Monday, January 18, 2010

Makes you Wonder

I have been sitting back and watching the stories starting to come together on multiple fronts both on the front page as well as the racist minds page of the mudslinger, lots to catch up on.

First and foremost my hat is off to a person with my vote as the outstanding citizen of the year that wrote a letter to the editor coming to the defense of a local businessman and the economic group in the area. I bet the cockroach had to down a few beers when he cut an pasted that on his blog. I would post it also but there are too many names to list and it is the policy here not to. When you look at the entire body of work that has been accomplished over the years it is staggering, how could anyone think that there is greed involved, of course if you are some low life like the cockroach anyone of substance is a bad person. If we had to list the good things the cockroach has done for this county it would be a blank page. Truth be known when any industry tries to locate here they do research and when they find the negative conspiracy theory ridden trash on the mudslinger they run for the county line.

I see that there may be a candidate being lured to run for probate judge which I am sure has the cockroach terrified if his drinking buddy is voted out of office, since he is a regular information source and partner of the cockroach that joins him in the smearing of innocent citizens in the county. My opinion is it may be time for a change in that office, regardless of party connections. Justice will be served in this county when he cleans his office out, but I hope the internet history is cleaned on his computer so the new person won't get any surprises.

The cockroach continues to pound on the chairman and his personal life, not sure what any of it has to do with him performing his job with the county, but that is the way the cockroach rolls with is continuous smear campaigns against everyone. I guess he is still sore from the spanking the chairman gave him in front of momma cockroach. That must have been a real change for her to see him get his butt smacked for a change and I am sure they had to stop for a six pack and a carton of smokes to get over it.

As far as the Northside councilman and Senior Councilman, they will be back because whether the cockroach likes it or not, they actually represent and tend to the needs of their constituents, which is more than I can say for momma cockroach. Councilman Mee Too must have bought some Raid since he has not been doing the bidding of the cockroach lately and has some legislation pending it seems. You may have to feed your animals and lock them up or the "puppy police" may come knocking, but if you are a good person you have no worries. I wonder if they could drop all the strays off at the cockroach's house since there is no where to put them, maybe he could add that to the ordinance.

I also see that the cockroach had some contact with a former council member, it seems that the merriwether pope was standing in line at a convenience store and there was the cockroach in line with his six pack and likely getting a carton of smokes. Apparently the Pope asked others if they had problems with mudslinging cockroaches and that did not set well with him and he just had to point the finger in the other direction claiming he had video................. here we go again. I am totally shocked he didn't call his favorite sheriff or momma cockroach to tell on him...... boo hoo, he was picking on me. I am sure the Pope was mentally genuflecting the cockroach and not using all of his fingers, but remained in laughter mode as the cockroach squirmed in embarrassment. Well quite frankly all of us folks in the merriwether area are sick of the lack of representation we all receive from momma cockroach and it may be time to dust off the Pope and move him back on council. At least he was in favor of expanding industrial development rather than milking money out of the taxpayers. And was it not the Pope that suggested a Industrial Development recruiter for the county back in 2001 and now it seems that the cockroach is wanting to place the former county administrator with that duty? How original and credit should go to the Pope and not momma cockroach if this comes to pass since it was his idea, not hers. The ONLY accomplishment momma cockroach has achieved in the merriwether area is to show everyone she totally supports the cockroach and everything that is said and done on the edgefield mudslinger and that is why she will NOT get my vote next time.

I also understand that the cockroach again stated he knows the alternative blogger identity and will have "him" fired, well good luck with that notion since neither the cockroach or momma cockroach have any power over me or my employer, unless they want to call the president to complain. Don't think of taking this knucklehead hunting with you if your intention is for him to sniff anything out for you, this cockroach can't track. His perils with the Kaolin folks proved that long ago.

I will close with this thought I recently had about the pending new county administrator, does the guy not have a fax machine, email or somewhere where FedEx can pick up a signed copy of his offer?

Makes you wonder.

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