Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
Also noted recently was Councilman Mee Too writing some legislation to bring up for a vote in the future, looks like someone is trying to make a difference and actually do more than take up space on the council, good show. That is more than I can say for momma cockroach this year which has done nothing more than stir up trouble and apparently does not say anything but NO in public but plenty to say on the edgefield mudslinger via the cockroach with her blessing. Many in the community have said that they had great hopes for her being on council but it seems her alliance is with the cockroach and not the community and that is a shame for us all, but at least we all know where she stands.
We can all hope that next year will bring us all changes in the community and the removal of the racist minds page since it serves no purpose but to give people an anonymous forum to attack innocent citizens, county employees and local newspapers. My view is that if it was removed there would be no purpose for this blog or the other one that I recently came across that was far more critical of the cockroach. It seems rather than doing the right thing the cockroach needs someone to disparage so he continues to tell racist minds enthusiasts he is going to expose "the blogger", I guess then it will make all of his activity purposeful in his sick mind. Maybe if he had lived outside the community he would understand how stupid and redneck he sounds with his David and Goliath quest and his defence of his racist venue and one sided opinion. I wish him luck with his blogger identity crisis.
So I ask my readers should this blog be kept going or should I close it out to private only and does it serve any purpose to allow others to view my thoughts?
Happy New Year.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Alternative Christmas
He was having a smoke and clicking his mouse
A six pack was chilling in a cooler with care
In hopes momma cockroach soon would be there
He laid his head down, not time for his bed
As visions of internet hits dance in his head
He had a bad dream and suddenly awoke
And called the sheriff this time not a joke
When the sheriff showed up and asked what is wrong
The cockroach told him this story is long
There are nachos and councilman and chairman and such
Businessmen leaders and I hate them so much
There are mayors and lawyers and folks at the school
And a blogger that truly makes me look like a fool
There are newspaper owners and employees around
That I truly hate in this small southern town
The sheriff just stood there with nothing to say
Could this be another huge waste of a day?
But then out the window what then does appear
Racist minds posters with six packs of beer
The sheriff had more important things to tend
How did he get fooled by these rednecks again?
So he thought very hard and offered advice
Stop talking your trash and try to be nice
We celebrate the joy of this holiday season
Yet we still get attacked for no apparent reason
Perhaps this year we will get what we wish
For the racist minds page to no longer exist
As he got in his squad car and drove out of sight
He called and told dispatch there are nuts out tonight
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
They found that the mudslinger has no apparent "educational value" and is also blocked due to being filled with "vitriolic language" now that is a mouthful, I can almost hear the canned laughter in the background when the cockroach was essentially told to go pound sand. So once again all of his threats of legal action go unfounded.
But the most amazing part is that this blog was mentioned as well and also blocked and I applaud the IT guys for doing that as well. I actually don't want people to take time out of their workday to read anything here and certainly don't need this blog to be part of a blue ribbon committee to study whether it needs to be unblocked, keep it blocked with my blessing, go spend time on more important issues like educating our youth.
You may notice a few changes here as there is some information supplied to the right if you have any interest. It didn't seem prudent to advertise locally since most businesses are strapped for cash and hoping to survive with some sales at Christmas. I hope you all make it and continue to thrive. This is a way to defray some costs and clicking on any sends a penny to the cause to continue taking the cockroach to task for his negative reporting and bashing of citizens, not to mention the latest rise in racist postings on the racist minds page which makes you want to take a dump in his stocking, now doesn't it.
To think that after all of this time the cockroach has fooled around with the edgefield mudslinger it is only considered a BLOG and not the news source he claims it is, that was the slap on the butt his momma never gave him I bet.
Merry Christmas this was truly a present, HO HO HO.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Being Exposed
I guess next he is going to tackle a few of the hospitals in Augusta and don't forget SRS since they have it blocked as well. I would love to see him try to get through the gate out there and demand that they unblock his racist page, too funny but sure would be fun to see him in cuffs again.
The filtering of websites in businesses is not a new thing and mostly for two reasons such as to protect a network from viruses and spyware and to protect surfers from harmful content (pornography). Definitely not something someone designed to attack the cockroach and his mudslinger. Someone that really wants to have the racist blog unlocked is likely someone that feeds from the ignorance that is written there, wants to brag on some ignorant comment that they placed there, or wants to see what some bonehead is saying about them, pick one. Actually the website serves no purpose in any business much less education, so anyone complaining should just go back to what they are getting paid to do in my opinion, take it or leave it.
