Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Nice article in the local printed papers this week regarding what seems to be a verbal commitment by the potential new administrator. So it looks like the big man on campus in county headquarters is now the county attorney for landing the big fish the county council wanted. The county attorney must have some serious negotiating skills since Edgefield is one of the poorest counties in the state or is council going to pay this guy with nacho money. Things must have drastically changed since his initial offer was plastered all over the county and now we have a new twist as it seems he is being offered a contract and no mention of compensation until after he signs off. Just seems weird to me but if you buy a car you would like to know how much it is before you sign off on it, so it seems strange that his offer is not public. If he still comes I wish him well in his endeavors and the best of luck in dealing with the cockroach and his mudslinger BLOG, it will be interesting to see how an outsider reacts to stupidity afoot and the countless conspiracy theories we have all had to endure for years.

Also noted recently was Councilman Mee Too writing some legislation to bring up for a vote in the future, looks like someone is trying to make a difference and actually do more than take up space on the council, good show. That is more than I can say for momma cockroach this year which has done nothing more than stir up trouble and apparently does not say anything but NO in public but plenty to say on the edgefield mudslinger via the cockroach with her blessing. Many in the community have said that they had great hopes for her being on council but it seems her alliance is with the cockroach and not the community and that is a shame for us all, but at least we all know where she stands.

We can all hope that next year will bring us all changes in the community and the removal of the racist minds page since it serves no purpose but to give people an anonymous forum to attack innocent citizens, county employees and local newspapers. My view is that if it was removed there would be no purpose for this blog or the other one that I recently came across that was far more critical of the cockroach. It seems rather than doing the right thing the cockroach needs someone to disparage so he continues to tell racist minds enthusiasts he is going to expose "the blogger", I guess then it will make all of his activity purposeful in his sick mind. Maybe if he had lived outside the community he would understand how stupid and redneck he sounds with his David and Goliath quest and his defence of his racist venue and one sided opinion. I wish him luck with his blogger identity crisis.

So I ask my readers should this blog be kept going or should I close it out to private only and does it serve any purpose to allow others to view my thoughts?

Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Alternative Christmas

‘Twas a night with the cockroach and back at his house
He was having a smoke and clicking his mouse

A six pack was chilling in a cooler with care
In hopes momma cockroach soon would be there

He laid his head down, not time for his bed
As visions of internet hits dance in his head

He had a bad dream and suddenly awoke
And called the sheriff this time not a joke

When the sheriff showed up and asked what is wrong
The cockroach told him this story is long

There are nachos and councilman and chairman and such
Businessmen leaders and I hate them so much

There are mayors and lawyers and folks at the school
And a blogger that truly makes me look like a fool

There are newspaper owners and employees around
That I truly hate in this small southern town

The sheriff just stood there with nothing to say
Could this be another huge waste of a day?

But then out the window what then does appear
Racist minds posters with six packs of beer

The sheriff had more important things to tend
How did he get fooled by these rednecks again?

So he thought very hard and offered advice
Stop talking your trash and try to be nice

We celebrate the joy of this holiday season
Yet we still get attacked for no apparent reason

Perhaps this year we will get what we wish
For the racist minds page to no longer exist

As he got in his squad car and drove out of sight
He called and told dispatch there are nuts out tonight

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It was truly amazing to see the recent article in the "real" newspaper this past week regarding the school board meeting and the topic of internet filters. To actually read essentially what I have been thinking was a real knee slapper.

They found that the mudslinger has no apparent "educational value" and is also blocked due to being filled with "vitriolic language" now that is a mouthful, I can almost hear the canned laughter in the background when the cockroach was essentially told to go pound sand. So once again all of his threats of legal action go unfounded.

But the most amazing part is that this blog was mentioned as well and also blocked and I applaud the IT guys for doing that as well. I actually don't want people to take time out of their workday to read anything here and certainly don't need this blog to be part of a blue ribbon committee to study whether it needs to be unblocked, keep it blocked with my blessing, go spend time on more important issues like educating our youth.

You may notice a few changes here as there is some information supplied to the right if you have any interest. It didn't seem prudent to advertise locally since most businesses are strapped for cash and hoping to survive with some sales at Christmas. I hope you all make it and continue to thrive. This is a way to defray some costs and clicking on any sends a penny to the cause to continue taking the cockroach to task for his negative reporting and bashing of citizens, not to mention the latest rise in racist postings on the racist minds page which makes you want to take a dump in his stocking, now doesn't it.

To think that after all of this time the cockroach has fooled around with the edgefield mudslinger it is only considered a BLOG and not the news source he claims it is, that was the slap on the butt his momma never gave him I bet.

Merry Christmas this was truly a present, HO HO HO.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Being Exposed

The latest conspiracy the cockroach has dreamed up is with the school system blocking the racist minds page and all of his chest pounding that he is going to take them to court for 1st amendment rights violations. What a display if pure stupidity this is for sure.

I guess next he is going to tackle a few of the hospitals in Augusta and don't forget SRS since they have it blocked as well. I would love to see him try to get through the gate out there and demand that they unblock his racist page, too funny but sure would be fun to see him in cuffs again.

The filtering of websites in businesses is not a new thing and mostly for two reasons such as to protect a network from viruses and spyware and to protect surfers from harmful content (pornography). Definitely not something someone designed to attack the cockroach and his mudslinger. Someone that really wants to have the racist blog unlocked is likely someone that feeds from the ignorance that is written there, wants to brag on some ignorant comment that they placed there, or wants to see what some bonehead is saying about them, pick one. Actually the website serves no purpose in any business much less education, so anyone complaining should just go back to what they are getting paid to do in my opinion, take it or leave it.

The real serious problem here that is most troubling to me is that the cockroach is providing information to those inside on how to go around the filter, hacking their way so they can view his prize jewel. Keep in mind once this is done it can provide access to pornography and other harmful content. So if he is giving them tips on how to do that, what is to stop students to do it as well and start looking at porn at school. Obviously, this dude has no class or morals when it comes to the Internet or the protection of our youth. But with his stellar past what would you expect. But I wonder if it is with the blessing of momma cockroach, does she think the taxpayers need to pay people at work so they can view the mudslinger and pornography in our schools? Good question to ask.

Here is a suggestion, if you have a student at any of the edgefield schools give the IT guy a call and report that the cockroach is giving hacking instructions to staff and for all we know students that will jeopardize Internet security. This should be all they need to justify blocking the entire site since he is enabling people to break state law by violating state and local Internet usage policies. It never ceases to surprise me at the steps the cockroach takes to try to get everyone on his low level or to get others involved in his disgusting lifeviews and apparent lifestyle. Perhaps he doesn't think looking at porn or supporting racism is a problem, but I would imagine that most parents do not send their children to school so they can be exposed there. The cockroach states it would be in the schools best interest to remove the filter, my opinion is due to his tampering with their system it would be in the best interest of all the students if his entire site was blocked at this point and anyone trying to go around the system should be fired.

Maybe the school should have this nut investigated for attempting to break Internet security and endanger the youth of the area?

If it is not stopped your kids will be at school being exposed to his racist attitude and god knows what else..

