Monday, December 14, 2009

Nothing New

What a fine quiet weekend we all had with the town starting to get into the Christmas spirit and then we have to be subjected to snotty cockroach comments and a immature opinion posting on Monday.

Nothing new that I can see on the mudslinger. He has apparently removed a link to one of the local newspapers since he has obvious problems with them actually reporting the news instead of his standard of creating the news. We have churches taking shots at each other in the cowardly racist minds page, nothing new, but should show there is no positive purpose to the page as it continues to promote division among the citizens of the county. What a wonderful poem he wrote about Christmas, no surprise what a bottle of jack daniels and a few smokes will do for you when you are writing, I am sure that momma cockroach praised him for his prose.

He must have been so smashed he gave the blogger the name mickey the mouse, how cute is that! For him to give the blogger a name now puts me on his list of regulars he smears on a daily basis and for that I am honored. Honored because the people on his list are actually people of relevance in the community which makes the blog relevant contrary to what the cockroach would have anyone believe. The cockroach will never be relevant. Each time he mentions the blogger it gives this blog more relevance and readership, what a moron. I thought he said that comments were being removed from here and we were laying low, well sorry to disappoint him.....still here. The only comments that are ever removed have violated the rules here, no naming names, no bad language and no racist remarks. His latest work of art should tell everyone what a low life coward this cockroach is in his attacks against others in the community as well as using the mudslinger and it shows his lack of maturity. This is something you would not expect from a grown and mature adult but I guess is his standard.

Nothing New.

1 comment:

  1. Please post his arrest report! The citizens of the county have a right to know!