The real serious problem here that is most troubling to me is that the cockroach is providing information to those inside on how to go around the filter, hacking their way so they can view his prize jewel. Keep in mind once this is done it can provide access to pornography and other harmful content. So if he is giving them tips on how to do that, what is to stop students to do it as well and start looking at porn at school. Obviously, this dude has no class or morals when it comes to the Internet or the protection of our youth. But with his stellar past what would you expect. But I wonder if it is with the blessing of momma cockroach, does she think the taxpayers need to pay people at work so they can view the mudslinger and pornography in our schools? Good question to ask.
Here is a suggestion, if you have a student at any of the edgefield schools give the IT guy a call and report that the cockroach is giving hacking instructions to staff and for all we know students that will jeopardize Internet security. This should be all they need to justify blocking the entire site since he is enabling people to break state law by violating state and local Internet usage policies. It never ceases to surprise me at the steps the cockroach takes to try to get everyone on his low level or to get others involved in his disgusting lifeviews and apparent lifestyle. Perhaps he doesn't think looking at porn or supporting racism is a problem, but I would imagine that most parents do not send their children to school so they can be exposed there. The cockroach states it would be in the schools best interest to remove the filter, my opinion is due to his tampering with their system it would be in the best interest of all the students if his entire site was blocked at this point and anyone trying to go around the system should be fired.
Maybe the school should have this nut investigated for attempting to break Internet security and endanger the youth of the area?
If it is not stopped your kids will be at school being exposed to his racist attitude and god knows what else..
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Still No Smoke
- August-current administrator resigns and offers to stay on board until someone new can come in.
- The cockroach posts an editorial about sending him packing after the westside wonders hold a town hall meeting and say they don't want him to stay.
- He does not stay after being smeared on the mudslinger.
- September-the search starts for a new administrator without anyone in place with the exception of an interim volunteer.
- September-the names of the applicants are released to the media and the cockroach disparages each of the candidates on the mudslinger.
- October-interviews are held but several drop off for some reason.
- October-momma cockroach states in a town hall they don't have any good candidates after they have been interviewed.
- November-more people are brought in for interview, who knows who they are since the names weren't released the second time, must have been an oversight or a secret.
- November-candidate selected after interview turns out to be one that had withdrawn after being smeared on the mudslinger.
- High fives from the westside wonders and the cockroach regarding their choice of the new administrator.
- New guy was offered $70,000 a year but only for 6 months pending the outcome of his DUI charge and no contract.
- Here is the latest on the DUI charge --> Here
- According to the White county news he was given $53,000+ as severance which was half of his salary. That would mean he was making over $100,000.
- More applause and praise devoted to momma cockroach for her extensive human resource experience on the mudslinger.
- November, second week still no administrator.
- November, third week negotiations turned over to county attorney.
December, now second week where is the new guy?
It seems to me that this entire process was screwed up by the entire council with apparently the "extensive human resource" advice from momma cockroach. So what has been happening for the past 4 months? Makes you wonder what is next from the entire crew at the county office in this employment blunder.
So ask yourself these questions:
Why would they contact someone that had removed himself? Why would they go after someone they could not afford? What if the new guy decides he doesn't want to be the new guy and to be subjected to the cockroach comments on the mudslinger? What if he does take the job, who will drive him around in the county car, since he may be reckless? Where does this leave the county after they have essentially turned their backs to all the others that have interviewed and have been disparged on the mudslinger? What is going to happen next? All very good questions to ask the council at this point.
Looks like we scooped the mudslinger on this news, but maybe he doesn't want to acknowledge these recent events because it may backfire on the westside wonders.
After 4 months it leaves us still without a leader. We still wait for the white smoke to flow from the chimney, but still no smoke.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Will be back when his head pops up again. Until then go get in the Christmas spirit and remember those that need family support during this time as well as our servicemen.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Nothing New
Nothing new that I can see on the mudslinger. He has apparently removed a link to one of the local newspapers since he has obvious problems with them actually reporting the news instead of his standard of creating the news. We have churches taking shots at each other in the cowardly racist minds page, nothing new, but should show there is no positive purpose to the page as it continues to promote division among the citizens of the county. What a wonderful poem he wrote about Christmas, no surprise what a bottle of jack daniels and a few smokes will do for you when you are writing, I am sure that momma cockroach praised him for his prose.
