Friday, December 4, 2009


The edgefield mudslinger posted a editorial with a title that included the word scam which should be a word the cockroach can relate to.

  • He has scammed lots of folks in the area by selling them advertising in a venue filled with half-truths, racist attitudes and misleading articles for years.
  • He has scammed people by misleading them into thinking that there is corruption and theft afoot in our county government and private businesses.
  • He has scammed people into believing that people where involved in a nacho money conspiracy.
  • He has scammed county officials into participating in conspiracy theories.
  • He has scammed people into to believing there is some news media conspiracy.
  • He has scammed people into believing he received death threats.
  • He has scammed people into believing he has requested investigations
  • He has scammed people into believing that people in the area can't be trusted.
  • He has scammed people into looking at others differently.
  • He has scammed outsiders into believing this area is corrupt and filled with stupid people.
  • He has scammed people into believing what he writes is not fiction.
  • The worst of them all is that he scamming momma cockroach into participating in ethics violations by digging information out of her at home.
All of his scams when you place them all together paint a picture of a truly mentally disturbed person with paranoid conspiracy issues. Once you step back you see him for the crybaby coward that he is. He should be ignored because he truly does not have any power or authority to do anything except complain and create issues that don't exist, but they are not issues unless you pay attention. The cockroach is truly a sad sick person that should not be rewarded by placing any value in his opinions and should just be ignored, both him and his opinions.

He always like to paint himself as a defender of the area, but he is nothing more than a scammer.


  1. Why the cockroach thinks it is a bad idea for the County to purchase an a strategically-located adjacent property for expansion of county offices and the law enforcement center is beyond me. By any standards, the acquisition of such a property makes all kinds of sense. Wonder what it is that has caused him to be so fixated on this one issue?

  2. Scamming - yes he does a good job with that, along with affecting people's lives negatively, even those he has not even met. I just do not understand why a community like Edgefield would give an ignorant fool the time of day.