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Still No Smoke

I normally only blog about the cockroach and his hideous manure spreading mudslinger but it simply amazes me that we still don't have a new county administrator in place. I have not seen another word printed about this for weeks in the real newspapers since he was contacted by the Citizens Paper to ask if he was taking the job. Apparently he said he was thinking about it, is he still thinking? So what is up with this situation? Lets break this down and see if it makes any sense.
  • August-current administrator resigns and offers to stay on board until someone new can come in.
  • The cockroach posts an editorial about sending him packing after the westside wonders hold a town hall meeting and say they don't want him to stay.
  • He does not stay after being smeared on the mudslinger.
  • September-the search starts for a new administrator without anyone in place with the exception of an interim volunteer.
  • September-the names of the applicants are released to the media and the cockroach disparages each of the candidates on the mudslinger.
  • October-interviews are held but several drop off for some reason.
  • October-momma cockroach states in a town hall they don't have any good candidates after they have been interviewed.
  • November-more people are brought in for interview, who knows who they are since the names weren't released the second time, must have been an oversight or a secret.
  • November-candidate selected after interview turns out to be one that had withdrawn after being smeared on the mudslinger.
  • High fives from the westside wonders and the cockroach regarding their choice of the new administrator.
  • New guy was offered $70,000 a year but only for 6 months pending the outcome of his DUI charge and no contract.
  • Here is the latest on the DUI charge --> Here
  • According to the White county news he was given $53,000+ as severance which was half of his salary. That would mean he was making over $100,000.
  • More applause and praise devoted to momma cockroach for her extensive human resource experience on the mudslinger.
  • November, second week still no administrator.
  • November, third week negotiations turned over to county attorney.

December, now second week where is the new guy?

It seems to me that this entire process was screwed up by the entire council with apparently the "extensive human resource" advice from momma cockroach. So what has been happening for the past 4 months? Makes you wonder what is next from the entire crew at the county office in this employment blunder.

So ask yourself these questions:

Why would they contact someone that had removed himself? Why would they go after someone they could not afford? What if the new guy decides he doesn't want to be the new guy and to be subjected to the cockroach comments on the mudslinger? What if he does take the job, who will drive him around in the county car, since he may be reckless? Where does this leave the county after they have essentially turned their backs to all the others that have interviewed and have been disparged on the mudslinger? What is going to happen next? All very good questions to ask the council at this point.

Looks like we scooped the mudslinger on this news, but maybe he doesn't want to acknowledge these recent events because it may backfire on the westside wonders.

After 4 months it leaves us still without a leader. We still wait for the white smoke to flow from the chimney, but still no smoke.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Nothing of substance placed on the mudslinger today, so really nothing to blog about here to counter what the cockroach has cooked up. He is likely out scurrying around looking for more manure to spread in all of our directions, typical pattern.

Will be back when his head pops up again. Until then go get in the Christmas spirit and remember those that need family support during this time as well as our servicemen.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Nothing New

What a fine quiet weekend we all had with the town starting to get into the Christmas spirit and then we have to be subjected to snotty cockroach comments and a immature opinion posting on Monday.

Nothing new that I can see on the mudslinger. He has apparently removed a link to one of the local newspapers since he has obvious problems with them actually reporting the news instead of his standard of creating the news. We have churches taking shots at each other in the cowardly racist minds page, nothing new, but should show there is no positive purpose to the page as it continues to promote division among the citizens of the county. What a wonderful poem he wrote about Christmas, no surprise what a bottle of jack daniels and a few smokes will do for you when you are writing, I am sure that momma cockroach praised him for his prose.

He must have been so smashed he gave the blogger the name mickey the mouse, how cute is that! For him to give the blogger a name now puts me on his list of regulars he smears on a daily basis and for that I am honored. Honored because the people on his list are actually people of relevance in the community which makes the blog relevant contrary to what the cockroach would have anyone believe. The cockroach will never be relevant. Each time he mentions the blogger it gives this blog more relevance and readership, what a moron. I thought he said that comments were being removed from here and we were laying low, well sorry to disappoint him.....still here. The only comments that are ever removed have violated the rules here, no naming names, no bad language and no racist remarks. His latest work of art should tell everyone what a low life coward this cockroach is in his attacks against others in the community as well as using the mudslinger and it shows his lack of maturity. This is something you would not expect from a grown and mature adult but I guess is his standard.

Nothing New.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The List

I had a curious thought the other day about the cowardly minds page and looked at some of the archives on the mudslinger and the cockroach comments and editorials over the past few months and spot checked a few years. What I found was not surprising in that the conduct of the cockroach and the pattern of those that he attacks all show signs of mental problems. It seems if you have a positive purpose in life or try to improve things in the community or are a public figure he goes after you.

I started making a list and may have missed a few but here are some obvious ones:
  • Former former County Administrator
  • Former County Administrator
  • Former Council Members
  • Current Council Members ( with the exception of the members of the triad)
  • County Employees
  • Recreation Director
  • Council Chairman
  • The Mayor
  • Former County Attorney
  • Current County Attorney
  • County Department heads
  • School Board members
  • Head of School Board
  • School Principals
  • Business leaders
  • School Teachers
  • Business owners
  • School Department Heads
  • School Bus Drivers
  • People of color
  • Those running for public office
  • Local printed newspapers and their ownership
  • Reporters and columnists of local newspapers
  • Multiple city council members in all areas of the county
  • Potential employees of the county
  • Common everyday citizens
  • Yours Truly: The Alternative Blogger

The list seems endless but one thing they all have in common is that the majority of these folks have an education, a job and responsibility for what they do and largely try their best to do so.

The cockroach must seem threatened by these kind of people and does his best to smear their reputations and influence others to see them as he does.... a threat. Why would anyone ever believe something that someone so obviously unbalanced would say? Entertainment? Who knows, but know this if he ever says anything negative about anyone and put any faith in what he prints it only feeds his illness and promotes conflict among the sane in this community. This is normally referred to as sociopathic behavior in the real world and the best way to confront it is to ignore his conduct and go about your day without acknowledgement. His obvious comments to himself and answer to keep the pot stirred is also a sign of someone in need of therapy. I truly feel sad for anyone that would pay any attention to this fool or let it impact any decisions that they make or how they may view anyone he attacks.

It is unclear to me how he comes to the conclusions about folks or what his selection process is of his next victim, maybe he has a dart board he uses when he is up late having a smoke and peeing off his back deck at night. Who knows. Maybe it is time for more people to get involved in changing this trend and the daily abuse that people have to endure. Maybe the citizens need to pick up the phone and call his advertisers again or perhaps call momma cockroach and ask that it stop for the sake of this community.

You never know what may happen unless you try and I would suggest you do try so you do not become a victim or addition to The List.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Swing and a Miss

I think as kids around the ball park we he all heard the phrase "swing batter batter swing" with the hopes that the batter would strike out. Well the cockroach continues to foul out in his continued quest to figure out who blogs here in his latest question to himself and answer to himself in his cowardly minds page.

The cockroach states that a month of blogging his been removed from here but if you happen to look to the right and click on the month they are all there, it seems this idiot can't figure that out, but what else would you expect from this fool. Wishful thinking on his behalf I am sure. Once again the cockroach is telling a big lie and trying to make everyone believe he has importance or some power in the community. Don't worry, nothing has been removed here and his comments are only a way to cover the fact he removed and altered loads of racist comments from his racist coward page when he thought the NAACP was coming after him. Don't worry they are dialing up daily to continue watching what he is doing I understand. His major problem is that people have not been commenting as much as they used to and finally have seen the true damage that his quest to smear others in this community has caused. But it does give him more space to ask himself questions (comments) and give himself answers (editor response) to keep the manure pile stinking that he creates.