He must have been so smashed he gave the blogger the name mickey the mouse, how cute is that! For him to give the blogger a name now puts me on his list of regulars he smears on a daily basis and for that I am honored. Honored because the people on his list are actually people of relevance in the community which makes the blog relevant contrary to what the cockroach would have anyone believe. The cockroach will never be relevant. Each time he mentions the blogger it gives this blog more relevance and readership, what a moron. I thought he said that comments were being removed from here and we were laying low, well sorry to disappoint him.....still here. The only comments that are ever removed have violated the rules here, no naming names, no bad language and no racist remarks. His latest work of art should tell everyone what a low life coward this cockroach is in his attacks against others in the community as well as using the mudslinger and it shows his lack of maturity. This is something you would not expect from a grown and mature adult but I guess is his standard.
Nothing New.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The List
I started making a list and may have missed a few but here are some obvious ones:
- Former former County Administrator
- Former County Administrator
- Former Council Members
- Current Council Members ( with the exception of the members of the triad)
- County Employees
- Recreation Director
- Council Chairman
- The Mayor
- Former County Attorney
- Current County Attorney
- County Department heads
- School Board members
- Head of School Board
- School Principals
- Business leaders
- School Teachers
- Business owners
- School Department Heads
- School Bus Drivers
- People of color
- Those running for public office
- Local printed newspapers and their ownership
- Reporters and columnists of local newspapers
- Multiple city council members in all areas of the county
- Potential employees of the county
- Common everyday citizens
- Yours Truly: The Alternative Blogger
The list seems endless but one thing they all have in common is that the majority of these folks have an education, a job and responsibility for what they do and largely try their best to do so.
The cockroach must seem threatened by these kind of people and does his best to smear their reputations and influence others to see them as he does.... a threat. Why would anyone ever believe something that someone so obviously unbalanced would say? Entertainment? Who knows, but know this if he ever says anything negative about anyone and put any faith in what he prints it only feeds his illness and promotes conflict among the sane in this community. This is normally referred to as sociopathic behavior in the real world and the best way to confront it is to ignore his conduct and go about your day without acknowledgement. His obvious comments to himself and answer to keep the pot stirred is also a sign of someone in need of therapy. I truly feel sad for anyone that would pay any attention to this fool or let it impact any decisions that they make or how they may view anyone he attacks.
It is unclear to me how he comes to the conclusions about folks or what his selection process is of his next victim, maybe he has a dart board he uses when he is up late having a smoke and peeing off his back deck at night. Who knows. Maybe it is time for more people to get involved in changing this trend and the daily abuse that people have to endure. Maybe the citizens need to pick up the phone and call his advertisers again or perhaps call momma cockroach and ask that it stop for the sake of this community.
You never know what may happen unless you try and I would suggest you do try so you do not become a victim or addition to The List.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Swing and a Miss
The cockroach states that a month of blogging his been removed from here but if you happen to look to the right and click on the month they are all there, it seems this idiot can't figure that out, but what else would you expect from this fool. Wishful thinking on his behalf I am sure. Once again the cockroach is telling a big lie and trying to make everyone believe he has importance or some power in the community. Don't worry, nothing has been removed here and his comments are only a way to cover the fact he removed and altered loads of racist comments from his racist coward page when he thought the NAACP was coming after him. Don't worry they are dialing up daily to continue watching what he is doing I understand. His major problem is that people have not been commenting as much as they used to and finally have seen the true damage that his quest to smear others in this community has caused. But it does give him more space to ask himself questions (comments) and give himself answers (editor response) to keep the manure pile stinking that he creates.
Folks have also seen things for what they really are when it comes to corruption and misguided efforts in the county leadership. Take councilman Mee Too and his involvement in the nacho money conspiracy he was pulled into by the cockroach, I am sure he won't get the smell off of himself from his participation in that conspiracy for a while. He has kept a low profile since that was thrown out the window, hopefully he won't get led down the paranoid path by the cockroach again and has learned a lesson. He should feel ashamed of what his participation in that issue has caused. As far as council member momma cockroach she continues to take the Patsy Cline approach to her held office and stand by or behind her cockroach by communicating with her constituents through the mudslinger and never in public on any issue. Well, other than the spooktacular event that she and Mee Too held to fend off the fact they were both asleep at the wheel regarding some zoning changes in their areas. Maybe some people got sucked into that event but I did not buy what they were selling on the slanted mudslinger coverage and subsequent smear of a local respected newspaper.
Always remember when the cockroach attacks an issue in the county it is always tied to some personal vendetta he has against someone and is not a valid complaint. Take for instance the multiple Sheriff investigations, SLED investigations, death threats and fraud conspiracies that have been waged against county employees and business leaders, they always end without any result and serve no apparent purpose except to bring shame to honest people in our community.
