreamed up by the cockroach, so he actually may be a keeper and is actually doing the job of representing his contituents.

If anyone needs to get voted out it would be the westside wonder woman (a.k.a. momma cockroach) that has done absolutely nothing for the past year in office, well except for being asleep at the wheel in zoning changes in her area, holding open forums to disparage others, be involved in the nacho money conspiracy and voting no on any ordinances that come her way and has not represented anyone but the cockroach and the edgefield mudslinger.

This boob seems to think the presence of a new administrator is going to make a difference in the political landscape in the county which can be no further from the truth than his close relationships with the former administrators.

His negative attitude toward administrators has a history.

With the former former administrator his problems started when a comment was made by him regarding some ridiculous assault charge brought against a building inspector by the cockroach, it seems tapping an idiot on the shoulder is considered assault. This speaking of the truth regarding the stupidity of the charge was the beginning of multiple negative comments directed toward the administrator on the mudslinger, appearances and complaints to council and scathing editorials. When he left the next guy in the chair as administrator was immediately subjected to claims he was not qualified for the job and always referred to as a "used car salesman" or part of the good ole boy network. Gee Howdy, now this was a guy with a law degree and was a former mayor, yet he was not qualified in the eyes of this moron to hold the position. My view is he was just jealous of the former administrators' character and positive devotion to the county, which would obviously clash with the lack of character of the cockroach as well as his destructive quest in the county.

Now we welcome potential victim #3. Sure things are all positive and loving right now because he was momma cockroach's pick of the litter, but if this guy is the true professional we are lead to believe he won't have any time or tolerance for the mudslinger blogger or the bullying of his employees, which will place him in the same light as his predicessors.

But then again he may also be the answer to getting rid of the racist minds page that supports negativity, racisim, promotes division among citizen groups, disparges county employees and used as a vehicle to smear innocent citizens in the county.

I guess we will all soon see who is in control.


  1. Want to bet on how long it takes for the new administrator to become a target? My bet.... 6 months.

  2. maybe we should set up a betting pool and sell squares for $10 with the proceeds going to charity. I take 9 months.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Is there another anti-cockroach blog? If so, I would love to know the address. Thanks.

  5. I found it and once it was mentioned on this blog it got moved to private or invited only. The postings there were very harsh and off color and after reading it this blog is kind in comparison.


  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. OH NO! RAID !


  9. Somebody better get their facts right before they get sued.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Several posts have been removed due to violation of blog rules. No naming names,no racist comments and no negative banter between commenters.

    If you don't like what is written here, please do not visit.