Folks have also seen things for what they really are when it comes to corruption and misguided efforts in the county leadership. Take councilman Mee Too and his involvement in the nacho money conspiracy he was pulled into by the cockroach, I am sure he won't get the smell off of himself from his participation in that conspiracy for a while. He has kept a low profile since that was thrown out the window, hopefully he won't get led down the paranoid path by the cockroach again and has learned a lesson. He should feel ashamed of what his participation in that issue has caused. As far as council member momma cockroach she continues to take the Patsy Cline approach to her held office and stand by or behind her cockroach by communicating with her constituents through the mudslinger and never in public on any issue. Well, other than the spooktacular event that she and Mee Too held to fend off the fact they were both asleep at the wheel regarding some zoning changes in their areas. Maybe some people got sucked into that event but I did not buy what they were selling on the slanted mudslinger coverage and subsequent smear of a local respected newspaper.

Always remember when the cockroach attacks an issue in the county it is always tied to some personal vendetta he has against someone and is not a valid complaint. Take for instance the multiple Sheriff investigations, SLED investigations, death threats and fraud conspiracies that have been waged against county employees and business leaders, they always end without any result and serve no apparent purpose except to bring shame to honest people in our community.

The latest conspiracy continues to be with those in county government behind the furniture store purchase and his contact with "the blogger". As always he attacks people that actually have some purpose in life other than to scurry around and make trouble like he does. Sorry to disappoint his readership but I have never contacted this moron and don't expect to. Why would I since I have the same rights as the cockroach in blogging my view of things. The main difference between this blog and the mudslinger is I have never placed any one's name here and have let folks figure out the characters on their own by having them watch their actions. Another swing and miss on his behalf as I continue to remain indifferent to his opinion and lack of intelligence. Hey, I thought he already knew the identity and had the IP address of the person with his vast expertise in undercover investigations, didn't he? Once again he has not failed in showing his complete stupidity and continues to be himself a "rank amateur". But again his only fixation to this blog is that he does not have any person to smear and publicly humiliate and apparently can't handle the truth or another alternative to his dribble of mental illness that he exposes us all to daily. There is now also the potential of momma cockroach not being re-elected and cutting his umbilical to insider information and that must truly be traumatic. What should be even more traumatic to him is everytime he mentions this blog it seems about 200 new people visit it such as today. With last month reeling in 6500 visits with 2/3 of them being new it seems more people are directed here for the truth or an alternative view by his comments and threats. Maybe we should thank him for the referrals so even more folks will wonder what is written here and finally know the truth, eventually everyone will know and see him for the village idiot he is.

If this idiot ever wanted to know what really goes on in the area he needs to stop in for a McBisquit or have a good huddle or governors breakfast where the real brain trust of the county dines daily and knows and discusses the happenings of everything. This is a small town and people do talk so when you are eating your grits in the morning and overhear someone say "that's not what I heard" or "did you hear what happened last night" it is far more believable than anything you may read on the mudslinger or the racist coward page.

Maybe someday the cockroach will grow out of some of his upbringing and make some changes in his life that will be positive for the community but I am having my doubts because this guy is truly a narrow minded ignorant redneck that fails to have any positive direction in his life or respect for the feeling of others.

Until then we will all watch the cockroach to continue to swing and miss in everything he does.

Friday, December 4, 2009


The edgefield mudslinger posted a editorial with a title that included the word scam which should be a word the cockroach can relate to.

  • He has scammed lots of folks in the area by selling them advertising in a venue filled with half-truths, racist attitudes and misleading articles for years.
  • He has scammed people by misleading them into thinking that there is corruption and theft afoot in our county government and private businesses.
  • He has scammed people into believing that people where involved in a nacho money conspiracy.
  • He has scammed county officials into participating in conspiracy theories.
  • He has scammed people into to believing there is some news media conspiracy.
  • He has scammed people into believing he received death threats.
  • He has scammed people into believing he has requested investigations
  • He has scammed people into believing that people in the area can't be trusted.
  • He has scammed people into looking at others differently.
  • He has scammed outsiders into believing this area is corrupt and filled with stupid people.
  • He has scammed people into believing what he writes is not fiction.
  • The worst of them all is that he scamming momma cockroach into participating in ethics violations by digging information out of her at home.
All of his scams when you place them all together paint a picture of a truly mentally disturbed person with paranoid conspiracy issues. Once you step back you see him for the crybaby coward that he is. He should be ignored because he truly does not have any power or authority to do anything except complain and create issues that don't exist, but they are not issues unless you pay attention. The cockroach is truly a sad sick person that should not be rewarded by placing any value in his opinions and should just be ignored, both him and his opinions.

He always like to paint himself as a defender of the area, but he is nothing more than a scammer.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Good Spankin'

As expected the drama continues with the cockroach as well as his quest to continue to bring shame to the county and disparage certain individuals on the council and community. I overheard a conversation on the street that they felt the meeting was spectacular. Sources confirmed my conclusion that Councilman Mee Too had finally found his playbook and actually did a good job for a change, still voting as he is expected to but seems to be plugged in for a change.... good job. Mamma Cockroach hasn't made the transition from being under cockroach control, no comments and the usual No vote, no surprise that she may be a lost cause. There were a few visitors that are taking some notes on the lack of progress with the some of new council members it seems, we will see where that leads.

The cockroach must have been very excited to return to coward headquarters to write his articles since he left in such a huge hurry with a red face. He was so excited he devoted two articles about the meeting, one normal business as usual reporting on the votes, etc., the other was a scathing article on him being attacked by the chairman. He got lots of high fives from his redneck support group and himself in the cowardly minds page thanking him for speaking up and taking the council to task.

That is not exactly why he left with a red face.

The real reason he left in such a hurry is the chairman finally had his fill of his crap as well as "the liar" editorial the cockroach dedicated to the chairman. The chairman didn't attack him, he told him off as well as put him in his place regarding his slanted and misleading articles about the furniture store purchase, his reputation and misleading the community. Yep, people are starting to figure out the cockroach is a big nut case and should not be a source for the truth. It's about time that someone just told the cockroach to shut up and finally hold him accountable for the distruction he causes around us all. In fact the chariman was even congratuated by other visitors that are also sick of the mudslinger and the cowardly cockroach, you will not likely see that part put on the mudslinger.

Apparently when confronted with the truth or taken to task this coward runs like a greyhound. Whatever the chairman had in his water needs to be shared with the rest of the council members that have had to endure this menace and maybe they need to tell him to shut up as well or just ignore the idiot. Maybe for once they won't concern themselves with what he writes and actually manage the affairs of the county without worrying what he thinks or says.

In my eyes the chairman didn't "attack" him, he just gave the cockroach something his momma obviously never gave him.

A Good Spankin'

Monday, November 30, 2009

County Coward

I am sure that everyone can see that things are getting ramped up for the next council meeting this week. The cockroach took some time off in the holiday dumpster preparing his latest load of trash that he will spread over the next few days. He devoted a huge article to the furniture store purchase with his in depth analysis and fear mongering. We all know the primary thing he objects to is the people involved and nothing else. If the mayor and business leader never spoke a word about it, or if it was wonder woman's idea we would hear nothing but praise or nothing at all.

We need to look at the topic the cockroach does not discuss which is where do the westside wonders stand on this purchase.......... has anyone heard anything come out of either of their mouths in public or is the cockroach speaking for them. I suspect that neither of these nitwits will speak a word on the topic, oh with the exception of voting NO without a reason. I bet the republican party is real proud of these two, real proud. Maybe next time they find a candidate to run they will see if they know how to speak and represent their constituents properly. I really don't care what party anyone comes from, just that they actually do something other than just vote NO and offer alternatives or how about some legislation. What a huge embarrassment for the folks in their area and a true shame for the county. But don't worry if you need to know where they stand, just read the mudslinger, he controls them and speaks their voice.