The latest conspiracy continues to be with those in county government behind the furniture store purchase and his contact with "the blogger". As always he attacks people that actually have some purpose in life other than to scurry around and make trouble like he does. Sorry to disappoint his readership but I have never contacted this moron and don't expect to. Why would I since I have the same rights as the cockroach in blogging my view of things. The main difference between this blog and the mudslinger is I have never placed any one's name here and have let folks figure out the characters on their own by having them watch their actions. Another swing and miss on his behalf as I continue to remain indifferent to his opinion and lack of intelligence. Hey, I thought he already knew the identity and had the IP address of the person with his vast expertise in undercover investigations, didn't he? Once again he has not failed in showing his complete stupidity and continues to be himself a "rank amateur". But again his only fixation to this blog is that he does not have any person to smear and publicly humiliate and apparently can't handle the truth or another alternative to his dribble of mental illness that he exposes us all to daily. There is now also the potential of momma cockroach not being re-elected and cutting his umbilical to insider information and that must truly be traumatic. What should be even more traumatic to him is everytime he mentions this blog it seems about 200 new people visit it such as today. With last month reeling in 6500 visits with 2/3 of them being new it seems more people are directed here for the truth or an alternative view by his comments and threats. Maybe we should thank him for the referrals so even more folks will wonder what is written here and finally know the truth, eventually everyone will know and see him for the village idiot he is.
If this idiot ever wanted to know what really goes on in the area he needs to stop in for a McBisquit or have a good huddle or governors breakfast where the real brain trust of the county dines daily and knows and discusses the happenings of everything. This is a small town and people do talk so when you are eating your grits in the morning and overhear someone say "that's not what I heard" or "did you hear what happened last night" it is far more believable than anything you may read on the mudslinger or the racist coward page.
Maybe someday the cockroach will grow out of some of his upbringing and make some changes in his life that will be positive for the community but I am having my doubts because this guy is truly a narrow minded ignorant redneck that fails to have any positive direction in his life or respect for the feeling of others.
Until then we will all watch the cockroach to continue to swing and miss in everything he does.
Friday, December 4, 2009
The edgefield mudslinger posted a editorial with a title that included the word scam which should be a word the cockroach can relate to.
- He has scammed lots of folks in the area by selling them advertising in a venue filled with half-truths, racist attitudes and misleading articles for years.
- He has scammed people by misleading them into thinking that there is corruption and theft afoot in our county government and private businesses.
- He has scammed people into believing that people where involved in a nacho money conspiracy.
- He has scammed county officials into participating in conspiracy theories.
- He has scammed people into to believing there is some news media conspiracy.
- He has scammed people into believing he received death threats.
- He has scammed people into believing he has requested investigations
- He has scammed people into believing that people in the area can't be trusted.
- He has scammed people into looking at others differently.
- He has scammed outsiders into believing this area is corrupt and filled with stupid people.
- He has scammed people into believing what he writes is not fiction.
- The worst of them all is that he scamming momma cockroach into participating in ethics violations by digging information out of her at home.
He always like to paint himself as a defender of the area, but he is nothing more than a scammer.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
A Good Spankin'
The cockroach must have been very excited to return to coward headquarters to write his articles since he left in such a huge hurry with a red face. He was so excited he devoted two articles about the meeting, one normal business as usual reporting on the votes, etc., the other was a scathing article on him being attacked by the chairman. He got lots of high fives from his redneck support group and himself in the cowardly minds page thanking him for speaking up and taking the council to task.
That is not exactly why he left with a red face.
The real reason he left in such a hurry is the chairman finally had his fill of his crap as well as "the liar" editorial the cockroach dedicated to the chairman. The chairman didn't attack him, he told him off as well as put him in his place regarding his slanted and misleading articles about the furniture store purchase, his reputation and misleading the community. Yep, people are starting to figure out the cockroach is a big nut case and should not be a source for the truth. It's about time that someone just told the cockroach to shut up and finally hold him accountable for the distruction he causes around us all. In fact the chariman was even congratuated by other visitors that are also sick of the mudslinger and the cowardly cockroach, you will not likely see that part put on the mudslinger.
Apparently when confronted with the truth or taken to task this coward runs like a greyhound. Whatever the chairman had in his water needs to be shared with the rest of the council members that have had to endure this menace and maybe they need to tell him to shut up as well or just ignore the idiot. Maybe for once they won't concern themselves with what he writes and actually manage the affairs of the county without worrying what he thinks or says.
In my eyes the chairman didn't "attack" him, he just gave the cockroach something his momma obviously never gave him.
A Good Spankin'