Wednesday, February 24, 2010
All Seems Clear
For a while he has been on his best behavior and hasn't announced he was pressing charges or asking for investigations or completely trashing some poor employee or local business person. I have been amazed at this change, will it be permanent or is this just a phase, one will only know after time has passed.
I still fail to see the purpose of the racist redneck page since it is still utilized by those that would complain about others, but only they can control themselves in a mature manner that properly represents the area. If the page did not exist there would not be a problem in my opinion but I will take any positive changes I can take when it comes to what we have been exposed to in the past.
I will be watching and will continue to provide my view on things if they get out of hand again and will always take the cockroach to task for any slander or negative comments directed toward honest citizens in the area. Maybe, just maybe this blog worked and caused the cockroach to get a good dose of his own medicine for a change and made him reconsider his actions... who knows but it is a welcome change in my book.
Any suggestions or tips may be sent as always to
Have a great daily moment everyday as we can all continue to hope the good behavior of the cockroach continues, but as of now all seems clear.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Yellow Snow
I also noticed the advertiser posted that there was a zoning meeting recently and councilman Mee Too was in attendance making sure that things were on the up and up, so he won't be left asleep at the wheel on zoning like momma cockroach has this year. Expansion of a warehouse area will mean more tax revenue for the county and that can't be a bad thing in this crappy economy especially when the commercial market is on the verge of collapse which will leave banks back where they were last year and tax bases stressed. Funny this isn't mentioned on the mudslinger, perhaps Mee Too has been officially banished from the triad of trepidation.
I did see that the cockroach mentioned on his racist redneck page some rodent club that he is having problems with and will identify the members of this gang of rodents at some point. Seems he is working on another paranoid conspiracy diversion for us all in this respect, but what else would you expect. He is running out of people to trash on the mudslinger since the chairman is stepping down, so why not invent people to keep the yellow journalism alive and well in the county.
Since this post is devoted to the color yellow I did have a laugh at the time lapse photos of the snow accumulation on the back deck of the cockroach. I think the one thing that was left out other than the hot grill was what was on the other side of the rail placed there during the arctic grilling experience.....
Yellow Snow..
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Here are some of my guesses:
- He had some sort of religious experience and has seen the light.
- He is getting heat from momma cockroach because her association with the mudslinger has ruined her re-election potential.
- He is getting heat from the re-probate drinking buddy about his re-election potential.
- Loss of revenue on his blog advertising.
- His doctor changed is bipolar cockroach medication.
- The new administrator gave him a good talking to.
- The spanking the chairman gave him finally sunk in.
- His smoking buddies stopped giving him information.
- The alternative blogger presence has caused him to do the right thing.
Pick any and you may be close to the truth why this dude has suddenly changed his tune after many years of slander toward folks in the community. But what I do find strange is his attitude is different since the new administrator landed in our locale. Whatever the reason it is welcome for a change and maybe we can finally move forward around here. But I would expect changes across the board regarding the racist comments as well as the slander toward business leaders, county employees and school board members as well. We will see if he has truly seen the light and will change in those areas as well, since those negative attitudes also cast a negative outside view on the community.
The buzz last year was about change but only time will tell if the cockroach is capable of turning the corner and reforming himself time will tell if he truly can change.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Bread and Milk
I find it so funny that he pounds the chairman for years and when the chairman decides not to return to office he praises him for all of his accomplishments which I find nauseating for him to now finally admit there were great things done under his tenure. Sadly he couldn't write those words before now, but then again it didn't fit into his plan.
He keeps hinting about some folks running for council in the next election but apparently hasn't dug up enough mud on them to post on the mudslinger. I suspect anyone that does advertise on his blog won't get my vote for sure and I would discourage any honest person that is running to put money in the local economy and go the "real" news route. I do hear that momma cockroach will be facing a worthy opponent and with her association with the mudslinger blogger and the fact she has done nothing since elected will get her back to her real job real soon and out of office. At least Mee Too has attempted to do something with his puppy police legislation and is trying to make a difference without sticking it to the taxpayers and an overstretched law enforcement. The cockroach's rep-probate drinking buddy will have some folks running against him as well, so get ready for lots of manure spreading on the mudslinger so he can come to the rescue.
One pattern I have noticed is how the cockroach loves to blog about the horrible things that do actually happen in the county with his detailed account of a child molestation and the recent murder trial. Both are tragic events in the county and the less detail the better in my opinion, not to mention that it may be construed as influencing a jury in this little town. But now everyone knows all the sick details and now the families of the victims and accused have to live with this and be subjected to the looks from others.
I almost forgot about a recent issue the cockroach has with the school district blocking the mudslinger and his threat of a lawsuit. Hmm, I wonder where that notion went or is the cockroach all talk and no action which truly seems to fit his life in general.
But I guess we have much larger things to consider right now which is a shortage of bread and milk.