Monday, November 9, 2009

hook em, book em or call em

I found it totally amazing that after a racist quote taken from the racist minds column last week was placed here it was immediately removed from the edgefield mudslinger and an apology was placed there instead. But, the cockroach still had to mention certain individuals in his apology not apologizing essentially. To top it off he places an offensive video with photos of county officials and business folks this morning and then removes it. Disgusting and tasteless.

He did admit he gets carried away, so obviously he is admitting he is out of control with his views and his racist attitude. So it would seem by his admission he should remove his racist minds section from the mudslinger, since he can't control himself and he can't control the others that place negative comments on there either. Of course we all know who the commenters are which are his co-conspirator council members, now with new thesaurus. Of course these two council members won't come out and publicly deny their association, which makes it true and will certainly end their political career. Perhaps the westside wonders should ask him to remove his racist minds section to show a sign that they are not as corrupt as he is and do not share his views or wish further negative impact on the county? Now that would be a positive step in my opinion. Again, If these council members do not wish to be labeled as being associated with the mudslinger and it's cockroach editor they need to publicly denounce their association with him and the mudslinger, otherwise they are all in this together. Pretty simple now isn't it.

Since the nacho money conspiracy didn't work out in his favor or to clean up the mess that council member mee too made, we must move on to other conspiracies.

Headlines of alleged threats made toward him made the front page today. If this is true I expect someone to be arrested TODAY, hook em' and book em' if this is so or just shut up. Maybe things are getting a little hot for the cockroach and people are really seeing this muckraker for what he is as well as his close association with certain council members. Perhaps he is in danger of losing some advertising on his mudslinger blog, which by the way, why would anyone advertise on a blog? The cockroach editor stated that a certain council member had safety concerns, but perhaps there are more concerns in the household that are not public. Is this why someone would move from one county to another because they are known for certain things. Is this why a tip was placed on this blog to check someone out at SLED? I gather this is why this current issue is before us all and nothing else.

It is apparent he has worn out his welcome at the Sheriffs department and SLED and is now wearing out his welcome at the city level. Soon everyone in law enforcement will be laughing at this turkey. Maybe the law enforcement folks need to tell him to take his racist minds page down since it is actually what creates these self contrived problems for him. Since he can't seem to do the right thing and take down his racist minds page and certain council members that he is closely associated with can't or won't insist he remove it perhaps these people can help in this process.

P.O.Box 1148
Columbia, SC 29202

give them a call, you can be anonymous too.

hook em, book em or call em


  1. I see the following on each post:
    Reactions: funny (0) interesting (0) cool (0)
    Can you please add:
    Reactions: pathetic (0) childish (0) sad (0)
    This way we'll have more choices and we won't be limited your one sided opinion.

  2. one sided, pathetic childish and sad? sounds like Wandering Minds to me

  3. We all need to stop the negitive opinions and start fresh. Rebuild the county. Whoever is in placement work in unity. If the head does not come together the body will never foam. For the racist in the area stop corrupting your young children to your foolish ways. They have enough to deal with let along tring to separate their heart for your racism. Let them live. BREAK THAT RACIST CURSE.You can't change what you were taught to believe, but you have the choice to not inflect the young with it.

  4. No offense, but who reads this blog at 12:38 am? I "wander". Sounds like the time someone loves to tell us is when he updates his racist blog.

  5. LOL I was thinking the same thing but maybe it was the only time he was here. no I think he is a regular since he makes changes to his blog after reading what is here. thank god someone can tell the truth around here.


  7. Thanks for the background change - much, much better!