I looked at the racist minds section today with the normal disgust. I truly see no value in this page other than to give weak minded rednecks a place to trash others in the county. Let me correct that, how about weak minded cowardly rednecks that use this forum to feel intelligent and powerful, that may be a better definition of the posters that are absent of a moral compass. They continue to only bring shame to the community with their attitude in the coward forum, which the grand wizard cockroach controls.

We also have to consider that the potential new hire is reading the mudslinger and I am sure getting more impressed daily with the destructive yellow journalism that is published as well as the fact that he will also be working for wonder woman (aka: mamma cockroach) and councilman Mee Too. Someone may have forgotten to mention that this county is one of the poorest in the state or maybe they haven't noticed or is the plan to pay him in nacho money. A huge selling point for someone desperate, but not a professional.

We all know the position the cockroach holds is already filled, county coward.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cane Pole

Good grief, just when you thought you could spend Thanksgiving without snotty comments being posted on the racist minds page by the cockroach editor of the mudslinger your expectations vanish. Just when I thought I could give thanks for the good things in our lives we have to be subjected to stupidity and slander on Thanksgiving. After a couple of days of good behavior the cockroach is back at it again after his front page article describes that the council voted to place negotiations with the potential county administrator in the hands of the county attorney, then he takes some shots at him in the racist minds page. I think the bipolar cockroach is off the meds again.

The cockroach editor makes some accusations that the county attorney "wrote a policy to follow the freedom of information act that broke the law and refused to allow the release of public information because he didn't understand the law". More slanderous comments to begin I am sure to be his latest conspiracy theory to play on. Apparently from his front page article the county attorney is out of town and will return next week to open some negotiation with the new hire.

Watching this unfold so far has been interesting and if you break it down you will agree we are not seeing the entire picture so far, since this issue seems to have taken a turn toward stupidville and is starting to smell.

If you look at the article from where the prospective administrator came from you will see that he was making $106,000 or so a year when his contract was cancelled. Someone had to know this up front since it was public knowledge. Our council goes after him after he removed himself from the list of applicants, interview him and offer him $70,000 without a contract for a six month trial and most likely have to move himself at his expense into some temporary rental since there is no mention of it in their release to the media. Boy what a deal that is for a professional with experience that they seek and what a huge vote of confidence I might add. No wonder there hasn't been thousands of "professionals" breaking the door down to take the job with this treatment and the guarantee to be smeared on the mudslinger daily, what a deal.

What is most surprising is the reference to the westside wonder woman holding "professional human resource experience" and if that is truly the case she should know better than to pursue or offer anyone a 33% pay cut with no guarantees and then make statements that you really want they guy to take the job. This has all the similarities of kicking a dog then offering it a treat or visa versa. Of course we all know what councilman Mee Too's thoughts would be, I think he had tingles up his leg.

If we do in fact have a human resource professional on the council that others in council look to for advice why would this ever come to pass? Perhaps she gives bad advice or maybe she just doesn't have the experience that is stated, pick either or both and you may be correct. I suspect everyone is getting a bad joke played on them in this situation, mostly the county attorney.

Unfortunately he will be saddled with the task on his return to land a marlin with a cane pole.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

For the past two days I noticed that the racist minds page has been absent from the normal hate spew and attacks against folks in the area and I really didn't have anything to counter for a change. Very nice, very nice indeed to see some change in what we all have to be subjected to for years.

Perhaps there was a meeting of the minds to tone things down after some heat was applied to the feet of some folks. Whatever the cause of this it is certainly welcome for a change. But, the page is still there and still should be removed so there isn't the temptation to start up the madness again. Time will tell if this is a change or just someone laying low for a while. Either way we can give thanks for some relief.

There are loads of things to celebrate this time of year, mostly that we all live in a great place in America and are surrounded by people that care. Remember there are lots of people out there that are struggling to get by and others that may not have family to spend time with. This is the time that we should all reach out to others and give thanks for where we live and what we have.

For this area I will always be giving thanks.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Beating of the Drum

Good Morning to all in the county. I was disappointed to see that the racist minds page is still up and beginning the upswing toward the next council meeting. Things never change do they? I was hoping that someone would have convinced this monkey to see the light and do the right thing but apparently either they speak the same voice or he is just too pig headed to listen to reason. It takes a big man to admit wrongdoing and correct a misdeed, but a small man with a small mind and sick agenda will march on apparently.

Don't worry this will be a big week for for the cockroach, not preparing to give thanks, but to shovel more manure in the direction of those that have the addiction. Yes addiction! If you don't believe it why just not visit his website, take a walk, enjoy others that love being here for a week and see if your attitude isn't different. How about not trying to operate the county based on this reprobates' opinion for a week and see if things aren't different? You can't save everyone I guess because there are those that thrive on his negative and paranoid conspiracies and actually believe what he writes, which should make him more responsible but has created him as a self imposed celebrity and critic of others. You have all heard the term "don't eat yellow snow", well how about "don't support yellow journalism" on the edgefield mudslinger, now that should be a good motto to go with your cup of coffee in the morning.

In other news I see that there is some concern that the potential new administrator hasn't committed, give us all a break. If this guy is really a professional he won't commit until he has had time to consider all the logistics. Maybe he has been reading the edgefield mudslinger and will not come due to the influence it seems to have in how the county makes decisions and decide to go hunting with Dick Cheney or become a test dummy for the next generation of waterboarding instead, you just never know. I hope he does decide to take the job and give a different perspective on things for a change.

I also noticed the cockroach is getting lots of questions about the anti-blogger identity crisis he is having. Well we sure have danced around that answer long enough to see that he really doesn't know in spite of all his bragging. Does it really matter who it is? Or does it bother him that he can't directly discredit, berate and smear someone on his racist minds page daily. I think that is the real problem. Well to help the cockroach out a little, the Alternative is a collective of common thoughts that surround the community of edgefield, the little things you hear in the grocery store and while you are eating a drumstick or attending church. It is a collective of those that have had enough, those that have always thought things but never voiced them, thought things but were afraid to voice them due to his bully tactics and those that want others to see the wonderful things in the county not always the negative.

The alternative is just not one person but a collective of thought that he cannot suppress because to discredit or acknowledge what is written here will only give it far more power than he can control. It is however something that will go away if he removes his racist minds page and sticks to the facts as well as act like a supportive citizen in the county. Until that day comes, this blog will continue regardless of the cockroach's view of what is written here. But again, if you don't like what you read here, log off.

I remember once reading an article about the beating of drums and the effects it had on those that were about to be attacked in battle. In olden days they would beat the drums to show that they had superior strength in numbers and created fear amongst those about to be attacked.

I hazard to guess the behavior we are seeing in the cockroach is the effect of the beating of the drum.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I am sure that everyone at some point has been in the checkout line of a store and witnessed a child asking for candy and when the parent refuses to make the purchase the child throws himself on the floor in a tantrum kicking and screaming. We all wonder what becomes of these children when they grow up. A prime example of what this spoiled little child becomes is the cockroach editor of the mudslinger. I can envision him crawling out of a beat up pickup truck as a child and throwing a fit at a gas station in Trenton when he didn't get his candy bar, funny how things never change and some folks fail to get beyond that point in life or were instructed on how to behave in public.

Apparently the cockroach asked for some information and since the county does not have anything in writing on how to release information threw a fit in front of everyone and has now waged a smear campaign against the county attorney. One can be assured he will be the next person on his list to smear and degrade on his racist minds page. This non-issue will be exaggerated by comments fueled by one of his buddies in the courthouse that should know better than to participate, but is apparently as ignorant as the cockroach. Someone that has to judge others should be aware that others may judge their conduct and lack of professionalism.

