Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Swing and a Miss

I think as kids around the ball park we he all heard the phrase "swing batter batter swing" with the hopes that the batter would strike out. Well the cockroach continues to foul out in his continued quest to figure out who blogs here in his latest question to himself and answer to himself in his cowardly minds page.

The cockroach states that a month of blogging his been removed from here but if you happen to look to the right and click on the month they are all there, it seems this idiot can't figure that out, but what else would you expect from this fool. Wishful thinking on his behalf I am sure. Once again the cockroach is telling a big lie and trying to make everyone believe he has importance or some power in the community. Don't worry, nothing has been removed here and his comments are only a way to cover the fact he removed and altered loads of racist comments from his racist coward page when he thought the NAACP was coming after him. Don't worry they are dialing up daily to continue watching what he is doing I understand. His major problem is that people have not been commenting as much as they used to and finally have seen the true damage that his quest to smear others in this community has caused. But it does give him more space to ask himself questions (comments) and give himself answers (editor response) to keep the manure pile stinking that he creates.

Folks have also seen things for what they really are when it comes to corruption and misguided efforts in the county leadership. Take councilman Mee Too and his involvement in the nacho money conspiracy he was pulled into by the cockroach, I am sure he won't get the smell off of himself from his participation in that conspiracy for a while. He has kept a low profile since that was thrown out the window, hopefully he won't get led down the paranoid path by the cockroach again and has learned a lesson. He should feel ashamed of what his participation in that issue has caused. As far as council member momma cockroach she continues to take the Patsy Cline approach to her held office and stand by or behind her cockroach by communicating with her constituents through the mudslinger and never in public on any issue. Well, other than the spooktacular event that she and Mee Too held to fend off the fact they were both asleep at the wheel regarding some zoning changes in their areas. Maybe some people got sucked into that event but I did not buy what they were selling on the slanted mudslinger coverage and subsequent smear of a local respected newspaper.

Always remember when the cockroach attacks an issue in the county it is always tied to some personal vendetta he has against someone and is not a valid complaint. Take for instance the multiple Sheriff investigations, SLED investigations, death threats and fraud conspiracies that have been waged against county employees and business leaders, they always end without any result and serve no apparent purpose except to bring shame to honest people in our community.

The latest conspiracy continues to be with those in county government behind the furniture store purchase and his contact with "the blogger". As always he attacks people that actually have some purpose in life other than to scurry around and make trouble like he does. Sorry to disappoint his readership but I have never contacted this moron and don't expect to. Why would I since I have the same rights as the cockroach in blogging my view of things. The main difference between this blog and the mudslinger is I have never placed any one's name here and have let folks figure out the characters on their own by having them watch their actions. Another swing and miss on his behalf as I continue to remain indifferent to his opinion and lack of intelligence. Hey, I thought he already knew the identity and had the IP address of the person with his vast expertise in undercover investigations, didn't he? Once again he has not failed in showing his complete stupidity and continues to be himself a "rank amateur". But again his only fixation to this blog is that he does not have any person to smear and publicly humiliate and apparently can't handle the truth or another alternative to his dribble of mental illness that he exposes us all to daily. There is now also the potential of momma cockroach not being re-elected and cutting his umbilical to insider information and that must truly be traumatic. What should be even more traumatic to him is everytime he mentions this blog it seems about 200 new people visit it such as today. With last month reeling in 6500 visits with 2/3 of them being new it seems more people are directed here for the truth or an alternative view by his comments and threats. Maybe we should thank him for the referrals so even more folks will wonder what is written here and finally know the truth, eventually everyone will know and see him for the village idiot he is.

If this idiot ever wanted to know what really goes on in the area he needs to stop in for a McBisquit or have a good huddle or governors breakfast where the real brain trust of the county dines daily and knows and discusses the happenings of everything. This is a small town and people do talk so when you are eating your grits in the morning and overhear someone say "that's not what I heard" or "did you hear what happened last night" it is far more believable than anything you may read on the mudslinger or the racist coward page.

Maybe someday the cockroach will grow out of some of his upbringing and make some changes in his life that will be positive for the community but I am having my doubts because this guy is truly a narrow minded ignorant redneck that fails to have any positive direction in his life or respect for the feeling of others.

Until then we will all watch the cockroach to continue to swing and miss in everything he does.


  1. "swing and miss at everything he does"

    Really? Why don't you check his arrest report.

  2. YOU are driving this nut nutter. He says that you ask him to not name you, he is realy in space ville.

  3. I am so glad that you are here!
