Thursday, July 8, 2010

Opinions are like?

Wow, for a while we all had a break from the ignorant rants from the cockroach. With the exception of all the rednecks and racists attacking the candidates for office and the white trash folks attacking the school board nothing was really new.

Today's opinion posted by the cockroach editor is just more of the same hatred and chest pumping that we are all sick of and just a way for him to stand up for momma cockroach that was apparently upset by the new admin comments. Well, maybe the council needs some sensitivity training !

If you give it you need to be able to take it, but the real problem is that Mr. & Mrs. Cockroach and Mee Too don't operate in the light of day and prefer to back stab and create ill will in the community. I suspect the new admin was sick of all the BS and essentially called them out in public so everyone can see what kind of garbage he has to deal with. So rather than mend fences and do their jobs they seek out to discredit him and slander him in an opinion column.

Stupid is as stupid does pretty much raps things up when it comes to the cockroach and again the county is the laughing stock of surrounding communities as well as potential industries and jobs to locate here. More destruction, more bad press and more thoughts that everyone in the area are stupid. If there was any real threat in the meeting I am certain that the officers would be called to escort someone out of the building, but as always this is all blown out of context to satisfy the ego of the ignorant.

Of course the admin has to be made out like the bad guy in this case, nothing ever changes..

You know the old saying, opinions are like (you know), well again the cockroach is the biggest one.

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