I guess the next thing we will read is that he will call SLED, the Sheriff, the police chief or ask for a grand jury to investigate. Always the same, all threat and no action mostly because there are never any grounds for anyone to rectify any of his claims that are always baseless just because someone told him NO. Once again I am sure that he is only telling the half of the story which continues his mission to bring shame to the county.

Backstabbing and saying NO must be a family thing, since wonder woman never says anything in public but will give him the words to place on the mudslinger. She must be so proud of what is printed daily on the mudslinger, real proud. Remember everything you read there has her seal of approval and voices her views. These must also be the views of the local Republican party since she is responsible for their views as well. So in a sense the views on the mudslinger must be the views of the Republican party, if that analysis is incorrect perhaps they need to correct it or someone.

Maybe it is time for the citizens to have a tantrum.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Southern Exposure

Since this blog has been active there has been lots of interest for some reason from someone that refers to himself as "the editor" of the edgefield mudslinger.

I was thinking why would the cockroach have such interest in what is written here. Does his opinion only count in this county? Is free speech only acceptable when it does not involve him and his co-conspriators? Perhaps it is because what is said here is what lots of people in the county really think and feel and have long grown tired of in respect to the mudslinger and the racist minds page.

I really wonder would you thank someone for planting flowers in your yard, or someone that dumped a truckload of dirty diapers there? My belief is the cockroach has dumped more diapers than planted flowers around here and it was time for someone to give him a taste of his own medicine as well as the others that conspire with him to bring shame and disgrace to the county. Lots of companies have decided not to locate here and jobs have been not created because of this diaper dumper. But there has been progress since a few of those that fund his blog are leaving after they really looked at what they are contributing to and the lives that have been damaged because he admittedly cannot control himself.

I have seen that he knows who the blogger is at the Edgefield Alternative and is going to expose him and he has his location, blah, blah. Well perhaps rather than threatening, why not just do it unless this is just more smoke and yellow journalism on his behalf. Either way, folks now can see the truth and see more clearly the connection and the insane methods of this nut.

Recently some emails were forwarded to me and some of the messages were strange in nature and unclear such as him offering to expose himself and promote a local business or was it expose the E Avenger that blogs here and the E Avenger's address. Well certainly no one wants to see a naked cockroach, but any advertising is good when it is free.

Either way he will still get the same exposure, mostly southern from this direction.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pick of the litter

Very nice article today on the mudslinger regarding the hiring a new administrator for the county. Congrats to the new kid on the block, he will have his hands full for sure and I wish him all the best in his efforts to lead. It will be interesting to see how long of a grace period he has before he becomes a target of interest of the editor of the mudslinger. But since he is "wonder woman endorsed" he will have some time to get his feet on the ground before his feet are put on the coals and his reputation smeared by the cockroach. It will be interesting to see how long it takes for the evil flying monkeys to show up on top of the administration building, I suspect that he will be fine until he disagrees with wonder woman or her special little cockroach. Anyone that meets this person needs to give him a edgefield welcome and all the support that can be offered.

Funny thing about the article is who released this information and where was it released to the general public? I didn't see a podium on the square for the official announcement. So it is obvious the information came from one of the westside wonders since we know the rest of the county officials have no use for the cockroach and his mudslinger.

I hope this person brings councilman Mee Too a brain and both of the westside wonders a copy of "county ethics for dummies" . I am sure he will love the fact that his salary is now plastered on the mudslinger since this information is not common knowledge and most likely wasn't given in a freedom of information request in the middle of the night. It is unclear how someone (according to the mudslinger) can voluntarily withdraw their name for consideration and then interview and be hired. This is also the applicant that was smeared on the edgefield mudslinger for being arrested for "DUI and refusing to take a BAC test and open container" so there appears to be a disconnect or misinformation that was placed on the mudslinger somehow and may need to be questioned. Maybe we will be enlightened in the local recognized printed media in that regard.

Also today the cockroach is questioning the integrity of the local newspaper as though they are part of some weird conspiracy again. I suspect we will have to see respected members of the community smeared again in his continued quest to bring shame to the county. The cockroach is a sad demented person with nothing else to do but make trouble. Perhaps some day people will wise up and stop listening as well as stop making any decisions about county operations to suit this menace.

But just the same we should all welcome the new administrator and wish him well as the pick of the litter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The posting on the racist minds page was more of the usual crybaby actions of the cockroach editor of the mudslinger when he is not included to be a recognized news source for the county. I am sure that if he would clean up his act and provide more than yellow journalism he may be one day. Look up yellow journalism it fits the edgefield mudslinger perfectly.

There are certain standards that recognized and respected news sources have to comply with and unfortunately for the cockroach the mudslinger does not qualify. There are many standards that he must comply with such as:
  • Accuracy and standards for factual reporting
  • Libel and Slander standards
  • Harm limitation principles
  • Ethics and Standards of Practice
  • Taste, Decency and Acceptability

All local printed media meets the standards and will always be the source that will be recognized and utilized. This non-use and non-recognition of his blog as a news source always meets with him lashing out at those that have to abide by the law and then somehow becomes a problem for others as well. Unfortunately the editor cannot just provide a service to the community, he has to push his agenda, racism, conspiracy theories, half truths, slander and hate mongering to name a few.

On other topics apparently the person sending death threats was only told not to do it again, wow what a mole hill that was apparently if the Police Chief would only give it that much consideration. More drama to get him noticed. More Yellow Journalism and more reason he is not recognized as having any validity.

One thing I do know is he does not like this blog and his comments prove it, but, he only visited once so how could he know what is written here? Now that's a head scratcher. But apparently he doesn't like people talking poorly about him, I wonder how that feels on his end for a change. And, as I have always placed here if you don't like what you read here, log off.

In the cockroach's case, go log yourself off.

What a crybaby.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Litter Box

Someone was kind enough to supply some information about the State Ethics Section 8-13-340 Code of Laws for South Carolina last week and it peaked my interest. What I find interesting is the cockroach editor has been deleting and changing things like a cat in a litter box covering up #2 over the past month. Bad thing for him is that people have been printing this stuff and filing it away for a rainy day.

What was surprising to me was the content and boasting references relating to having inside information after the introduction of the westside wonders on council. Well how about that, is this a coincidence? Say it isn't so. Perhaps someone needs to be questioning these occurrences and maybe file an ethics probe into the situation. As the cockroach editor knows anyone can file an anonymous ethics complaint since he has done it a few times himself and hurt innocent people in the process.

If this is true there may be up to a $5000 fine and possible jail time for anyone involved. Someone may have to take some time off of work, or be removed from office, or fired, I wonder what that is worth? I wonder what the view of the Republican party has on the conduct of their chosen representatives?

It would be sad to have anyone take one for the cockroach, but if there is anyone involved with the supply of confidential information for negative or hurtful purposes against anyone in our community so be it. This law does apply to county employees as well as elected officials.

An alternative to a State ethics investigation I guess would be for the cockroach editor to hit the remove button on the racist minds page and have the page permanently removed then everyone could have a nice day and let the stink clear in our community. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard, sometimes having someone else do the right thing is harder, we will see where this goes over time.

A cat can cover things up in a litter box, but sometimes the smell still lingers.


The latest attack on the three council members and other folks in the county was so predictable since a nerve must have been struck with the cockroach. It seems that the alternative voice in the county may have some folks thinking, maybe at work, maybe at home. Or, maybe at the last secret triad meeting they came to the conclusion that folks are seeing this true conspiracy for what it really is. I am referring to the only conspiracy we have going in the county which is the one with the westside wonders and the cockroach editor of the edgefield mudslinger against certain individuals in the county that they do not like or disagree with.

