Thursday, August 26, 2010

Free Advertising

Well folks it seems that the cockroach must have expected some sort of apology regarding an article that was printed in a local paper by mistake and when he didn't get his apology he attacks the editor of that paper again. If you cover the manure in this story what happened seems acceptable.

Apparently, there was a mix up prior to printing last week and a story that was not complete got placed under a guest columnist by mistake. It was explained as to how the article got there and I'm fine with that explaination. But as I have mentioned previously it does not name the mudslinger or the cockroach in the article and who really cares about this blogging menace anyway? Sadly this moron has to continue to pound out another embarrasing trash piece directed toward the newspaper, that is just his lack of style. But one thing this idiot doesn't realize is that sales are great due to his tantrum on his blog it seems since I had to drive around to find a newspaper box that wasn't sold out..... good show cockroach.

Nothing like Free Advertising..

Friday, August 20, 2010

Too much mustard

It must have been a slow day for the cockroach since there was only one report of a child molester and two murder suspect articles, but with his spare time he took a sharp poke at the editor of a local "Printed" newspaper.

For some reason when I was reading the paper with my coffee in hand I missed the article that has ticked him off so bad. So I dug out the paper and read it again cover to cover and low a behold there was an article written about an account of a person reading on a "blog" about an automobile accident and death of a young person. I read it again, and again and never once saw the mudslinger mentioned, or the slimy cockroach. It could have been any blog, since the Internet (sponsored by Al Gore) is so vast, the source could have been any in the world wide web that was referenced. Again, the mudslinger was not mentioned, but this should cause some pause on the race to post information that may be sensitive or incorrect. We all know that the cockroach pretty much puts any slant on anything that would promote him or for people to feel sorry for him..... boo hoo. But to attack a local business owner, editor, etc is just par for the slimy course for the cockroach.. Go read the article yourself and make you own judgement, but then again do you really care what the cockroach thinks, I sure don't and I am sure there is no love lost with the constant bashing the cockroach sends in the direction of the local papers.

It all boils down to a big mark on the community "who cares" column when it comes to the slanted inappropriate content that is placed on the mudslinger every day, always with a purpose, or agenda or the creation of a conspiracy.

His calling for the resignation of anyone is just stupid, but what else would you expect from this ignorant redneck.

The article must have left a bad taste in his mouth, like a sandwich with too much mustard..

Monday, August 16, 2010


Can't help but notice the snotty comment regarding a local "printed" newspaper today regarding obtaining crime and violence reports. Actually if you are in other counties they do send crime reports and arrest reports to the newspapers so perhaps a request for this to happen is not out of line. Just open a standard newspaper and see the bookings, arrests and most wanted. The other papers do not stand outside the law offices to see what is happening, it is released to them daily. But since the cockroach has an obsession with bad things happening and making sure that everyone in the world knows that pretty much only bad things happen around here will be a priority.

Not sure I would consider him a news hound, just an obsessed blogger.

Maybe the fact that the local printed news does not have the sole purpose to bring attention to the negative in the area upsets him. After all why do people live here? Murder, theft, drugs, child abuse? These all seem to be front page news every day and very little is reported on the good things that surround us all in the community. But knowing the cockroach, there is little good in the world and he expects pity from everyone when he is held responsible in public for the pain he causes others as well as the community.

The only possible explanation for his comment is likely envy.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you feel Safe?

Do you feel safe and secure in your home at night, do you feel secure in leaving your home even for a minute?

There are bad things happening on a daily basis:
  • home invasions
  • breaking and entering
  • car theft
  • boat theft
  • murder
  • credit card theft
  • drug deals gone bad
  • gang activity

The home of the westside wonders seems to be the hardest hit, but it is spreading across the county, some happening in broad daylight. So it seems these bad people just roam around unchecked and unafraid.

No one seems to be concerned or asking questions regarding what is being done to solve these crimes or prevent new ones from happening. Some questions to ask would be how many deputies are there currently employed by the Sheriffs Department? Have they lost some deputies and why? Are they overwhelmed? Are there not enough cars? Do they need more feet on the beat? Is there any concern? Do members of the county council care the area is turning into a crime capital in the state? Should a request be made for the national guard to patrol?

These are all questions that should be brought to the next council meeting for answers and if the current method or personnel can't stop the crime perhaps a change needs to be made. But, no one is asking any questions or demanding results. The citizens deserve better on all fronts.

If after asking yourself the question, do you feel safe the answer is no, then you need to demand results.

