Thursday, April 8, 2010


Oh my did I really read that the economic head came to the party to defend his program and try to educate them on WHY there is no industry locating to the area?

It seems some of the reasons are a lack of DSL, water and sewer, buildings, and educated and supportive council and to top it off the poor representation of the area through the area's only online source of news. Well gee howdy how about that. So we can blame the mudslinger for people getting the wrong impression of everyone, especially the council and business leaders on an edgefield daily basis on the mudslinger. Never thought I would see the day that an outsider would take the time to say what everyone else knows and have it part of the record but there it is all out in the open.

So one would ask what are any of these people doing representing the area if they are ill prepared to know what industries need in order to lure them to the area and to stand idle and do nothing to correct what is needed to accomplish this task. My guess would be self preservation and lack of purpose. If you have someone that knows what industries need telling what you have to do to accomplish this, why just sit like a bunch of bozos and do nothing to change this? The area will never grow unless changes are made. But the genius idea this bunch came up with is to not pay an organization that advises them on what they need to do (which they ignore) and blame them for not bringing any new employers to the area because of their inaction. I guess they feel it is better not to pay a professional to represent the county, this way no one will know they are all stupid.

Any part of the country that thinks it can just tax the crap out of people and do nothing to expand the tax base fails the citizens. There are people defaulting on mortgages daily across the country and businesses going under as well, people out of work or working shorter weeks and it will get far worse before it gets back to normal. This means a trend in less revenue available and a smaller tax base that can only be fixed by raising taxes on those that are left to pay more.

Edgefield has higher taxes than all of the other surrounding counties, why is this? The answer is the school district and a lack of industry. So why not fix what is wrong instead of funding pet projects and lure some employers to the county. Sadly I found out recently that the main employer in the county is the prison and the other is a bunch of turkeys, so what will it take to change this other than the taxpayers demanding this change.

To my supporters, thanks for the nudge and happy to voice your concerns.

But the cat is out of the bag now, everyone now knows the mudslinger has had a negative impact on industry locating here.


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