Makes you wonder again how the cockroach editor gets his information now doesn't it? The answer to that is most likely at home. So do they plan these attacks over the dinner table together? Makes you wonder now doesn't it? Does the blundering councilman Mee Too give him a call to fill him in? Which ever method it is again just plain wrong for anyone to be part of such slander and negative comments toward anyone in public or private life in our county. It would be unethical for any council member to endorse this negative forum and label it "Just plain wrong". But the triad continues to show their sign of unity with their voting, because the cockroach editor is in charge. Wonder woman starts with her NO vote after the one-eyed cockroach gives her the head nod and Mee Too, well we know where he stands now don't we.

On any issue that comes before the council there is always a motion, a second and then something called the discussion period where the person is permitted to speak either FOR or AGAINST and give reasons why. We have heard nothing more than silence from both of them in public, just negative comments posted on their behalf on the edgefield mudslinger. So if they don't speak out are they part of the solution or part of the problem. I think both, since the problems they bring with their backstabbing comments put on the mudslinger will in fact get them both booted out of office in the next election, which may be a solution to some of this madness. Unless these two come forward and give some reasons in a PUBLIC forum ( I'm not talking about the mudslinger) where they stand, other than NO, they will continue to be both under the control of the cockroach and out of the range of public support now and in the future. Perhaps it is time for wonder woman to take control of her house since this is always contrived under her roof obviously, but then again is this all with her blessing?

Folks are really tired of the abuse and it can only bring a negative response from the voting public. That goes for Mee Too as well, time to grow up and accept the responsibility of office, shed your association with the cockroach editor or face the voting public and assume your unemployed status with a big fat hug.

Maybe we need to hear more in the background than crickets.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Empty lunchbox

We continue to be subjected to the racist minds page with a re-post of his disturbing video that for some reason the cockroach editor thinks it is funny. I thought for a moment how proud this makes the two merriwether council members and how proud everyone in his family must be of the cockroach's accomplishments, the bar is set low in my opinion. Certainly makes you think of what an example this cockroach sets for those in his family and it makes you wonder what permanent damage this all will cause since the negative impact it has on the community is immense.

The cockroach editor stated that the folks displayed in his little video smear were public officials and all they can do is "whine and cry", but it is unclear why he feels compelled to smear these people on a seemingly daily basis. Sure, they may be public officials but they conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, but of course we are not discussing the westside wonders in that regard. Why not put those two in the video? Perhaps there is preference? Of course there is!

Elected officials are expected to display a certain decorum as well as family members so there is not anything that may be construed as unprofessional or unethical. Seems to me the westside wonder woman needs to put her cockroach on a leash and put an end to the racist minds page, negative editorials as well as the personal attacks that are waged against members of the community, OR, be fully accountable for the actions of the editor since this all goes on under her roof. Does she not see what this does to the community, does she not care, or are these her views? Silence is not an answer and can only be considered to be in cooperation and agreement with what transpires. This goes for councilman Mee Too as well, apparently he is fully on-board and does what he is told and votes the way he is instructed to.

If the westside wonders can't find a voice to make their views on the edgefield mudslinger known, and work toward the ending of this community divider, then perhaps they don't have the best interests of the community at heart and should be replaced with someone that does. If a respected member of the church community wants no part in the mudslinger, maybe that should say it all.

Apparently we elected an empty lunchbox.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


When you walk around the county lately it seems that people are different for some reason and it occurred to me that perhaps they feel relieved that they may see some light at the end of the tunnel with the negative postings on the racist minds page, one can only hope. Yes, freedom of speech works both ways and I will continue to take this cockroach to task everytime he feels compelled to trash others in his self righteous racist forum. This county is too good a place for rumor, gossip and hate and is truly filled with good people just trying to get by and others that support the community the best they can with limited resources. Good people are hurt by his comments and negative views, such as the fact that anyone that has kids playing soccer will have to bring their own drinks and snacks this year since the concession will be closed.

Be sure to thank the cockroach and the westside wonders for that happening.

It is real hard for folks to wake up and read slanted and negative comments about themselves and then have others look at them like they are guilty of something that they have not done. Sadly we have all had to endure the madness of the racist minds page for years and it is time for it to stop so we all can see the greatness of this county.

The cockroach is now saying in his racist minds page, he has "nothing to add to today's conversation", but he has to throw his 3 cents in on everything that is placed there. Why just not say anything? Or, why just not take the page off and concern yourself with the facts and not some conspiracy that is self-made to make him important? The actions of the cockroach ARE indicative of an unstable person with a mission to bring shame to this county and those that serve it and live here.

It seems that some of the advertisers on the mudslinger blog are just not there anymore. Thank you, I can eat fried chicken again. Perhaps these owners are getting some comments from those that visit their businesses or have figured out maybe their decline in sales was due to their association with the racist forum of the mudslinger and the cockroach editor. Who knows what is happening, but I am glad that people are waking up and placing their advertising elsewhere. But, there are always those that don't truly support the community and involve themselves in selfish interests and support division in the community we all live in and love. There just isn't enough make-up to cover the warts that are spread at the mudslinger, hint. The cockroach says that he gives to charities locally, well free advertising isn't a donation last time I checked.

Perhaps the cockroach will now know what it feels like to have someone put him in the same position he has placed others in for years and will experience how others look at him, sadly there is always collateral damage, but things can change if the cockroach will stop what he is doing and start becoming a supportive feature in the county rather than destructive. Only he has the power to change this and I would encourage him to do so.

Waking up and seeing bad things printed about you will give you that burning sensation in your stomach. I guess at 12:30 this morning the cockroach now has it after a comment was placed on the post previous (no arrest) regarding some information about someone having a criminal record. Not sure if it is the cockroach editor of the mudslinger this anonymous posted is referring to, but if it is.......

Don't worry, Pepto Bismol may help that burning sensation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No Arrest

It is certainly interesting how things can take a turn or become so obvious once you look from a different direction. I looked at the racist minds column and nearly fell out of my chair laughing at the cockroach questions and answers, boy, I don't sit around all day and ask myself questions and answer in the third person and most normal folks don't. But the cockroach editor does. Getting all of those supposed comments on his disgusting video on how funny it was, etc. How can anyone think that it is funny to make fun of anyone in that way? Certainly not a christian and I believe that has been proven time and time again as well as showing a huge lack of integrity and maturity. It was never my intent for any of what I write here to become the main topic of discussion on his blog, but for some reason it is front page news. So, it must be hitting home with the old cockroach and the rest of the triad. Good luck cockroach and thanks for your comments, since every time the cockroach mentions this blog 300 more new people find what is written here, so thanks for the referrals, now more people find out the truth. I truly believe that the majority of the folks in the area are fed up with all the racist attitude that is fed on the racist minds page as well as the personal attacks against others in the area.

I see that more crime is afoot in the Merriwether area, so where are the elected officials in the area? What are they doing about this, or is their only purpose to vote NO and supply information to the cockroach. As he mentioned this morning "I cannot reveal what is taking place at this time, but have agreed to publicize it when it is announced", so by his own admission he gets his information out of the back door from two council members. Is that legal? Nope. Is it appropriate for any elected official to actively work against others and taxpayers to promote a personal agenda? Nope. So what are these two council members doing for the county that is positive? Apparently nothing, unless you think that being a source of information for the edgefield mudslinger is positive. It may be time for both of them to come clean. But, who controls who? Does the cockroach actually control both of these council members and make their decisions for them? We will have to see how that all turns out for them at election time.

Oh, I read that there is going to be a grand jury investigation regarding the threats against the cockroach. Sure buddy, good luck with that.