So ask yourself the question.... Do you feel safe?

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am not sure if anyone picked up on the major insult that occurred the other night at the brain trust meeting.

When anyone is elected to represent the citizens it is their duty to listen to any concerns that the citizens have in an open forum or a official meeting. When the private citizen stood up to present his concerns regarding the destructive force that the mudslinger has on the community, momma cockroach got up and left the building. It is obvious this was a statement that she agrees with all the trash, racist comments, negative attitudes, incorrect and slanted views and slanderous activity that occurs on the mudslinger by not listening to the concerns of the public. This is a disgrace for her to act so unprofessionally and refusal to listen or respond to a citizen concern.... Shame on her. What if at every scheduled meeting there was a crowd of people that would show up and complain about the cockroach and the mudslinger would she leave every time. Would she refuse to answer questions regarding her alliance with the mudslinger to do her dirty work? What about Mee Too, would he refuse comment? If everyone is truly sick and tired of the negative blog postings and personal attacks against citizens why not go to the meetings and complain? See what their true colors are and where they really stand. And see if they just get up and leave when the heat hits the feet.

There was also a cockroach comment regarding the recovery of the admin and attendance at the last meeting as there is false information given out of his office. My view.... why would any information correct or incorrect be given to a blogger? This poor excuse for a human is not a news source, he is a blogger and nothing more. I think the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the admin is only more yellow journalism provided by the cockroach as a way of getting back at him for his lack of respect for the cockroach.

This may also explain the recent outlandish comment he made regarding the admin and the county babysitter. For some reason the cockroach continues to mention certain male body parts which may show some underlying homosexual tendencies he may have... I am not sure why else he would continue to describe two men in any other way. Perhaps he should see a therapist for this problem he has rather than subject the rest of the community to his perverted views.

Sad times in our community, but it can get better. Just put the shame and blame where it needs to be placed and that would be at the feet of the westside wonders and the mudslinger.

There was a mention a while back about a "friend" of the cockroach that had his email account hacked and requested money from people. There is more to this story. Can't wait to write about the "dragon tales".

But, the conduct at the meetings of late are an insult.


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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well the meeting of the brain trust in the county last night was a doozy. The question of the day is where was councilman mee too? It seems the guy really doesn't have anything else on his plate in the employment zone other than to show up for a meeting once a month and he can't seem to make it. Amazing. Maybe he was off chasing butterflies and lost track of time, but there is really no excuse not to be there, he can schedule his life around one simple meeting it would seem. But I am sure that his cockroach buddy will provide and tardy slip or excuse for him. Seems councilman northside had something better to do half way through, maybe he was missing his favorite TV show. Also MIA, I hope they didn't break any laws last night since the county babysitter wasn't there either, good golly. Why even have a meeting?

Mr. buildingman had lots of folks that wanted to belly up to the trough to get some county money for the furniture store redo and what surprises me that there isn't a list filled with local contractors to potentially put some money back into the local economy, strange to find out that someone has to be certified to paint I always thought you only needed to know how to leave cigarette butts scattered around where they worked. But for some reason you have to be certified to paint differently in a commercial building than a home, they must have bigger brushes or something. I can't believe there aren't any air conditioning people local as well, or maybe they were on vacation with councilman mee too. It seems that not everyone was overjoyed with the selections and that the scope of work was not standard when sent out for bid, that is a real head scratcher.. Also, how convenient it was not to include the common man candidate to do any work after he did not acquire enough votes to run, that seems strange to me, it may be time for the decision makers to get past the second grade attitude and do the right thing.

Then the highlight of the evening was when a normal everyday citizen got up to tell the truth about the cockroach and the mudslinger. That was way too much for momma cockroach and she left in a fluff. Guess hearing the truth hurts, but turning a blind eye or a deaf ear does not change the truth.

With the honeymoon confirmed over for the professional admin he was pounded for a exclusion of information from the minutes, sure hope he has his resume polished and out there since historically when there is a disagreement with momma or papa cockroach the pink slip follows. I bet they wish they had the guy they referred to as the "used car salesman" back at this point.

Another thought I had this morning with school soon to start I am sure that the staff will find that they still can't access the redneck minds column.. sucks when you can't get your daily fix of mudslinging and have to wait to get home. And I thought he was going to sue the school district, what a buffoon.

I feel a editor rant coming, don't you? Can't wait to see what this moron has to say about last night, but then again he is so predictable.

There were lots of things absent last night, one major one is common sense.