Thursday, January 28, 2010


I noticed the cockroach put a reference of 5 days on his racist minds page yesterday so I looked on my calendar and low and behold it is Ground Hog Day. Two thoughts came to mind when I also remembered it is also the day of the coronation of the new administrator for the county.

The movie Ground Hog day came to mind as well where the character is subjected to the same thing or day over and over. Boy do we know that feeling in this county since we have been subjected to as someone recently so well put "Scurrilous Libel" of the cockroach on the mudslinger. Maybe our new guy in charge will have some influence in shutting down the racist minds page and convince the cockroach it does far more harm than good in the county and has a negative impact on the economy and local business, since momma cockroach apparently won't for some reason. The cockroach even brags about how he has had reveled in the decline of a merriwether housing development which is something that most of the residents won't forget at the polls when they send momma cockroach packing. The cockroach has been laying low for a couple of days, but this is just so he can suck up to the new guy in charge so he will have lots of ammo to throw his direction if he stays true to his past associations with former administrators. History does not change and I doubt the cockroach will either, unless the new guy puts some locks on some lips of the smoking buddies of the cockroach that give out information while on the clock.

Another thought also came to mind that maybe in honor of Ground Hog Day perhaps the new administrator will pop his head out of the county office and predict only 10 more months of having to deal with momma cockroach and the rep-probate drinking buddy at the courthouse that are a regular supply of information for the cockroach. If that came to pass I could live with 6 more weeks of winter.

I can't wait either to see what the Ground Hog and the new administrator prognosticates.