So, who was arrested yesterday for the threats against the cockroach? Nobody.

Why not? He can't have himself arrested.

Monday, November 9, 2009

hook em, book em or call em

I found it totally amazing that after a racist quote taken from the racist minds column last week was placed here it was immediately removed from the edgefield mudslinger and an apology was placed there instead. But, the cockroach still had to mention certain individuals in his apology not apologizing essentially. To top it off he places an offensive video with photos of county officials and business folks this morning and then removes it. Disgusting and tasteless.

He did admit he gets carried away, so obviously he is admitting he is out of control with his views and his racist attitude. So it would seem by his admission he should remove his racist minds section from the mudslinger, since he can't control himself and he can't control the others that place negative comments on there either. Of course we all know who the commenters are which are his co-conspirator council members, now with new thesaurus. Of course these two council members won't come out and publicly deny their association, which makes it true and will certainly end their political career. Perhaps the westside wonders should ask him to remove his racist minds section to show a sign that they are not as corrupt as he is and do not share his views or wish further negative impact on the county? Now that would be a positive step in my opinion. Again, If these council members do not wish to be labeled as being associated with the mudslinger and it's cockroach editor they need to publicly denounce their association with him and the mudslinger, otherwise they are all in this together. Pretty simple now isn't it.

Since the nacho money conspiracy didn't work out in his favor or to clean up the mess that council member mee too made, we must move on to other conspiracies.

Headlines of alleged threats made toward him made the front page today. If this is true I expect someone to be arrested TODAY, hook em' and book em' if this is so or just shut up. Maybe things are getting a little hot for the cockroach and people are really seeing this muckraker for what he is as well as his close association with certain council members. Perhaps he is in danger of losing some advertising on his mudslinger blog, which by the way, why would anyone advertise on a blog? The cockroach editor stated that a certain council member had safety concerns, but perhaps there are more concerns in the household that are not public. Is this why someone would move from one county to another because they are known for certain things. Is this why a tip was placed on this blog to check someone out at SLED? I gather this is why this current issue is before us all and nothing else.

It is apparent he has worn out his welcome at the Sheriffs department and SLED and is now wearing out his welcome at the city level. Soon everyone in law enforcement will be laughing at this turkey. Maybe the law enforcement folks need to tell him to take his racist minds page down since it is actually what creates these self contrived problems for him. Since he can't seem to do the right thing and take down his racist minds page and certain council members that he is closely associated with can't or won't insist he remove it perhaps these people can help in this process.

P.O.Box 1148
Columbia, SC 29202

give them a call, you can be anonymous too.

hook em, book em or call em

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Open Season

As I have placed my views of the edgefield mudslinger it appears as though there is a following that seem to agree with the view. If you have something or a message you would like to give to the cockroach consider it open season on this posting. Oh, he sure reads it since he deleted his racist post on the racist minds column this morning, so apparently he must look at it for some reason.

If you have a message for him or want to let him know what you think of the edgefield mudslinger, you may make a comment here. You will show as anonymous, funny how that works isn't it.

I will leave the comment section open for 48 hours. I actually would like to know the opinions of others in the community on this post.

Please keep it clean, no naming names, no racist remarks, set a standard you would follow, AND unlike the mudslinger I will not offer my own comments on what you say.

Consider it open season on cockroaches and the triad of trepidation.

click on the comment (below), put in your comment. You have to type in the code for it to stick, select anonymous and you are there.

Poohlitzer Prize

Great play by play action reported by the mudslinger today regarding the council meeting last night.

My view on last night was the same as I predicted yesterday, Chairman-composed, two senior councilmen-all business, Councilman Mee Too-forgot his playbook again, Westside Wonder Woman-all the appeal of a wolverine. The westside wonders again come unprepared for the meeting and act as though they don't know what is going on, with their usual vote NO on almost everything. Questioning meetings, give me a break. Truth be know about the zoning issue is that these two were asleep at the wheel when this was brought before the zoning board and were no where in sight at the zoning meetings and never informed their contituents of this on the horizon.

If you have problems with zoning in Merriwether the blame goes to your representatives in Merriwether for not being plugged in.

Funny that the fingers are always pointed at those that are there to conduct business as required, but these two cry foul, not in public, but through the mudslinger via the cockroach. The cockroach does his best to cover up the ineptitude of these two by casting doubt and creating a conspiracy theory about the furniture store purchase. Regardless of what party the westside wonders represent they should be ashamed of their performance. If they don't want to lose what they have they need to start finding two new candidates to support, sorry these two didn't work out for you.

We always have to mention the mayor in spite of the fact this is a county matter, not a town matter. But what a wonderful take on the Sheriff investigation into the nacho money matter, did he forget to mention that the Sheriff dropped it, I think he did. But we have to keep this wheelbarrow of manure rolling to cover up Mee Too's stupidity and keep the bipolar editors' conspiracy alive. Keep it simple --- nacho cheese ---nacho money dude, the Sheriff gets it so why doesn't this idiot see it, or perhaps he wants to continue bringing shame to the county, unjustified I might add. I am certain that the two other members of the triad will be posting their comments in the racist minds column to keep the issue stirred up. Shame on all of them for the shameful behavior they bring to council and this area.

His reporting should have been written in brown ink, and should be awarded a Poohlitzer Prize.

Cow #2

What a busy night for the cockroach and a sad day for us all to be exposed to the racist post of the editor in his racist minds column stating " All following the direction of the Massa. Ya'll be good and stay on the plantation". Well if that doesn't offend everyone in this county then I truly feel sorry for us all. I wonder what the owner of the Subway thinks of this view and why would he advertise in a racist venue? Do all of those that advertise on the mudslinger support this view, if so they don't need my business. What do the employees of Ten Governors think of their bosses support of the mudslinger? Does he need our business? I truly question why the county hospital that is funded by the county to a certain degree is advertising on the edgefield mudslinger and supporting this vile hate filled blog? Someone needs to start wearing their phones out asking for a reason why they are advertising there, give the administrator a call and ask her, then start calling the board members at home and ask them why the county hospital is supporting this racist venue with taxpayer funds. If you have pride in your community, you need to be active and put an end to this racist trash peddler.

Here's a heads up to those that advertise on the mudslinger, I have printed out all of the racist comments and if they don't drop their advertising in this venue in 30 days I will send these racist comments to the NAACP and let them picket in front of your business for a few days, that should get you some good coverage in the local media.

Things need to stop smelling like you stepped in cow #2.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Which way do you moo

I noticed a recently posted comment about the chairman, his voting and the company he keeps, boy is this the pot calling the kettle. Let us all look at the company that the westside wonders keep ---the cockroach editor of the edgefield mudslinger, now there is something to brag about. Anytime you go to a council meeting it seems you are subjected to a 3-2 vote or in our case 3 votes FOR 1 AGAINST and a MEE TOO vote. We all fail to see that what they are voting on are ordinances, state and federal mandates that are needed for county operations and generally written by the 3 that are doing their jobs. The westside wonders have offered nothing in the form of intelligent debate, or legislation and only criticize the work of others. So what do these two offer the citizens, other than trying to organize a march on the council building to cover up their own misguided representation. Yes, still nothing.

Maybe it would be a good time for councilman Mee Too to publicly apologise to the senior councilman and the recreation director for his participation in the recreation conspiracy, you remember the nacho money conspiracy. How about an update on the nacho money conspiracy councilman Mee Too? Or will you deny you were anywhere near the meeting again? Maybe we will see another vote against protecting the privacy of the county employees again from the westside witch in her quest to protect the cockroach and the edgefield mudslinger? This action is both ill-informed and ignorant.

