Thursday, December 10, 2009

The List

I had a curious thought the other day about the cowardly minds page and looked at some of the archives on the mudslinger and the cockroach comments and editorials over the past few months and spot checked a few years. What I found was not surprising in that the conduct of the cockroach and the pattern of those that he attacks all show signs of mental problems. It seems if you have a positive purpose in life or try to improve things in the community or are a public figure he goes after you.

I started making a list and may have missed a few but here are some obvious ones:
  • Former former County Administrator
  • Former County Administrator
  • Former Council Members
  • Current Council Members ( with the exception of the members of the triad)
  • County Employees
  • Recreation Director
  • Council Chairman
  • The Mayor
  • Former County Attorney
  • Current County Attorney
  • County Department heads
  • School Board members
  • Head of School Board
  • School Principals
  • Business leaders
  • School Teachers
  • Business owners
  • School Department Heads
  • School Bus Drivers
  • People of color
  • Those running for public office
  • Local printed newspapers and their ownership
  • Reporters and columnists of local newspapers
  • Multiple city council members in all areas of the county
  • Potential employees of the county
  • Common everyday citizens
  • Yours Truly: The Alternative Blogger

The list seems endless but one thing they all have in common is that the majority of these folks have an education, a job and responsibility for what they do and largely try their best to do so.

The cockroach must seem threatened by these kind of people and does his best to smear their reputations and influence others to see them as he does.... a threat. Why would anyone ever believe something that someone so obviously unbalanced would say? Entertainment? Who knows, but know this if he ever says anything negative about anyone and put any faith in what he prints it only feeds his illness and promotes conflict among the sane in this community. This is normally referred to as sociopathic behavior in the real world and the best way to confront it is to ignore his conduct and go about your day without acknowledgement. His obvious comments to himself and answer to keep the pot stirred is also a sign of someone in need of therapy. I truly feel sad for anyone that would pay any attention to this fool or let it impact any decisions that they make or how they may view anyone he attacks.

It is unclear to me how he comes to the conclusions about folks or what his selection process is of his next victim, maybe he has a dart board he uses when he is up late having a smoke and peeing off his back deck at night. Who knows. Maybe it is time for more people to get involved in changing this trend and the daily abuse that people have to endure. Maybe the citizens need to pick up the phone and call his advertisers again or perhaps call momma cockroach and ask that it stop for the sake of this community.

You never know what may happen unless you try and I would suggest you do try so you do not become a victim or addition to The List.

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