We also have to stir up the conspiracy theory about a building purchase, AS IF there is some underlying issue. My belief regarding the purchase is why not utilize a building that is close to the workings of the county and providing the citizens walking distance to conduct their business rather than driving all over the county. Makes sense to me and I am certain that if anyone asks to see a plan for the building it would be provided. But, we have to stir the pot now don't we. Maybe we should consider resurrecting the pony express so the county employees can move the documents around the various offices. Giddy Up.

Sure, there are always those that will never be happy, but those are the minority. Here is an example; driving down the road in the morning if you look into a pasture of cows grazing, you will see that 90% of them are facing the same direction, 10% of them are not. Maybe people are like that too. Everyone needs to determine which group they identify with. Do you see good intentions in the county 90% or 10% of the time and should the focus always be placed on the 10% or the reverse. It seems as though the mudslinger caters to the 10% all of the time.

I do admit the cockroach has slowed down a bit and I applaud him for his efforts. Perhaps he is giving serious thought of what it would be like to be mental rape victim of the racist minds column or the negative impact it truly has on the community. Or, is it perhaps due to some advertising that was pulled from the main page because the advertiser didn't want to be associated with the racist minds column, interesting now isn't it. Word on the street is that there are more prepared to follow this precedent unless things change quickly at the mudslinger.

Which way to you moo.

Friday, October 30, 2009


If you read the edgefield mudslinger this morning while you ate your pancakes you didn't have to put any syrup on them, you got all you needed from the sweet article written about the westside wonders. As I sat there in near diabetic coma reading the carefully worded article I wondered how others outside the community would view the county if the same consideration was given to all members of the county council and county employees and not be limited to the members of the triad of trepidation. What a wonderful world it would be for us all.

Any meeting that takes place where information can be used to educate anyone has value and this meeting did. It educated those in the audience that they need to be involved and attend meetings and voice their opinions. All zoning is published, which means you have to read a newspaper. If you don't like what you read, move away from the TV and voice your concern prior to any issue coming to a vote. So rather than being an angry mob with torches storming frankenstein's castle, get involved and remain informed. It was nice to see councilman Mee Too there last night since he was there to make sure everyone knows he votes with her and will remain "at her side" and will continue to be nothing more than a bump on a frogs bottom.

Mr. senior councilman was there to listen and remains a class act by his presence. There is no doubt that the county has some of the finest employees you could hope to find by the example that was set last night in the open forum and they are always there to answer questions you may have or help with issues. It would be nice if we heard more of this greatness on the edgefield mudslinger, now wouldn't it. (hint)

Obviously one or all members of the triad have found this blog since the cockroach placed his visit statistics on his editorial column, good show. And, to let the cockroach know 1073 people have viewed this blog in 8 days, hum. I have to admit there is value in the edgefield mudslinger and I don't think that anyone would disagree with the fact that it can have value and perhaps be a recognized news source one day. The objection most have is the editorial comments, editors slanted views, personal vendettas against council members, county employee abuse, personal attacks against business leaders and the racist minds column that can serve no purpose but to allow anonymous hate to flow and harm innocent folks that are trying to live life in the county the best they can. Only the editor has the control over the content and can change this. Now if you remove all the conspiracy theories, racial overtones and personal comments it could be something for all to enjoy.

I am certain that anyone that reads about themselves in a negative way walk away feeling like a rape victim without any defense. How would anyone feel if they were attacked without cause and without a means to defend themselves. If this was corrected we could all move forward as a community. Perhaps the cockroach and the rest of the triad don't understand the feeling, or do they and not care. Perhaps the cockroach cannot change, but I would challenge him to make the effort. It may actually lead to good things in his life, rather than people having a negative impression of him and this community.

So next time an article is written, pour syrup over all of the pancakes not just a few and we all will have a sweet life in the county.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It starts with I

After reading the article regarding the sheriff dropping his investigation into the concession funds in both local newspapers yesterday it seems that the triad of trepidation need to prepare a formal apology to be given to a certain senior council member and the recreation director. Perhaps even a pucker and a slight kiss on the southern backside as well. For any council member to accuse another council member or a department head of wrongdoing without a real reason is just plain wrong. To have the edgefield mudslinger do your dirty work is even more tragic.

It should be apparent to every citizen in this county that all three of them (cockroach editor and 2 westside wonders) are connected and will never work with others to actually do anything positive for those they were elected to represent, much less the county employees or the county. Here is the rub, neither of them bothered to show up at an important community meeting that was held by the mayor, to get community input and suggestions, BUT they want everyone to come to the Merriwether Halloween spooktacular town hall. Always wanting their terms and their self made issues to be spewed on the public, now they couldn't be at a community meeting to answer questions, but they sure can be elsewhere to create problems. So if they can't lower themselves to show for a meeting that someone else sponsors, should you show up for their conspiracy theory show? That is a personal decision as a taxpayer. But, here are some questions you may want to ask them.
  • Do you both have an apology ready to give to the recreation director
  • Do you both have an apology ready to give to the senior council member
  • Do you both have an apology for the public for your inappropriate behavior
  • Do you have a plan for the crime spree in your district
  • Will you explain your relationship with the edgefield mudslinger
  • What will you do to counteract the negative view that the edgefield mudslinger has on the county employees, other county members and the negative impact it has on the area.
  • What steps will you take to relieve the taxpayer from additional expense incurred by the sheriffs department regarding multiple unfounded conspiracy theories fueled by the edgefield mudslinger.
  • Do they approve of the cheap shots the edgefield mudslinger takes at other county employees or is the edgefield mudslinger voicing their view.

If they don't have a good answer for any of those questions you may want to start looking for someone to elect that CAN answer those questions.

There may be other things to consider, so while you are snacking on your dollar menu item you may want to ponder your concerns and bring a list if you choose to show. The other council members may want to hear your concerns on their tape recorders, since it is actually a westside wonder party and really don't need to be there.

The answer I would be most interested in starts with an I.

I am sorry, would be a good start.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let the truth set you free

Pick up a copy of today's Edgefield Advertiser.

Front page, Sheriff drops investigation and a perfect explanation of why this is not an issue. So it has been officially confirmed it was "nacho money".

Also, a letter to the editor regarding the community meeting, that does not place the westside wonders in a positive light. This person should be thanked for saying what others stand around and think. Yep, lets move forward.

Buy a copy today, support a "real" news source that "supports" the community and by the way, stop by and thank the Advertiser for what they do as well.


Being an employee in the county comes with many challenges on a daily basis and must be appreciated for it's merits. With limited resources on all fronts they provide service to many citizens on a daily basis sometimes with a pay structure that does not compare to private industry. One may question why they serve in this capacity and it is found mostly due to a deep belief in the community they serve.

There are many instances where they are required to serve even if the person is being completely rude or obnoxious, yet they do it with a smile the best they can sometimes under extreme circumstances such as the Sheriffs department, yet they push forward.

It is hard for anyone to do their job when they are under the gun with negative comments coming their way, or to be pulled in multiple directions, yet they push forward.

There are many that have to work in the worst of circumstances in foul weather to clear roads, cut grass, dig ditches, yet they push forward.

When was the last time any of us actually thanked them for what they do, rather than treat them as servants to the public or treated them as those that give goodness to others, maybe we as citizens should push forward.

Since the cockroach is behaving himself for some reason, perhaps it may be time for all that have hidden under their desks to look up and be proud of what they do and what they have given to the citizens of the county. It may be an excellent time for the citizens to stop by and say thanks for what they do as well. Be the community of people that care. Let us all push forward together to continue to make this area the best it can be. Let us all continue to serve each other.

Thank you for serving us.